June 30, 2024
June 29, 2024
After the panic settles down
When they first announced that the first presidential debate would happen in June (JUNE!), I immediately wondered why the Let's Go Brandon campaign team, with their list of debate demands, wanted the first debate so early in the election cycle. This right after Let's Go Brandon himself was basically saying any time, any place. My mind immediately went to "there's a plan behind this". With the scheming Democrats, that's what you have to assume. It's not conspiracy thinking to ask the question "Why?"
The logical conclusion (and there were other possibilities, but less likely) was that they wanted time to be able to dislodge Let's Go Brandon as the nominee if he tanked in the debate. I think they probably knew he would - at least the insiders knew. And they needed to debate Trump because they are down in most swing state polls, consistently. They are playing catch up because the leftist policies are ruining the country, and more and more people know for themselves what the policies are doing, especially in contrast to how well things were going under president Trump.
But with Let's Go Brandon it's a roll of the dice for Democrats; you either get the stumbling and mumbling version or the hopped up on goofballs, cracked-out Biden. They got the former when they needed the latter. But the planning behind the timing was certainly deliberate. What Democrats got was a disaster that most every Republican voter was expecting to see, but that Democrat voters were in many cases, shocked to see after the mainstream media has been running defense for Let's Go Brandon since 2020.
So all that was before the immediate panic set in (to be honest for both Democrats and myself). Democrat elites and operatives are reaping what they have sewn. Did they honestly think they could make it through a second election cycle hiding Let's Go Brandon in a basement?
The immediate panic was along the lines of we have to get Let's Go Brandon to bow out of the race, and Kamala Harris too. We need to parachute in a winner. A bright, younger, shiny and slick snake oil salesman like Gavin Newsome who couldn't govern his way out of a paper bag but talks well. Someone like that can win the logic would go.
But after the panic settles down, there are some startling realities for Democrats to face. It's not so easy to just drop the top of the ticket this late in the game. As has been mentioned in a few places, he's on the ballot in some states at this point unless he dies. Wisconsin has been brought up as an example of that. If you hand Wisconsin to Trump, along with the other swing states that are probably unreachable for Democrats (Arizona and Georgia alone), Trump has won. You're a Democrat and you're going to do that? I don't think so.
Not to mention, can you imagine the chaos of a brokered convention, the nominee decided behind closed doors after a full slate of Democrat primaries where Biden was chosen? How many disaffected Democrat voters does that create - and not just for this cycle, but perhaps permanently. Danger to democracy is their current mantra, how does that scenario fit their narrative?
It's likely that Democrats are stuck with Let's Go Brandon. What that means in the bigger picture:
- They need a strong second debate on September 10th
- Gavin Newsome is probably positioning himself for 2028.
- Democrats may have to discourage early/mail-in voting
- After the realization sets in, an avalanche of mainstream media support for Brandon
Here's the problem; the second debate will most likely be a replay of the first debate. While the hopped up on goofballs Let's Go Brandon is more likely to be the one that shows up next time (he has to be), no matter what the stimulants they fill him up with, he doesn't seem capable of what he was capable of doing at the State of the Union a mere few months ago.
I'm not saying this race is over, dirty tricks from the Democrats are inevitable, cheating is inevitable, a miracle performance is possible too (however unlikely). We are seeing that with this half-thought out plan to have an early debate in case Let's Go Brandon failed miserably and they could replace him. What I'm saying is that Democrats have screwed themselves with their insatiable lust for power to the point it has become untenable. It's not about Trump Derangement Syndrome - they hated Bush, they hated Reagan, heck they even hated RINOs McCain and Romney when they ran for president. There is no Republican they will ever paint as human, let alone respectable in an election scenario. It's about retaining power and drifting the country evermore leftward through lies, deceit, manipulation and whatever else it takes. That is a house of cards that eventually HAS to collapse in on itself. I think we are seeing the beginning of that now.
June 28, 2024
The Democrat Insiders plan
I think a faltering Let's Go Brandon is exactly what insider Democrats wanted all along, and they wanted it this early. Barring a remarkable performance, they wanted him to fail. Voters on the right expected this. We knew he was an often incoherent, often rambling mess. We knew he was a train wreck. We expected a weak or else coked-out Let's Go Brandon. As far as I can tell, he did better than I expected. He didn't win, he was awful, but he did better than I thought he would.
