September 9, 2024

Well, Elon Musk has been doing his part.

An Elon Musk PAC has been exposing Harris:

Lawfare vs. Walz?

What's good for the goose, is good for the gander.  It's about time the GOP engaged in lawfare against Democrats. It's a terrible practice but Democrats won't consider stopping until it's turned back on them.

September 8, 2024

September 7, 2024

More proof of despicable lawfare

I hope Americans would rather vote for a 'criminal' than vote for a criminal system, run by corrupt people.  The founding fathers at one point were considered criminals by the British.  In his 1775 Proclamation of Rebellion, King George III declared that those involved in the rebellion were traitors, making it clear that the British government considered the leaders of the American Revolution as criminals. 

Criminality is less important than motive. Trump is motivated to fix a massively corrupt American government. The Democrats, the beaurocracy, the elite rich are today's King George III. They are using lawfare to suppress dissent, and Trump is the chief dissenter.

September 6, 2024

Why Kamala's price controls won't work

It's basic economics. This is just one example of why she should not be anywhere near the Whitehouse.

September 5, 2024

Sadly, Trudeau isn't gone just yet

Yesterday the far left New Democrat Party's (NDP) leader Jagmeet Singh ripped up his deal with Justin Trudeau's far left Liberal party.  The NDP formed a coalition with Trudeau to make his minority government a majority due to the alliance, making for a guaranteed 5 year election cycle. That ended yesterday, as Singh finally realized that Trudeau was slow walking much of the NDPs demands, and 'siding with the corporate interests instead of workers'.

Sadly, that doesn't end Trudeau's unholy reign on Canadian government. Parliament is not in session, and in order to force an early election in a minority government, a motion of non-confidence must be voted on in parliament. Parliament doesn't reconvene until mid September (after a ridiculous 2 month summer recess.  Parliament sits for about 145 day per year as if it was grade school. Yeah).

Even more sadly, the problem doesn't end there. Just because the NDP has no deal with the Liberal party, doesn't mean they will immediately support a non-confidence motion. In fact Singh has already stated that he will support or refuse to support Liberal legislation on a case by case basis. 

Jagmeet Singh is trying to have his cake and eat it too. As Justin Trudeau's popular approval has tanked over the last two years, people had called on Singh to tear up the deal propping up the Liberals, but he refused to do so - even after several Liberal members of parliament had questioned Trudeau's continued party leadership. The pressure has only intensified on Singh to force an election. He finally relented.

It was certainly a surprise to many, but it was an obvious move. Canada's economy is currently in far worse shape than America's. Singh refusing to let Canadians get into life rafts and instead forcing the country to cling to the sinking ship Trudeau, was not a tenable position.  Even former NDP leaders have questioned his motivation. Some have even speculated that the reason for his hesitancy has been that as of February 2025, he has enough tenure to qualify for a ridiculously rich government pension.

That aside, Singh is clearly trying to thread the needle - being seen not as a Trudeau lackey and sticking up for voters, but also keeping an eye on the polls.

Pierre Poilievre, leader of the Conservative party has a massive poll lead and it has been sticking for quite some time. If an election were held today it would result in a Conservative landslide. Trudeau would end up with the Liberals in third place, and Singh's NDP would end up in fourth.  Yes, it's that good for us and that bad for them. Singh is now in a position to see if his poll numbers rise as a result of his phony sudden indignation. He can try to wait for the most opportune time relative to polling, to join or create a non-confidence motion to topple the Trudeau Liberals. He doesn't need to rush.  And with that pension issue out there, he certainly has incentive to not rush before February.

That does become a double-edged sword.  If he's seen to vote for an election in any way that puts him past his February-eligible rich government pension, people we see him as a self-serving scumbag. Rightly so. But maybe he is one and he doesn't care about popular opinion.   There were times in the past had he helped force an election, the far left NDP would have fared much better than they are doing right now.

It could also be the case that this is all window dressing.  He may want people to believe he's declared independence from the coalition government but will still ride it out until October 2025, when an election must be called regardless. The result for Canadians, is that for some period that remains to be determined, we are stuck with Justin Trudeau. Happily the maximum amount possible is now only 13 months.

