November 30, 2020

FBI investigating election fraud & how to red pill someone

In the middle of this video, Tim Pool offers some great advice to conservatives, "open the door".  You can refer a liberal to a video like his or a story about voter fraud, where the source identifies the issue in a reasonable manner.  Let them walk through the door.

In any case, the evidence is there.  Let them Red Pill themselves.

If you're not sure you are going to win, you still fight

It's hard to understand Republicans and conservative pundits who think it's pointless to fight the election fraud and believe we should just succumb to the socialist tide.  If now is not the time to fight back against the cheating, there's no point in ever fighting back. Give in and get what you deserve surrender-publicans.  There's fight left in us and there's reason why the fight is not lost:

No one is ever sure they are going to win, unless they are fools (Hillary).  The New York Yankees in their most dominant years, never KNEW they were going to win.  They believed they did, but they had to go out and play the game to prove it.

This is the tenth inning for the 2020 election.  You don't forfeit now.  You play out the game.  You surrender only if you never wanted to play in the first place. Yes Trump's chances now put him as the underdog, but underdogs do win.

The real concern here is the clock.  Do these legal challenges get anywhere in time?  That's the real challenge for the president.

November 29, 2020

November 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving

 I wish all of my American readers a Happy Thanksgiving.

November 25, 2020

Wayne County election results are dubious at best

Michigan election management is crap. That's a harsh word, but this is a real, big problem.  How does this not just toss out the entire county's votes?  How does this possibly get certified instead?  This makes zero sense.

November 24, 2020

One America News suspended from YouTube Partner Program

 One America News  (OAN) as an alternative to Fox News The death throws of free speech continue. And you continue to let this happen by doing nothing.

Bizarro World redux. Is this 2001?

 This is just weird:

Bizarro world - MSM defends Fox.

I'm drained these days, and will return to contributing to the discussion more intensely in the coming weeks.  In the meantime, Bizarro world indeed. 

November 21, 2020

Saturday Learning Series - The Psychological Significance of the Biblical stories (pt 2)

 Jordan Peterson talks about the importance of the Bible stories in this 17 part series.

Warning:  this is an intense intellectual lecture that requires your time and attention.  It's worth it though.

November 20, 2020

Keep Hope Alive, 2020 edition

 It's possible that Trump won in a blowout.  We're going to need to see the proof, very soon.

November 18, 2020

This is informative regarding the state of the election

 Via OAN (one of my replacements for Fox News and Fox Business):

Just a thought on election fraud in Pennsylvania

Remember that time in 2020 when they stopped the electoral vote count in Pennsylvania for the evening, only to resume in the morning?  Do you think it might have been because they underestimated how many votes they would have to manufacture to get Biden ahead of Trump and they needed time to find more ballots?  Remember at that point Trump was still ahead by about 400,000 votes.

Maybe they ran out of fake ballots for Biden.  Just spit-balling ideas.

The scary election outcome scenario

What if president Trump proves that there were too many illegal activities in Pennsylvania and Michigan?  And what if they cannot determine the level of malfeasance perpetrated by the Democrats? And what if as a result the states' electoral college votes end up discounted as a result?  In other words, they do not get to have their votes counted for president?

Whether president Trump is able to make the same case for Georgia, Wisconsin and Arizona or not doesn't matter because as those two case come down, perhaps Democrats would want to make the case themselves in those other states.  All the states that were going for Trump but mysteriously turned away from his lead in the last moments.  All of those states and not Nevada.  Why would the Democrats do that after those first two court cases set a precedent for what to do in a state that has been cheated but cannot be easily corrected? Because if the states do not count towards the electoral college then this is the result:

Biden still wins 233-232.  Wow.  This is the only way that scenario can be averted - the same discounting would have be applied to Nevada.  Of course discounting the electoral college votes of the states is very disenfranchising and likely is not an option.  But the Democrats have been smart enough to ensure that votes cannot be separated by validity (i.e. votes that came in late or had no post mark, or arrived in a truck in the dead of night).  The same notion of disenfranchising voters is true if it is applied to individual counties rather than the entire state. As a result what other options exist besides "all or none" for those states? You can't exclude some counties in a state and not others.  You have to exclude the whole state. But excluding them opens a real can of worms.
What happens to the down ballot results in those states? Are they also nullified and would require special elections to resolve?