Make no mistake, Let's Go Brandon was weak. But normally in that situation, Democrats rally around their candidate. In this case though, they immediately dumped him like they were sneaking out of a bad date during dinner.
It's like this was pre-planned to have this notion be the message: "[Let's Go Brandon] needs to step aside." They want another candidate. And they don't want it to be Kamala Harris. They are going to pressure him to leave.
Let's Go Brandon wasn't that bad last night
Look, here's the deal....
This morning after the debate that president Trump clearly won, Democrats are all freaking out about what a terrible debate performance Let's Go Brandon and saying he should step aside. As a conservative I am sure you are not surprised. We all knew he was like this.
In fact, as far as a Let's Go Brandon performance goes, this wasn't bad at all. I think the people who found it bad are the people who were either trying to keep Let's Go Brandon in hiding or covering it up, and those who, due to their news sources had not been exposed to what he's really like.
This was par for the course for Let's Go Brandon. The real story is what happens next on the Democrat side:
June 27, 2024
June 26, 2024
Brandon on goofballs and a new nominee?
Tim Pool discusses a proposed Let's Go Brandon's pre-debate drug test, and the possibility that he gets replaced before the November presidential election.
It's only a bombshell to insular lefties
The CIA colluded with Democrats during the 2020 presidential election campaign.
June 25, 2024
Meanwhile in Canada...Trudeau's sinking fortunes
The problem with the Libertarian right
June 24, 2024
Just one more sign Trudeau has made Canada suck
Justin Trudeau was never popular in Canada, he was just popular enough to win in a multi-party parliamentary system. It's gotten a lot worse for him thankfully, and he's going to be trounced by the conservative party in the next election without some dramatic black swan event to help him.
This latest example, is one of a myriad of reasons things are not going well in Canada, and while the video makes only cursory reference to the timing of the economic decline overlapping Justin Trudeau's rise to power, it is no mere coincidence. Poor policy decisions, both anticipated and then actually implemented by this Liberal government have precipitated Canada's slow demise.
Trump VP pick made & Debate Week
June 23, 2024
June 22, 2024
Merrick Garland's inherent contempt
Merrick Garland - This guy almost made the Supreme Court, he's clearly a threat to democracy and thankfully, his time in D.C. in an official capacity is almost up. His inherent contempt is coming up to a vote.
Merrick Garland is apparently calling House RINOs asking them to vote No on inherent contempt
— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) June 21, 2024
This scumbag is putting Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro in prison for not complying with subpoenas, but then he ignores subpoenas and calls Congress telling them not to hold him in… https://t.co/QWojJbqIq7
Tulsi Gabbard on Donald Trump
June 21, 2024
Trudeau's Pravda
I'm Canadian by geography, not by choice. That is especially true since Justin Trudeau became our prime minister.
June 20, 2024
If Vivek is saying it...
June 19, 2024
Vote early
Vote early (not vote often). The Democrats have developed this 'last word' approach to vote counting. What they have done is encouraged as much early voting as possible. Ostensibly the purpose was to get out the vote, but in reality if there are 200,000 ballots to be counted on election night, and they mysteriously all turn out to be Democrat votes, that's a cheat code. They can rig those late counted mail in votes.
If conservatives vote early too, and the counting is done with transparency, there is no cheat. In fact if they start counting early, with transparency, there's no waiting a week to hear the Arizona results for example. It's also easier to see if someone voted early and also showed up to vote on election day.
The RNC is actually working on these things, and more, and they want you to vote early.
June 18, 2024
Conspiracy fact
As I mentioned yesterday, I'm no conspiracy theorist. But this is no conspiracy theory, it's conspiracy fact: The Justice Department is one of many government departments that must be fixed.
June 17, 2024
I hope this is not true
I'm no conspiracy theorist, and I hope this is hyperbole, but it's very scary if this is true.
Trump IS the ground game
June 16, 2024
It might actually happen.