CNN's brilliant move

Are they patting themselves on the back?  They're now prepared for a Trump run and/or presidency, having rehired George Costanza Brian Stelter. I guess antagonism is their aim?

Here's the issue, his ratings, like that of everyone else at CNN, were abysmal. By shedding the partisan nature of their 'news coverage' they were looking to recover from their downward spiral. The problem has been that despite firing some of their more obvious political hack staff, they only ever went half-measure into it.  There was pushback from the partisan hack staff, and they never really got very far. 

With Stelter's reappearance, it would seem that the partisan hack side of the company is emerging victorious. That spells more failure for CNN. Their fate most likely, is sealed. 

I told you Democrats would go there: "It's Russia!"

Democrats: "Trump's winning? It must be Russia!"

September 4, 2024

Fani Willis bombshell!

She showed up with Nathan Wade. C.o.r.r.u.p.t. Remember Fani Willis said on the stand, her relationship with Nathan Wade had ended.  And here she is showing up to her daughter's arrest with the same man.

The PsyOps begin

If Trump wins, it's because of Russia.  Same fake story all over again. They are planting the seeds now; maybe to disallow millions of Trump votes? Or for another impeachment attempt? These people are vile.  I'm no fan of Russia, they are evil too, but this is some serious gaslighting folks. To think, Obama almost managed to get Merrick Garland on the Supreme Court. And Christopher Wray to his right? He has to be gone on Day One of the next Trump administration.

Reblicans smartening up (finally)

Republicans using smart power, or rather, their limited power, smartly. They're tying non-citizen voting to a continuing resolution bill.  Smart. 

Tim Walz's family back in Nebraska wants you to know something

Not a "deep fake", unless you are referring to Tim Walz himself.


Why you should not panic about the polls

Rush Limbaugh used to advise his listeners (me among them), don't live and die by the polls. Sound advice in an era where most polling is designed to influence opinion rather than reflect it. If you watch the polls (and I do), you cannot blindly follow a single poll, or even a group of polls 'aggregated' without a grain handful of salt at the ready. Polls are often designed to discourage or encourage voters of a particular stripe to not vote, or vote respectively.

They often do not inform, but rather misinform. So either ignore them, or else take care in how you approach them. Steven Crowder points out that a dose of reality should be taken along with any polling you ingest:

One for Kamala

Since she doesn't seem to understand or even know basic economics, here's a belated explanation of why price controls are a bad thing. Yes it's a bit late relative to her suggestion about implementing price controls, since her positions seem to change minute to minute, but it's still worth mentioning since I'm sure she'll drop it and come back to it several times before the election.

Please pay attention Kamala, this is relatively simple.

Every time I hear Milton Friedman speak, even rewatching stuff, it makes me wish he was around today.

Newt Gingrich on the Harris campaign

Newt Gingrich talks about the Kamala Harris campaign, and the candidate herself.

September 3, 2024

Bias much?


Own it Kamala.

This is on you.

This is obscene. This is offensive.

This also speaks to the phoniness of Kamala Harris. I call her Kamala Chameleon for a reason. And this is why you cannot trust her on her policy positions.  When she bothers to speak to them, it changes even faster than the changes in the video below, sometimes even within the same interview...

State of the race

Here's my latest take on the race, based on polls of likely voters within the past 14 days, with at least a 500 sample size. The only state with no valid polls based on my criteria, is Georgia.

Interestingly, outside of one poll in North Carolina, there are only two pollsters with polling that qualifies, and both tend to favor Republicans in their methodology.  Is it possible there's a bias in my selection? Yes, seeing as how the included polls are clearly right-leaning.  But the problem with that conclusion is that they are the most recent polls, they do have a reasonable sample size, and they are polling likely voters, which is more informative than registered voters or just all adults.

Without getting into the crosstabs of voters and whether the sample compositions are indicative of the electorate, it's a better quick and dirty than how RealClearPolitics just does a recency and non-duplicate pollster check. I trust my averages more than that of RCP. 