No matter who wins in this scenario the other side will consider the winner an invalid winner.  Democrats always do and Republicans this time, for the most part think that if Biden wins, it will be because of the cheating.

A multi-state revote is implausible.

That's just for starters.  The situation could become an inextricable mess. That's why it's a worst case scenario.

November 17, 2020

Dearth of real news, dearth of posts

 I have to admit I've been focused on the presidential election since August.  But I have not said much since election night.  A lot of podcasts, many alternative news outlets and and many blogs have pointed out that the election results have not been certified, and there is no president-elect.

Conversely the mainstream media (including former stalwart of reasonableness Fox News) have declared the election over.  They've declared Biden the winner. Incorrectly to this point.  There is no winner officially declared.

But I have said little.  That's because there is not much that matters until these court cases in the swing states get resolved.  I'm sure there was a lot of cheating going on - ballot harvesting, voter coaching, secret tallying in the middle of the night to name a few instances. But I have only re-shared the works of others.  The reason is the outcome of the lawsuits is the next thing that matters. The decisions that come out of those will dictate whether the president has a chance to overturn some of the suspect results.  They will also likely indicate the plausibility of states' results changing.

The courts are what matters. So for now, I'm waiting, because anything I say now, much like CNN, does not matter to the outcome.

November 16, 2020

Why is this not front page news everywhere?

Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every city except for 4 in key swing states.  Yet he got 13 million more votes than she did in 2016? That's a remarkable and implausible coincidence and the math just doesn't make sense.

November 15, 2020

Best idea ever

 Trump family - please buy CNN.

Sunday verse


November 13, 2020

Another Trump win - a COVID-19 vaccine

You missed it in your zeal to vote for unqualified Joe Biden America.  President Trump sped up the process and it produced a vaccine for COVID-19.  But too many of you, living and dead, voted for the other guy.


Subversive government officials should be tried for treason

 I was out of commission today due to some day-patient surgery. I came back to this:


That's treason. America should be ashamed of itself for allowing this to happen.

November 12, 2020

Voter fraud was real

 Tucker Carlson points out the truth:

The other networks don't care if they are lying - they have done it for years and this is no different.

This is what you voted, or rather cheated, to have happen Dems

A nationwide lockdown due to COVID, which will destroy the economy.  Join the call for the legal challenges to save your country from destruction.

The myopic worldview of Democrats is so sad, it's become funny.

For the record, Joe Biden has not yet won the election. And I do not share Tim Pool's pessimism on the election chances of a Trump re-election. It's not a slam-dunk but it's not a longshot either. But if the truth gets out about what's going on, minds will be changed. 

November 9, 2020

Twitter fails free speech in Canada

Truth does not die in the dark, it's murdered. I'm in Canada and I went on Twitter for the first time in probably two years because it is a cesspool. I noticed the #DefundCBC was trending.  CBC, for my American readers is PBS on steroids - a primarily government funded media network that is larger than the private networks in the country.  It's notoriously pro-Leftist.

So I decided to search the hashtag to see what it was about.  I don't follow Canadian politics closely day-to-day because it's pretty much irrelevant thanks to a century of predominantly liberal governments that have made us that way. In any case, EVERY SINGLE TWEET that showed up from my search was an ad hominem attack from people calling those who would like to defund the CBC  various names.  Imperialists, conservative goons, unenlightened.  You get the picture.

But I didn't.  There was not a single tweet I could find from someone who wanted to defund the CBC or an explanation of what the trending hashtag was all about.

Thanks Twitter. You've failed free speech once again, and I'm confident it was deliberate.

Joe Biden got fewer votes than Hillary or Obama in every state except MI, PA, GA, WI

The very states that the election is turning on see a Biden surge?  One of which he explicitly stated he wanted to take away their energy industry. That's some amazing coincidence, isn't it?  

This video sort of buries that lead, but it's still a good watch.  What is striking is how little credence has been given to the concerns about transparency by the Left.  It's purposeful, it's hypocritical and it's anti-democratic.

The era of #MistakeJoe is not yet upon us

If all the votes that have been counted were legitimate, then President Trump increased his vote tally by at least 8 million votes over 2016.  It represents an increase of 12.8% support.  That's probably in part due to a population increase, but also due to an impressive growth of support.