As Let's Go Brandon poll numbers continue to crumble, it's more and more plausible that Democrats dump Let's Go Brandon after the upcoming CNN debate. When even The Hill is pointing Let's Go Brandon mistakes and freeze ups, the Democrat playbook is being exposed - they are probably going to replace him. I don't like saying that because he is an albatross around the necks of the Democrats. He will help the chances of a red wave in November. A replacement candidate would be a wildcard. I don't think it helps the Democrats much and might even be worse. But you never know.
The Democrats cannot run this guy and win. I think they are starting to finally realize that. They can no longer lie their way into victory. They can probably continue to cheat, but when the scope of the cheating becomes too big, they have to roll the dice. I once thought they Democrats wouldn't do that, but now, I'm starting to think it's a more than 50% chance.
The irony is that if they had eased up on the lawfare cheating, and actually started giving a damn about the border, they might have continued to have a chance at a 2024 win. Not that I would have liked it, but those two changes could have really helped them.
June 15, 2024
Trump Veepstakes update
With respect to Trump's VP choice in 2016, do you think he chose Pence to shore up his support among evangelicals, or was it to have a non-exciting VP who wouldn't outshine him? Because if the former is true, Tim Scott might be a good bet. If he needs to shore up his support among women, there's only one choice on his apparent short list.
The other choices on the list are from safe Republican states and don't do much for Trump in the obvious Electoral College sense. But there is one other possibility; Trump might put together a Dream Team, to really make a difference. This is his last chance to create a legacy (which for him seems to be that he wants to be the guy who saves America). In that case a number of people on this list make some sense in certain ways - not just for VP, but for various administrative roles.
Trump has also mentioned that first and foremost it has to be someone who would be a good president in case it came to that.
Let's see what Fox has to say about it:
It's like watching two toddlers argue astrophysics
Not really, but this video is not as sophisticated as Doug In Exile would have you believe. Yes, there's some good things to note but it's not quite great. Watching a conversation between John Fetterman and Bill Maher is a different thing than it would have been even four years ago. Four years ago it would have been mind numbingly painful, but now it's tolerable. Don't be mistaken; neither man is about the to jump sides and become a Republican (and probably not even an independent) because the Democrat party has gone full-tilt, off-the-map crazy.
They are entrenched. Dave Rubin thinks Bill Maher will wake up and see the light one day, drop his Trump Derangement Syndrome and become a conservative. He truly believes Maher is on the edge of doing that. It's not gonna happen. Maher has some common sense but he still suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome. He still believes Democrats are the party of liberty. He doesn't believe the radical elements represent the majority of the party. They are a lunatic fringe in his mind. On Megyn Kelly he outright denied that Hillary Clinton has been an election denier since 2016 - despite the video evidence otherwise. If he hasn't come around by now, he won't. He's in too deep to realize he's buying garbage and being told it's gold.
A lot of people, including Doug In Exile in the video below, think Fetterman will leave the Democrats. It's not going to happen unless the Democrats end up kicking him out of the party. There's been a lot of talk about Fetterman turning more conservative since he had a stroke. There's several data points showing that to be true. But I don't think he's likely to "leave the plantation", he's more likely to stick it out and try to win from the inside of the democrat tent. The strategy is doomed to fail, but I'm not opposed to him trying. As is mentioned by Doug In Exile in the video below, the more infighting among Democrats, the better. Democrat disunity and division is definitely a winning formula for conservatives. The longer it goes on, the better.
June 14, 2024
The January 6th Committee coverup
The January 6th committee was designed to get Trump, just like the NY felony case, and the Georgia case, and the civil case, and... you get the point. In each of those cases the attitude has been "justice be damned, we want to get Trump so he can't win re-election".
But as we have known for years, Pelosi was culpable. Trump was not. The truth will come out eventually.
June 13, 2024
Was Karl Marx an atheist or something worse?
June 12, 2024
Terrorists flooding in
Open borders will eventually lead to tragedy. Glad they caught these guys, but they can't (and by choice, won't) check everyone, so they won't catch and stop every potential terrorist. Let's Go Brandon is letting ISIS into America. Insanity.
June 11, 2024
DEI down in flames?