Further, check out The Peoples' Pundit on Benny Johnson, who explains some more details on why Trump is very likely winning right now.

Taxing Unrealized Gains is a Disaster

Here's an explanation of why taxing unrealized gains is a super bad idea.  In addition, inheritance taxes are a terrible idea as well (more on that in the future).  

Keep this video in mind when you go vote and you should be able to avoid the mistake of voting for Kamala Harris and Democrats in general.

September 2, 2024

Happy Labor Day

It's the unofficial end of summer, and I'm off to a slow blog start this month.  This after my busiest year of posting (so far) since 2011.  The next few weeks are likely to be a bit slower as I settle into a new role in my day job.  I'm hoping to have a decent reaction to the maybe happening Trump / Harris debate, but it will overall probably be a bit slower month for me.  By October, I'm hoping to be back in my regular swing of things.

In the meantime, Happy Labor Day. I hope everyone has a wonderful fall season, culminating in a big win in November.

September 1, 2024

August 30, 2024

Yes, it WAS a trainwreck

Do not let this woman become president. Kamala Harris, besides being the biggest flip flopper of at least the last 25 years, often looked like a deer in the headlights and that was WITH her emotional support person sitting beside her.  She's not up to the job.

Kamala Harris values are consistent; she's a flip flopper

If your values are consistently inconsistent, you can claim you are being consistent(ly inconsistent) and then claim that is your values - to be inconsistent.  It's called pretzel logic. It's the perfect way to reach low information voters....

They have a cure!!!

For TDS:

August 29, 2024

Tim Walz as emotional support animal

Ouch. Kamala Harris is an absolute train-wreck of a candidate - there's no way she's leading the polls with garbage like this:

Kamala Harris What'sApp Crypto Group got me seething

I got added to a What'sApp N5 Harris Crypto group. I never joined this group. Dislike Kamala Harris intensely, and not big into crypto. They were spamming my phone constantly all day.   I left the group when I got a chance in my work day, and reported them, and even though they were probably not actually affiliated with Harris, I dislike her even more now. And if she is somehow affiliated with the group, even worse.

August 28, 2024

Outrage: rules for thee but not for Democrats

JFK Jr. can't get off the ballot in swing states Michigan and Wisconsin, but Kamala Harris was able to be swapped in for Let's Go Brandon no problem... yeah, elections are totally fair.

Here's your threat to democracy:

Jack Smith Can't Let It Go

J6! J6! J6! Yawn.  This idiot Jack Smith is wasting time and money in an effort to upend democracy.  And they call Trump the threat to democracy. It's yet more projection. It's yet more lawfare. It's obscene.

The deal with the debates

YouTuber Devory Darkins sums up the situation with the debates quite well. My first thought about the debates was a gotcha for the Democrats: if the debate terms were good for Let's Go Brandon, why are they not good for Harris? 

Were the Democrats trying to kneecap Let's Go Brandon and they set themselves up into a situation that is now a trap for Cowardly Kamala Harris as well?  Why else would she want to change the terms of the debate?

Here's more:

August 27, 2024

What a border czar should be doing

When border czar Kamala Harris won't debate, won't do her job as border czar, JD Vance stepped in and met with people who are on the ground facing the daily grind of dangerous, illegal drugs coming into the country.

August 26, 2024

"No shame" Ed Krassenstein

Ed Krassenstein is an avid anti-Trumper and fraudster who is so blatantly a flip-flopper that it makes you laugh. 

August 25, 2024

August 24, 2024

Democrats vison for the future: " "

Democrats have no vision for the future, at least no vision they are willing to publicly share. Breitbart noticed this and pointed it out very effectively