Joe Biden improved over Hillary Clinton by 9.7 million votes, again with the caveats of population growth and legitimate votes being counted, that appears to mean that he is 14.7% more popular now than Hillary Clinton was in November 2016.  Okay, I'll buy that he's more popular than she was, mostly because the media did their best to hide all his flaws. But 14.7% more popular?  His campaign was a masquerade of a campaign so that he could claim a victory.  What did he do to invite such a high level of support besides not be Trump?  Nothing. He lied, he flip-flopped, he insulted voters - TO THEIR FACES.

You can be easily forgiven for thinking that maybe, just maybe, it was cheating that put him over the top.

Even if he loses his legal challenges, and Mistake Joe becomes president, Trump will still end up being the most consequential president as a force for good since Ronald Reagan.  Both men accomplished achievements far beyond their tenure, perhaps Trump even more so, domestically. Sadly, should he lose, I don't believe we'll see Trump run in 2024. He'll be older, and less energized to go through the hell he had to put up with to achieve what he did.  Maybe one of his children can take up the America-first mantle.

This is not to say that president Trump should concede, or that I have given up up. It's in the president's character to fight.  It's what made him a success.  He should continue to do so. because there is a chance this gets resolved in his favor. But if he loses, America, you  have squandered a golden opportunity and those do not come around with every president.

Consider historic lows in unemployment, a lightning speed recovery to COVID-19, tax relief for regular Americans, a COVID-19 vaccine with 90% efficacy (just as president Trump promised), historic peace deals in the Middle East, China being faced down rather than beholden to by a president, immigration being properly addressed, a better judiciary to name a few top achievements. The president appears to have been a blessing from God, and Americans who voted for #MistakeJoe will come to regret their decision. If #MistakeJoe wins, I'd say America you are about to get what you deserve, but I won't because there are many people who won't deserve it and they are probably the ones who will suffer the most.

Arizona should not have been called

Fox was not stupid, they were complicit. That's obviously an opinion, but I think it's based on actual events as they occurred. That's a discussion for another day. But let's take a look at why Arizona may still end up in Trump's column.

Trump was right, a cure was just around the corner

COVID-19 is toast. And it gets announced just after the election, by an industry not happy that the president was trying to bring down drug costs.

Of course, Pzifer announced less than a week after the election that its COVID-19 vaccine is 90% effective in the latest study.
Pfizer also said it would ask to put the vaccine on the market “if pending data indicate the vaccine is safe.”
You all knew this would happen.
Pfizer claimed the vaccine “demonstrated evidence of efficacy against COVID-19” on Sunday, November 8, 2020.
So the company only found out the evidence yesterday? Weird.

It's not really weird, it's obvious. 

What if you have witnessed voting fraud?

 12 seconds of important information.

November 8, 2020

November 7, 2020

Biden uh, wins? Maybe not.

Many of the media outlets have called it for Biden.  Tim Pool comments, and I hope he's right.  I've been telling my friends that what happens in the courts will ultimately decide this election.  But I'm finding myself suffering from Democrat-cheating-fatigue.  I hope that's a temporary feeling.  The Democrats have clearly cheated.  I'm not sure if they did it enough to win it.  Or more accurately, that there is enough proof to prove it.  But I don't care if he has to win it through the courts, if he is able to win it.  I don't care if Democrats have hissy fits after that.  I don't know if this will succeed, but at least the president is trying to not roll over and play dead, like Democrats expect of Republicans.

November 6, 2020

Tim Pool nails it

 This is becoming a nightmare.  Please read this.

Hey Georgia, when you run out of ballots, start counting napkins

...and empty cereal boxes.  Oh, and change your state motto to "Cheat To Win".  I thought Georgia was a state where people gave a crap. Turns out it only takes enough of them to crap on democracy to wipe out a country.  Good for you.

Pennsylvania you're not exempt either.  Bill Burr was 100% as right about Philadelphia.

Michigan, well we didn't really expect anything out of you anyway. You never fail to disappoint until you do it so much it becomes the expectation.

Wisconsin, now that's a real disappointment.  I'm not gonna lie, I had hopes for you.

