Too big to fail should not only not be applied to big business, but to
government as well. The very notion that something is too big to fail is
of course laughable. From the Titanic to the Lehman Brothers, examples
abound - bigger does not mean indestructible. Alan Greespan once said, "If
they are too big to fail, they are too big." Given the miniaturization
effort that prevails in many electronic devices, smaller can be better.
Some companies grow too quickly or grow beyond what is efficient and then
they implode. RIM, with it's Blackberry devices is one example. Just when
is too big, actually too big? The answer varies from industry to industry,
company to company. But what the free market does with a wicked efficiency
is take care of that problem. A company that develops irrational hubris,
or a disrespect for the marketplace, will soon be replaced by more
responsive customers.
At least that's what would happen minus market distortions, often imposed by government. Which brings me back to the government aspect of too big to fail. Governmental agencies, from the EPA to the IRS have developed that hubris, and have managed to insulate themselves from the consequences. They are too big to fail, but failure is what culls inefficiency. Government doesn't hold itself to accountability the way the market holds private industries accountable, so they have become not too big to fail, but rather too big to succeed.
At least that's what would happen minus market distortions, often imposed by government. Which brings me back to the government aspect of too big to fail. Governmental agencies, from the EPA to the IRS have developed that hubris, and have managed to insulate themselves from the consequences. They are too big to fail, but failure is what culls inefficiency. Government doesn't hold itself to accountability the way the market holds private industries accountable, so they have become not too big to fail, but rather too big to succeed.
Governments are not immune from such notions. History is full of
revolutions and civil wars that have come from the populace's distrust or
disgust with the ruling class. Even coups by militaries are enabled by an
under-served constituency, even when personal ambition plays a leading part.
Castro would not have become dictator for life had the people not supported
his notion that the government was not serving the people.
The American government has in many areas become too big to succeed. The
10th Amendment was a clever solution to "too big": dispersing rights to
states and people, diffuses the centralization of bureaucracy. But the
American government has shamefully outpaced many Constitutional constraints
on the federal government.
If the American government has become too big to succeed, or is nearing
that point, then there are only too possible ways to correct the situation:
(1) the government chooses to willfully restrain itself and rethink what
does. Scale back in other words. Or, (2) the problem will be solved by a
locus external to the government itself. Either from within America or
from without, it will fail.
Don't view that latter outcome as a threat, but rather as a prediction if
change does not come. The potential for that change is built into the
Constitutional voting cycle. It is not built into anything else - party
ideology, government bureaucracy or personal political ambitions.
Government and the media have so twisted the one thing they cannot control
(voter understanding and intent) that perhaps that recourse in no longer a
viable option. If that is the case, then the ruling political class has
only succeeded in delaying the inevitable. Too big to succeed is not
sustainable forever.
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