The convention, objectively, was not so great.
...the convention itself failed to explain to the American people what Kamala Harris intended to do as president. There was no vision, no policy.
The constant, spontaneous refrain was: “We’re not going back.” But there was never an explanation of where Democrats are going to, or where Harris wants to take the country.
Until the last evening, when a string of speakers discussed foreign policy — all Ukraine, no Israel — the only policy discussed was abortion.
Harris’s speech was all about biography, and attacking the opposition. (The “special guest,” whom many had hoped would be Beyoncé, may as well have been President Donald Trump, whom Harris mentioned fifteen times in total.)
Trump’s acceptance speech was perhaps too long; Harris’s speech was too short. It showed no sense of leadership and never reached out to independent voters or wavering Republicans. (A cameo by Adam Kinzinger will not do the trick.)
There was little drama at the convention — by design.
Democrats arranged their primary to ensure President Joe Biden would not face a challenge, then allowed party insiders to pick Harris as his replacement. There were no dissenting blocs, save for the pro-Palestinian “Uncommitted” delegates, who were a tiny and sullen minority.
There weren’t even amendments offered when party leaders asked for a vote on a platform that does not have the word “Kamala” in it.
The truth is that Democrats aren’t feeling “joy.” The word “relief” might be more accurate — relief that they no longer have to pretend to support an ailing, and failing, Biden.
There is some genuine happiness at nominating the first black woman, or the first South Asian candidate. But many speeches betrayed a sense of anxiety.
Michelle Obama, of all people, spoke about “deep pit in my stomach, a palpable sense of dread about the future.” They know Trump can win.
The convention was the high point for Democrats, the end of a month in which Kamala could set the agenda and the media could protect her. Now it is up to Trump.
That last sentence is particularly salient. Trump, unlike Harris, has laid out a specific vision as well as policy positions.  The Democrats attacked; not Trump's policy positions but that of an unaffiliated proposal that they deceitfully tried to tag as Trump's. Trump has offered to debate, often.  Trump has faced the media and has taken plenty of questions from both the media and from influencers alike.  He's not afraid.

But there's something he needs to do that the Democrats have unsuccessfully tried to do as a mere soundbite. Trump needs to lay out his positive vision for the country in two distinct ways. 
  1. He needs to state his positions and why they will help Americans succeed. His base gets it, he needs to do it in a way that will inspire 'joy' in centrists and even some left of center voters who may not be completely sold on Harris. The Democrats soundbites of joy are merely keywords, there is no underlying reasons for the joy they proclaim, because there are no policies undergirding the emotion.  Unless unfettered abortion is their reason for all this supposed pending joy.  It's like they left the lane open entirely for Trump. He needs to capitalize.
  2. He needs to forgo, not completely but in large part, the personal attacks.  He will have opportunities to sprinkle those into debates and Q&A sessions with the media.  But he needs to focus on the positivity of the future, because it's clear, the only positivity Harris and the Democrats are offering is the word 'joy' itself. No plans, no ideas (except abortion and some ideas Harris stole or at least copied from Trump). It's an open buffet for Trump to dine at. Yes, an occasional snipe won't hurt, but leave that mainly to others. 
Democrats have zero vision for the future (or one they are unwilling to share openly) and Trump and Republicans do have a clear vision.  That contrast needs to be made abundantly clear.  If he does that, Trump cannot lose. 

August 23, 2024

When you can't turn off the hyperbole machine

The knob must be broken on the hyperbole machine. That's how you get this inane tripe:

Thomas Paine would be rolling over in his grave if he knew this evil woman was quoting him for political advantage.

August 22, 2024

If you thought the economy sucks, you were right

Cooking the books is something the state does on a regular basis, but it seems to always be wildly off when Democrats are in charge. The latest reveal; jobs are not really doing as well as they were telling you:

August 21, 2024

So. Well. Done.

 Trump decimates yet another Kamala Harris disaster:

Disaster written all over it

The Border has Harris fingerprints all over it; insofar as she was the border czar under Let's Go Brandon. But it gets worse, her proposed policies (the few she has mentioned) are bad and keep getting worse with the fine print being added:

August 20, 2024

If you don't laugh, you'll cry

Katie Hopkins can make you laugh at the crazy:

U.K. Prime Minister acting like a socialist

In fairness, it's only because he is one. "Don't like what you're doing, you are clearly racist."

Theater of the absurd

Democrats have for at least my lifetime, been about style over substance. Their modus operandi has always been to play on the emotions of voters, and to do that, they require theater.  They approach elections as if they were playwrights. This is not to condemn their approach; it had been working for them for decades, so why would they abandon it? But now, finally, they may have to abandon it.