Arizona makes no sense anymore and Nevada, I hope Las Vegas gets swallowed up by the desert.  Been there once, recently in fact, had a great time.  Guess what - never going back again. Enjoy the Raiders until they move back to Oakland and you are left with a giant empty stadium.

Okay, that felt good.  Back to normal.

Bill Whittle nails it

I just posted this and it's a plea to Americans to stand up to the fraud.  Less than 10 minutes later, I watched this Bill Whittle video.  Watch this video and in particular the Bill Whittle segment. He's right.

Even if Trump wins in court and is unable to do anything for four years, that is better than a Biden illegitimate victory with him being completely stalled out by a Republican senate.  That's because of the fraud that would grant him that victory.

America, this is your Agent Smith moment

 "What good is a phone call if you are unable to speak?"

Inch by inch they are taking away the truth.  Inch by inch they are papering over what they are doing. Quite literally in fact, and of course they are papering over the papering over too.  What they are really papering over is any voice of dissent, even if that voice might actually be in the majority.  It doesn't matter. You have no voice. I have no voice. They are taking it away from us. 

Shut up and take it.

Or... Or... Or push back.  This is no longer about just your life as it is, it's about the future.  They are making the illegitimate look legitimate and blaming you for questioning it. America is the one place left on earth where dissent, real dissent is still possible.  Many places will argue they still have free speech.  I live in Canada for example, and technically we do have free speech.  But really, if you don't agree with the liberal mob-media-government octopus, you'll be shamed. Banned. Banished.

Do you see that in America? Or are you so numbed to it that you are starting not to notice. You still have free speech until you do not use it. Some people can show themselves with a severed head of the president,  a second time, and feel empowered doing so.  You however, cannot question the strange things that appear to be happening and wonder aloud if perhaps there's cheating. You cannot question fraud that is happening right in front of you.

Why?  Because you choose not to stand up to it.  You say you do.  But your vote, especially just your federal vote is no longer enough.  You cannot count on others to fight for your liberty as if this were World War II. Calling a radio station to air your grievances is no longer enough. This is the hill you have to stand on and fight.  There is no next hill.  You've been pushed so far back there is no fallback position anymore.

That's easy for me to say as a Canadian who lives in a country with even more progressivism, socialism and modern liberalism than you have, and not do anything here.  I get the duplicitous  nature of my call to defend the truth and liberty.  It's easy to do from afar. I've blogged about American politics and conservatism since 2008 now.  If I could be there fighting alongside you to ensure electoral integrity, judicial restraint, fiscal conservatism, traditional American values and other things uniquely American I would.  You have a special place in the world you perhaps do not fully appreciate, or maybe take for granted.

Do not waste what you have been given. I believe I would give up an arm or a leg to be an American. Not happily, but I would do it.  That's what your country is worth.  

Or at least it was worth it.  Now I am not so sure.  Because even though nearly 70 million people voted for a rollback on the cesspool (it's worse than a swamp) that the halls of power in America have become, it appears even more voted to turn away from it, to turn away from reason, to turn away from a return to American greatness (led by an admittedly coarse man, but one with good intentions nevertheless). American's sheen has begun to fade. The shining city on a  hill is turning grimy and dark. It's as if Sauron himself had laid claim to Gondor.  The darkness is growing and spreading; but slowly, so that you are not meant to notice.

You can let it, or you can get off your ass and do something about it.  March, protest, become that which you loath because it would seem that the time has come that you can only fight fire with fire.  Match rhetoric with rhetoric, protest with counter-protest, cheating with verifiable and actionable proof of cheating.  There are too many stories of changed votes to ignore.  Check your own.  Validate your county's voter roll and compare it to the number of ballots cast. Or better yet, check on Detroit, Philadelphia and Atlanta. Divide up the work.

And should you lose the battle, do not yield the hill you stand upon. Educate yourself on how to educate your neighbors and then go do it.  Organize them and lead them into political conflict.  It is not glorious.  It is not pretty work. But it needs to be done for a noble purpose, and it is a nobler purpose than your lowered taxes.  It is about the foundational concepts that make America unique and necessary.  If this light goes out, there is not only a nation and future generations who will reflect on you with disgust, it's an entire world where the light of hope gets extinguished. You fail not only yourself or your president, you fail humanity.

November 4, 2020

Errors and oddities

 Arizona errors, Michigan oddities...