The reason DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) is bad is simple. Diversity of skin color, or religion, or gender, or ethnicity, is not true diversity; diversity of thought is true diversity. Equity is an amorphous word; equality of opportunity but equity or equality of outcome, is communism. It's anti-progress. And Inclusion can mean anything you want it to mean, which is exactly why we have trans women competing in women's sports. DEI leads to bad outcomes.
I'm all for equality of opportunity, equality in education quality, but not equality of outcome. I want the best players on my baseball team, not the best players who tick certain ethnic/gender/color/religious boxes. I want the most qualified pilot flying my plane, not the most inclusive-centric pilot.
DEI will eventually collapse in on itself. Does this development mean it's happening? Not yet, but this helps.
June 10, 2024
How long until this goes off the rails?
June 9, 2024
Trump mistrial has to happen now
June 8, 2024
June 7, 2024
Where is this coming from?
Why on earth is Let's Go Brandon talking about this subject with this amount of specificity? At this point, I'd appreciate him going back to the incoherent mumbling.
Whether U.S. weapons are actually used to hit the Kremlin or not is a strategic matter. But does Putin need to know that the option is off the table? If it doesn't actually happen there is virtually no risk of nuclear war, but Putin knowing it won't happen gives him strategic insights to which he should not be privy.
It's like playing poker and showing your cards before the game is over. You don't volunteer this information willingly.
June 6, 2024
The list of flaws in the NY Trump felony conviction case
There's even more ridiculousness than what the Wall Street Journal lists below, but from a strictly legal standpoint, this is WAAAYYY more than enough to overturn this conviction:
...The state offense with which Mr. Trump was indicted, “falsifying business records,” requires proof of an “intent to defraud.” To elevate this misdemeanor to a felony, the statute requires proof of “intent to commit another crime.” In People v. Bloomfield (2006), the state’s highest court observed that “intent to commit another crime” is an indispensable element of the felony offense.
New York courts have concluded that the accused need not be convicted of the other crime since an “intent to commit” it is sufficient to satisfy the statute. But because that intent is, in the words of Winship, “a fact necessary to constitute the crime,” it is an element of felony falsification. Due process requires that the defendant receive timely notice of the other crime he allegedly intended to commit. It also requires that he have opportunity to defend against that accusation and that prosecutors prove beyond a reasonable doubt his intent to commit it.
Mr. Trump’s indictment didn’t specify the other crime he allegedly intended to commit. Prosecutors didn’t do so during the trial either. Only after the evidentiary phase of the trial did Judge Juan Merchan reveal that the other crime was Section 17-152 of New York’s election law, which makes it a misdemeanor to engage in a conspiracy “to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means.”
To recap, the prosecution involved (1) a misdemeanor elevated to a felony based on an “intent to commit another crime,” (2) an indictment and trial that failed to specify, or present evidence establishing, another crime the defendant intended to commit, and (3) a jury instruction that the other crime was one that necessitated further proof of “unlawful means.” It’s a Russian-nesting-doll theory of criminality: The charged crime hinged on the intent to commit another, unspecified crime, which in turn hinged on the actual commission of yet another unspecified offense.
To make matters worse, Judge Merchan instructed the jury: “Although you must conclude unanimously that the defendant conspired to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means, you need not be unanimous as to what those unlawful means were.”
Due process demands that felony verdicts be unanimous...
There's no doubt this will be overturned on appeal but the Democrats, the courts don't care - they just want to stop Trump from winning the presidency, and this gives them their sound bites and political ad fodder. Ironically, it looks like it is going to work in Trump's favor, to the detriment of Let's Go Brandon or whomever else the Democrats will try to foist upon America in his place.
The list (in part) of Democrat/Deep State abuses
Hugh Hewitt has enumerated the gross political shenanigans the elite, the media, the deep state and Democrats have continued to perpetrate in discussing why the American public have had enough. There is a lot of rot in the system and this is merely part of the fraction that we know about. How deep this goes is anyone's guess.
50 reasons why people may have reached a new level of disgust late Thursday afternoon through Sunday morning and contributed to the various campaign websites. Each of these "straws" brings consciously to mind a discrete abuse of power since Trump came down the escalator in 2015, and the eruption of the contributions volcano is evidence that the outrage is real and widespread:
1. Hillary’s private server, the rules it violated and the threat to national security it posed, and no prosecution for it.