What changed? Voters have begun to wake up to the deception that underlies their narrative, their script. And why are voters waking up now? I have a theory.  Up until the presidency of Obama, the left was successfully moving the Overton Window in smaller increments.  They were winning, albeit slowly. But with Obama, that changed.  They wanted to make the country take dramatic leaps leftward. Given the honeymoon Obama enjoyed, at first, even this was successful and one had to wonder if socialism was inevitable

But hubris is failure of character, and the results it eventually leads to are also failure. As the leftward shift proceeded further and further, the ability to coat each move as a success, the ability to argue that even further leftward shifts were needed became obviously less and less plausible to ordinary people. The lies had to grow bigger and bigger. And as the lies grew bigger, they became more ridiculous, more obviously unbelievable. People couldn't help but notice.  From Covid, to welfare, to border security, it became too big a pill for many to swallow. When the establishment and ANTIFA are on the same side, it's hard not to wonder what is really going on.

When Democrats try to play both sides (as with Israel and Hamas), they achieve nothing but rather, lose trust on both sides, and inevitably, make the whole situation worse for everyone involved.

Yet the Democrats have no other way to operate, they will continue to do what has worked, hoping it will work again. They have yet to figure out, that their lies have outsized the belief of people. So you continue to see things like this:

Where is the substance of the Kamala Harris agenda? There are only communist ideas and ideas she has directly copied from Donald Trump.  Their substance is either flawed or unoriginal. And in many cases lies that fly in the face of reality; Kamala Harris is going to be tough on the border? No. That's clearly a lie, belied by years of evidence.

Democrats cannot continue to lie successfully, and they cannot run on substance when their substance is growing socialism/communism to fix the problems of socialism/communism. They have only one choice, which is a choice they refuse to make - change the substance of their policies. Until Democrats decide to shift back towards the center, their base will continue to shrink.  I for one am now grateful for their stubborn mindedness. 

August 18, 2024

August 17, 2024

August 16, 2024

Friday Musical Interlude (another right-sided conservative protest song)

Five Times August's Ain't No Rock and Roll. 

Walz has stolen valor, Harris has stolen ideas

Kamala, if you are just going to steal all of Trump's ideas, maybe you should just go ahead and let him be president.

Friday Musical Interlude - Anti-Fascist Blues

Now this is a brilliant protest song! One of two I'm sharing today from Five Times August. This one, Anti-Fascist Blues is a catchy, Dylanesque (that's Bob Dylan, not Dylan Mulvaney) swipe at the left: 

August 15, 2024

Cowardly Kamala. You're doing this for real?

She's finally agreed to an interview, on television. But it's being done by her VP nominee. What a joke.


Tim Walz: Two-faced dictator

 This side-by-side speaks for itself:

August 14, 2024

Watergate 2.0 unfolding?

Nixon resigned and was almost impeached for the Watergate break-in.  Someone has broken into the Trump campaign's headquarters.  The question is who did it, who knew and when did they know. Was the Harris campaign involved? This could be Watergate 2.0:

The level of dirty tricks being used by the left is insane; impeachments, lawfare, ballot removals, assassination attempts and break-ins.  If you check your confirmation bias and question if supporting Trump you could be on the wrong side, ask yourself this "Why does every charge they level against the right eventually end up disproved?" Or, "Why do we not see these evil acts coming from the right?" We are clearly on the right side of this divide.

Harris editing news headlines?

A phony candidate making phony ads using phony headlines?  Who could have known?

August 13, 2024

Elon Musk and Donald Trump on X (Twitter)

Sharing for the record, Elon Musk interview with president Trump.

My take on the state of the race

A lot of polls being included in the RCP polling average for the swing states, are of little value.  For example the NYT poll does not show a Margin of Error.  When polls exclude details like that, or survey size, for example, they are either not confident in their results or are hiding something. I exclude those polls based on threshold criteria, along with polls that are too small, or include perhaps all adults instead of Registered or Likely Voters, or ones that may oversample Democrats, which often happens.  Those types of polls are not exactly push polls for the respondents but are a form of push polls for the voting public.  For example polls trying to generate astroturfed momentum for Kamala Harris.

