Below is a list of state poll closing times, along with a running tally of of cumulative electoral college votes by candidate. Some of the swing states could be wrong obviously as it's merely my best guess for each state, and not all states are equally certain to turn out as expected.
By my latest estimation Trump wins this 273-265. Obviously the path becomes easier or more difficult for Trump to win, by early swing state flips.
State (Electoral college votes) Predicted Winner -- Running EC Vote tally (Trump/Clinton)
I'll add the actual results in [winner name] as the results get reported.
Closed at 7 p.m. EST
Georgia (16), Trump -- (16/0) [Trump]
Indiana* (11), Trump -- (27/0) [Trump]
Kentucky* (8), Trump -- (35/0) [Trump]
South Carolina (9), Trump -- (44/0) [Trump]
Vermont (3), Clinton -- (44/3) [Clinton]
Virginia (13), Clinton -- (44/16) [Clinton]
Closed at 7:30 p.m. EST
North Carolina (15), Trump (reported very late) -- (59/16) [Trump]
Ohio (18), Trump -- (77/16) [Trump]
West Virginia (5), Trump -- (82/16) [Trump]
Closed at 8 p.m. EST
Alabama (9), Trump -- (91/16) [Trump]
Connecticut (7), Clinton -- (91/23) [Clinton]
Delaware (3), Clinton -- (91/26) [Clinton]
Florida* (29), Trump (reported very late) -- (120/26) [Trump]
Illinois (20), Clinton -- (120/46) [Clinton]
Maine (4), Clinton 3, Trump 1 -- (121/49) [Clinton 3/3. Maine CD2 still TBD]
Maryland (10), Clinton -- (121/59) [Clinton]
Massachusetts (11), Clinton -- (121/70) [Clinton]
Mississippi (6), Trump -- (127/70) [Trump]
Missouri (10), Trump -- (137/70) [Trump]
New Hampshire** (4), Trump -- (141/70)
New Jersey (14), Clinton -- (141/84) [Clinton]
Oklahoma (7), Trump (148/84) [Trump]
Pennsylvania (20), Clinton -- (148/104)
Rhode Island (4), Clinton -- (148/108) [Clinton]
Tennessee (11), Trump -- (159/108) [Trump]
Washington, DC (3), Clinton -- (159/111) [Clinton]
Closed at 8:30 p.m. EST
Arkansas (6), Trump -- (165/111) [Trump]
Closed at 9 p.m. EST
Arizona (11), Trump -- (176/111)
Colorado (9), Trump -- (185/111) [Clinton]
Kansas* (6), Trump -- (191/111) [Trump]
Louisiana (8), Trump -- (199/111) [Trump]
Michigan* (16), Clinton -- (199/127)
Minnesota (10), Clinton -- (199/137)
Nebraska (5), Trump -- (204/137) [Trump]
New Mexico (5), Clinton -- (204/142) [Clinton]
New York (29), Clinton -- (204/171) [Clinton]
North Dakota** (3), Trump -- (207/171) [Trump]
South Dakota* (3), Trump -- (210/171) [Trump]
Texas* (38), Trump -- (248/171) [Trump]
Wisconsin (10), Clinton -- (248/181) [Trump]
Wyoming (3), Trump -- (251/181) [Trump]
Closed at 10 p.m. EST
Iowa (6), Trump -- (257/181) [Trump]
Montana (3), Trump -- (260/181) [Trump]
Nevada (6), Clinton -- (260/186) [Clinton]
Utah (6), Trump -- (266/186) [Trump]
Closed at 11 p.m. EST
California (55), Clinton -- (266/242) [Clinton]
Hawaii (4), Clinton -- (266/246) [Clinton]
Idaho* (4), Trump -- (270/246) [Trump]
Oregon* (7), Clinton -- (270/253) [Clinton]
Washington (12), Clinton -- (270/265) [Clinton]
Closing at 1 a.m. EST
Alaska (3), Trump -- (273/265)
*Varies by time zone. Some polling places will close an hour earlier.
**Multiple closing times.