2. Hillary’s lawyers’ deletion of half of her emails and no prosecution for that.
3. Hillary’s use of Bleach Bit and hammers and again no prosecution.
4. Former FBI Director James Comey’s "nothing to see here" conclusion on the Clinton emails on REP. Anthony Weiner’s laptop.
5. The Steele Dossier.
6. Marc Elias and his then law firm Perkins Coie and their roles in the 2016 campaign, which included retaining Fusion GPS, a Washington firm, to "conduct the research" and create the Steele dossier.
7. The leak of the Steele dossier to Mother Jones and other media outlets
8. The meeting (ambush?) of President-elect Trump by then-CIA Director Brennan, then-FBI Director Comey and then-DNI Director Clapper at Trump Tower in January 2017, at the conclusion of which Comey briefed the president-elect on the most salacious parts of the dossier. (The news that Comey had done so almost immediately leaked.)
9. The recusal by Attorney General Jeff Sessions from any matter involving the Trump 2016 campaign.
10. Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein naming Robert S. Mueller III to serve as Special Counsel to oversee the investigation of Russian government efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election and related matters.
11. The team of hyper-partisan prosecutors assembled by Mueller
12. The revelations from the Peter Strzok-Lisa Page messages about the corruption atop the FBI
13. The 22 months Mueller and his attack pack took to find…nothing.
14. The two thick volumes of "Mueller report" intended to cover the dry holes Team Mueller had drilled.
15. The refusal by Team Mueller to send to then-Attorney General William Barr a version of the report that Barr requested, a version redacted of classified information so that it could immediately be published, which the Mueller team did not do.
16. The smear of Barr that he was hiding the report and then the smear of Barr that his conclusion that there was no obstruction was somehow flawed.
17. The leak of the Trump phone call with Ukraine President Zelensky.
18. The manufacture of Impeachment One based on that call.
19. The lies of Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., throughout the Mueller investigation and then throughout the impeachment.
20. The changes in voting rules because of COVID.
21. The "Zuckerbucks" and "Zuckerboxes."
22. The Commission on Presidential Debates 2020 selection of moderators and its unilateral decision to cancel one of the debates.
23. The Hunter Biden laptop and the censoring of most stories about it when the New York Post got the scoop.
24. The letter from "51 former senior intelligence officials" concluding that the emails on Biden’s laptop "has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation."
25. The lawlessness of the summer of 2020 following the murder of George Floyd (and the refusal to call out that protestors were violating COVID guidelines even as churches, beaches and playgrounds were closed.)
26. The second impeachment after the 1/6 riot at the Capitol, an effort undertaken even as the transition to President Biden in two weeks would obviously prevent a timely proceeding with even minimal attention to the process due any official much less the outgoing president.
27. The set-up by the FBI of the meeting with Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (USA, ret.) and his subsequent prosecution.
28. The conduct not just of Comey, Page and Strzok but also of the Bureau’s Andrew McCabe and James Baker.
29. The manipulation of the membership of House Select Committee on 1/6 by then-Speaker Pelosi who vetoed future Indiana Senator Jim Banks from becoming the ranking minority member and proceeded to name two anti-Trump Republicans to the show trial "committee." The entire charade reflected this original breach of trust with voters, rigging the proceedings to run as they did.
30. The FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago.
31. The appointment of Jack Smith as Special Counsel (despite the Supreme Court having tossed his prosecution and conviction of former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell).
32. The appointment of a different Special Counsel, Robert Hur, to President Biden’s classified documents case and the obviously different standard for prosecution applied to Biden than was applied to Trump.
33. The conduct of and civil case against Trump brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James.
34. The conduct of New York judge Arthur Engoron during that civil proceeding, and his outrageous setting of the bond.
35. The E. Jean Carroll proceedings and verdicts.
36. Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg campaigning for office on the promise of getting Trump.
37. Bragg filing an indictment against Trump resurrecting time-barred misdemeanors but without specifying in the indictment the "second crime" that turned those time-barred misdemeanors into felonies ripe for prosecution.
38. Trial court judge Juan Merchan’s symbolic contributions to the 2020 Joe Biden campaign and two hard left causes —in contravention of black letter New York law governing judicial conduct— and Merchan’s refusal to recuse himself from the Trump trial.