I have not in this exercise even looked at the crosstabs and these polls may indeed still be overemphasizing the positive look for Harris. All that to justify what I have included in my polling calculations.  What I have done is aggregated the polls that are worth including (minus the bad crosstabs filter) into a vote total for each state to see what the good polling is actually showing across multiple pollsters with similar, acceptable methodology/disclosure polls.

Here's my criteria (these are relatively loose criteria, but if they were any tighter, there would not yet be enough to share any insights):


Here's what I see.

Based on the above, here's what I would project, a Trump win.

Keep in mind there are a number of states that do not have enough polling to report.  Georgia is one such example but others I have defaulted to most likely based on previous cycles.  These include New Hampshire, Virginia, Minnesota and Maine.  These were leaning Trump when he was facing Let's Go Brandon, but have since not shown any polling results.

My honest opinion is that this will break more for Trump by November but that remains to be seen.

Unvetted Walz a sign of Harris ineptitude

Tim Walz was clearly not vetted properly before being chosen as Kamala Harris' running mate.  As bad as Walz is as a VP nominee, the two main things this points out are about not about Walz but about Harris herself.

Walz had issues that Harris did not discover, or else think were a problem. Clearly the campaign miscalculated.

The two takeaways:

  1. The pick was primarily political so as not to be Josh Shapiro since he's Jewish and she doesn't want to alienate her pro-Palestinian 'supporters'.
  2. Walz was not properly vetted and that's a clear sign of a shallow candidate, which will ultimately lead to a shallow administration.
How does something like this sneak through the vetting process, unless the vetting process itself is epically flawed or weak?

August 12, 2024

Copycat Kamala

I bet in school she cheated on tests by copying off a smart kid.

August 11, 2024

August 10, 2024

Reagan stumps for Trump

In the best possible way:

Targeting Tulsi

These people are evil for doing this sort of thing:

Trump trolling Harris

Funny stuff:

August 9, 2024

Trump-supporting influencers are not astroturf, Dem ones are

 Compare and contrast these three videos.

And the one Harris tried to co-opt? Not interested.

They are trying to astroturf some momentum.

August 7, 2024

There IS a guarantee on misinformation Walz, or you'd be silenced.

Governor Tim Walz is just 100% wrong on this.   But it's okay because he's allowed to spew his misinformation as much as I am allowed to say he's literally a tool.

This very clip is misinformation and yet it's out there.  What a dumbass. 

Thanks to Justin Trudeau, Canada is broken

Socialists wanting to vote for Kamala Harris, need only look north to see how quickly things can go wrong with their envisioned Utopia. Canada is broken thanks to Justin Trudeau, in less than a decade.  

These are facts folks:

August 6, 2024

Kamala Harris, proven politically incompetent (again)

Kamala Harris pick for VP, was a bad pick:

Tim Walz, bad choice for VP; Democrats can't govern. Act now.

It's not surprising that Kamala Harris, a bad presidential candidate would pick a bad candidate in Tim Walz for her running mate. Tim Walz was a bad choice for VP.  From food, riots and fraud to COVID fails, to blind support for Let's Go Brandon after his miserable debate performance (which has mysteriously since evaporated), to leaning into socialism, the only upside for Walz being on the Harris ticket is that he may help in the rust belt swing states. In other words, it's a political choice not a best-person-for-the-job choice.

But that is how Democrats operate; political hegemony first, last and always, all else (like ability to govern well) be damned.  This should awaken more Americans that the Democrat elite, and the media, DO NOT CARE about America or Americans, only about a combination of personal power, personal wealth and a far left agenda.

The GOP must leap into action and trounce this failed governor for the failure that he is and brings to the ticket. The Harris-Walz ticket clearly represents four more years of the same failed policies of the Let's Go Brandon administration. It represents more of sewing the seeds of division, more China capitulation, more open borders, more deep state growth, more failed green energy policies. In short it means more of everything that weakens America.