Libertarians shoot themselves in the foot

I know I just said it's not time to Wednesday morning quarterback in my previous post, but here's an FYI. If Jo Jorgensen had not run in Nevada, and most of her 11,000+ votes so far ended up going to president Trump, he would be winning that state. If you are a Nevada libertarian, you may have handed your antithesis candidate - the socialist-leaning corruptocrat Biden, the presidency.  So enjoy that knowledge.

It's not time to Wednesday morning quarterback

I'm shocked this morning. I'm not shocked not by the results (I was sort of expecting a tight Trump win) but by the weird shenanigans that happened last night and are probably continuing to occur this morning. Philadelphia Pennsylvania and Georgia stopped counting last night as one example. But here are some quick observations:

(1) With a roughly 700,000 vote lead in Pennsylvania and about 1.4 million votes outstanding, I cannot see any path for Biden to win. In order to make up that gap he would need to win 1 million and 50,000 of those votes to Trumps 350,000. That's a 75% ratio.

(2) Fox called Arizona very prematurely.  No one else has called the state.  Most of the outstanding votes are from election day voting, which clearly favors Trump.

(3) North Carolina with 95% of votes reported is not called for Trump. He has a 77,000 vote lead. It will likely shrink but Trump should still win. If Fox was willing to call Arizona already, why not?

(4) Trump is leading still in Michigan, narrowly and trailing in Wisconsin, narrowly. Also, surprisingly, he's trailing Nevada only narrowly.

(5) Trump is leading Georgia 104,000 with 92% of the vote called.

(6) Alaska is not called.  If Trump wins it, and it does not help in the overall victory strategy.

The path to victory for Trump is to win North Carolina, Michigan and Pennsylvania and also one of those razor thin states of Nevada, Wisconsin or Michigan.  The latter seems the most promising so far.  I would expect, no matter what happens a lot of legal challenges from the side not declared the winner.

November 3, 2020

Essay: Classical liberalism's renaissance is underway

I am going to posit something that I think could be happening, on a larger scale than this just election and it will be far more plausibly true if president Trump is re-elected. 

When Trump was a candidate in 2016, a lot of conservatives did not trust that he was a true conservative.  He had donated to Democrats in the past.  There was reason to be suspicious.  Things have changed since his election. He's not who many worried about.  But so too did things change prior to his election. Many things started to change during the Obama administration; not due to him but he was the impetus for them. The Tea Party and the values it espouses were a direct result of the Obama march towards socialism. Freedom, individual liberty were rightly understood in terms of their importance. Later, Donald Trump became the right man at the right time to both embody and capitalize on an amalgamation of beliefs.

Consider that conservatism used to be staunchly against gay marriage. Now we are only against the imposition of supporting it due to governmental coercion.  It's more of a classical liberal position.  Conservatives used to be dogmatically pro-free trade. Now conservatives have a more nuanced position - free trade is good, but only if it is of benefit to Americans. Conservatism used to be staunchly pro-life, pro-God, pro-gun and pro-law and order. Well, those things it mainly still is. But look at Democrats - unions support Trump now, or at least union members do. And it turns out a lot of Democrats are the ones out buying guns now, out of fear of mob violence. Democrats in growing numbers are embracing common sense, fundamental values and an appreciation for America.

There's a confluence of Republican and Democrat positions into a classical liberalism (which is essentially modern conservatism's core values) that pre-dates Trump's presidency, but it is beginning to thrive during it.  It's bigger than president Trump, but he embodies it and is enabling it accelerating it. A trump victory in this election will allow it to truly flourish, but even without that, it may be irreversible now.  Ironically, president Obama probably was the catalyst to starting it.

Coming out of this election I can see the Republican party and many Democrats melding into a new, more robust version of the conservative, classical liberal view of the world, and a socialist progressive split or takeover of the Democratic party with a minority status for decades to come.  This presents a massive opportunity for conservatives to reshape the institutions of education, governmental beaurocracy, and media into institutions that are based on classical, originalist values. 