39. Merchan’s anti-Trump rulings on many, many issues ranging from admitting plea bargains with Michael Cohen and David Pecker that the defense objected to, to refusing to allow former Federal Elections Commission Chair Professor Brad Smith testify to the extent of his knowledge, rulings which telegraphed the judge’s push for a conviction.
40. The blistering by Merchan of defense witness Robert Costello and the judge’s interference with Costello’s testimony.
41. The failure of the judge to clearly instruct on the state of mind "the second crime" would require.
42. The jury not declaring what the "second crime" was on the verdict paper.
43. The conduct of Judge Tanya Chutkan in attempting to rush a trial in federal district court in D.C.
44. The gag order on Trump issued by trial judge Engoron in the case brought by James.
45. The gag order on Trump issued by trial Judge Chutkin in the case brought by Smith in D.C.
46. The gag order on Trump issued by Merchan.
47. The four-days-a-week of trial in the spring of the election year, a schedule requiring Trump to be in a Manhattan court room for six weeks, thus interfering with the presidential campaign
48. The conduct of both Fulton County, Georgia District Attorney Fanni Willis and her lover and co-counsel Nathan Wade.
49. The refusal of all of these prosecutors and judges to wait on the Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity from criminal proceedings based on acts taken while president.
50. Arizona’s Democratic State Attorney General Kris Mayes’ and her grand jury’s indictment of 18 people in an election interference case filed in late April.
There is much more, such as the Colorado and Maine efforts to toss Trump off the ballot...
Share this list with your liberal or independent friends, ask them if they were aware of any of these. The only way to stop it is to get more people to vote against it. The only way to do that, is to make people aware; not enough people know this stuff. This is how you can help put a stop to it - show them what is going on.
Joe Rogan believes it's banana Republic time in America
It's really hard to say he's wrong because he's not. Speaking about the bogus conviction of Trump and the Democrats' lawfare as a political tool, Joe Rogan was not impressed with their antics.
Via RCP:
"What's scary is how many Democrats are willing to allow this kind of stuff to happen. A lot of them are aware of it," Rogan said. "Especially if you wanted to look at past presidents with the same scrutiny... Imagine if, when Obama got into office, he decided to prosecute Dick Cheney and George Bush for crimes against humanity... Even what Obama did -- during the administration, they dropped a drone on a US citizen. No trial, no nothing. Boom."
"Trump didn't even go for Obama. He didn't go for Hillary. He could have tried them for things. Especially Hillary with the whole email thing, the deleting the emails."
"They're all crazy. That's what they don't want you to know. It's like sluts that are always talking bad about other girls for being sluts," he quipped.
..."If you change the way people are allowed to go after political candidates, and you change the way you're allowed to silence and imprison your candidates, then we're like Mexico. We're just not assassinating people yet. We're like a third-world country. We're like a banana republic," Rogan said.
June 5, 2024
Trump has raised $300 million in 4 days
The Trump Campaign and its Super PACS raised nearly $300 million in May from small donors and billionaires, and it's just going to grow from there.
— Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) June 4, 2024
Suck on that Merchan.
$300 million in 4 days? I hope that's real and not just hype.
Let's Go Brandon is gaslighting you
June 4, 2024
The 'elite' are more out of touch than you think
June 3, 2024
Democrats know the Trump verdict is a farce, this is what they are after
What the Democrats want, is an opportunity to stack the polls as a result of the faux Trump verdict. Take a look at the few polls that have come out since the trial verdict:
We've had a steady Trump lead in national polls for a while now but since the verdict, Two versions of ties and from Reuters, and Morning Consult, polls with Biden leads. Yes, Forbes has two versions of a poll with Trump still leading, but they are probably planning to flood the zone with faux polls between now and election day, so they can claim that when they stuff ballot boxes, Biden did 'really' win.
Department of Defense might have PTSD after this
The DoD posted this for PTSD awareness month, they may end up with PTSD after their stupid mistake (more below).
The internet is FOREVER. pic.twitter.com/ZNGU8dMEpk
— Sandy 〽️ (@RightGlockMom) June 1, 2024