It will require a lot of work, and it is not going to happen over night, or even finish during a second president Trump term.  But just as president Obama was unwittingly the ignition of classical liberalism's resurgence, president Trump is a potent accelerant. It would folly for Americans who hold the framer's vision of the country dear to ignore this opportunity to set America straight, for decades.  It is no longer just about voting.  Americans must take a page from the script of the far left and work tirelessly towards their goals.  Progressivism is on its back foot and playing defense.  Now is the time to ensure it stays that way.  Not this day, this decade.  The time is now.  Seize it. The benefits to the entire country and future generations is too great to let slip away.

November 2, 2020

Well, this is it.

Well, this is it. Either it was a great Trump run, or it's the middle of great Trump run. Let me start with the Senate and Congress as far as predictions go, I have not spent much time on these races unfortunately.  I expect the Republicans however, to maintain a slim margin in the Senate +/- 1 seat. Congress I have no clue.  I expect Republicans to pick up a handful of seats but they have an outside, long shot of winning back Congress.  That would be awesome.

As for the presidency, I have two views.  My technical model view, and my tweaked view where I apply some common sense removal of outlier polls. Here we go.

The numbers call -- The day before the election and my polling model is predicting a narrow Trump win with 275 electoral college votes, Biden with 249 and 14 (Minnesota and New Hampshire) too close to call.  Interestingly in the discounting and unbiasing of polls that I perform on the RealClearPolitics polls of swing states, I'm seeing president Trump winning Michigan and Arizona but losing Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.  The two closest states are Arizona (a win of just ~8,000 votes) and North Carolina (~15,000).

So that's my model.  But it's based on a lot of late breaking polls that once again show Biden with a larger advantage than in the last few days of polls.  So I don't trust it and I have to tweak it a little to come up with my actual projection.

My tweaks -- After tweaking my results to discount polls that look valid on the surface but are very clearly outliers, here's what I see:

Texas (38 electoral college votes): Trump +4, with a vote lead >200,000.

Florida (29): Trump +5.5%, with a vote lead greater than his win in Texas, approaching 300,000.

Pennsylvania (20): Trump +0.9% with a lead of just 32,000 votes, and serious legal (or not so legal) attempts by Democrats to alter the results.

Ohio (18): Trump +5% with a vote lead of >165,000.

Georgia (16): Trump +2%, and a vote lead >50,000

Michigan (16): Trump +2%,  and a vote lead >50,000.

North Carolina (15): Trump +0.8% and a vote lead of just 22,000.  This is another state Democrats could very easily try to steal.

Virginia (13): The pollsters have this a lot higher but I see a Biden win by only about 4.5%.

Arizona: Trump +1% and a vote lead of just 19,000 votes.  Interestingly this is just removing one NYT/Siena poll which is clearly a late stage outlier.

Wisconsin (10): This one is a coin toss, even after removing the late stage NYT/Siena outlier poll. My model calls it for Biden but my gut says Trump. To be cautious, I'll leave this one in the Biden column for my prediction, but I honestly think Trump takes it by about 25,000 votes. Unfortunately I would have to deviate from my methodology too much to make the call for Trump.

Minnesota (10): I have Trump winning Minnesota by 1.7%, or 28,000 votes. 

Colorado (9): With no decent polling I'm just going to leave this in the Biden column. If Trump wins Colorado, the election is going to be a big red wave election. As nice as that would be, I don't see it happening, not to that extent.

Nevada (6): This is a Biden +4% win ( >30,000 votes) according to my model. I think Biden will win it but it's going to be closer than that, perhaps 2% or 15,000 votes.

Iowa (6): Trump +8.  This will not be close according to my model, or me.

New Mexico (5): There are no dependable polls in the state.  They show Biden ahead by double digits. I think he wins by 6% though.

New Hampshire (4): Unfortunately the polls have universally leaned Biden far enough that he seems to have an insurmountable lead here.  While I believe the even the 'valid' polls are overstated, unless the bias is far more pronounced than in 2016, Trump is not going to win the state. I have Biden +8% in my model. My gut says that Biden is inexplicably more likeable to people than was Clinton, so I'm going to leave it as is; a strong Biden win.

Maine (4): This state is going to go for Biden by an even larger margin than New Hampshire.  I have not seen any polls on District 2, but I'm hopeful that president Trump picks it off and gets the 1 electoral vote.

So here's my net prediction - Trump 306, Biden 232, and the president flipping Minnesota in exchange for losing Wisconsin. Trump may even pick up Wisconsin and get 316.

November 1, 2020

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