This cannot be allowed to stand. It must not be allowed to stand. I've often said the GOP must leap into action, but so too must we.  It's even more crucial.

I urge every American who is voting Trump to find yourself one person who is voting Democrat, and create a collage of arguments (videos, articles, even conversations) that you can then share with that person to convince them to either vote Trump, or at a minimum abstain from voting Democrat. Of course they have to be someone not so delusion that facts won't matter to them, and your argument needs to be convincing.  And you don't need to be combative, you need to be persuasive. There are a lot of resources available to you to make the arguments and even on how to persuade.  Make an effort, it's not just about voting, it's about persuasion.

If we can all do that, we will make a monumental difference in the coming election. We need to stop talking to each other and go back to something I was blogging about back in 2008/2009; outreach.  Talking to ourselves strengthens our bond and commitment perhaps, but it does not strengthen the country. If you want to commit to making a difference, you need to do more than just vote. You start by talking to someone who does not agree with you. Appeal to their emotions first and then to their intelligence afterwards. If Democrats believe you are 'weird' or 'evil' or whatever, first convince them that you want a safe country where people of all ethnic backgrounds, and all creeds or beliefs, can be free and can prosper.  Once they no longer question your motives, they may open up to your ideas.

Is RFK tanking his own candidacy?

RFK, making some weird statements.  Is he handing his voters to Trump on purpose or is he just this inept?

Despair not

We are living in precarious times. Iran is threatening war with Israel on perhaps a Biblical level.  Russia continues to try to annex Ukraine. There's seemingly a global market crash either imminent or even in progress. Even every general election poll in RealClearPolitics taken in August has Harris beating Trump; the have ginned up phony momentum to the point that it may actually be having a real effect. None of this is good.

Despite the fact that things look frankly awful, do not despair. There was never going to be a cakewalk for Trump to the Whitehouse; the left would never stand for that. Russia is locked in it's latest version of Afghanistan in the Ukraine and is spending lives, treasure and time it cannot afford to spend. And in Israel, Iran will not be successful. The U.S. will not allow Iran to succeed. In fact, Russia is likely fomenting Iranian action in the hopes of diverting Western aid to Ukraine.  Not a bad strategy but not one that will be successful long term.

Remember, we are the good guys. God is on our side.

August 5, 2024

Blame Trump?????????????

Trying to blame Trump for the current stock market crash is as sound as trying to blame him for the Titanic's sinking. Democrats have no one else to blame but their own policies.

Market crash

I couldn't NOT talk about this today:

If you put idiots in charge, you get idiotic results. That's all I have the self-restraint to say at the moment.

The real danger for the Trump 2024 campaign

Donald Trump is an infinitely better candidate for president than Kamala Harris. He'd be a much better debater if she musters the courage to debate Trump (she probably won't and that alone is very telling). Trump would of course make an infinitely better president than Kamala Harris. We know this. But there's reason to worry. The Democrats are not playing to win, they're playing to be able to be in a position to say they won.

If you look at the RealClearPolitics poll averages in the swing states (something I urge you to do with caution as it averages polls that are not alike), as of today, Trump still leads Harris in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada, North Carolina, and Georgia. He's only trailing in Michigan, but thanks mainly to a highly unlikely outlier poll. If the entire current RCP state of affairs holds true, Trump will get 297 electoral college votes and win the presidency.

But here's the catch, the polls, particularly including the outliers, have significantly dampened the lead Trump holds.  In fact they've depressed the margins strongly enough (again as of now), that it would be fairly easy for Democrats to pad the vote totals and steal the election in states like Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.  Those two states alone would swing the election to Harris given enough ballot stuffing. And the Trump leads are a bit tight. You could also add Georgia to the list of possible Harris steals. Maybe even Arizona. 

The real danger therefore, is not Trump being unable to win the right combination of states to win the electoral college, the danger is not winning the right combination of states by enough votes to overcome cheating on an epic scale by Democrats in those states.  If Kamala Harris does indeed choose inexplicably popular Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro as her running mate, being able to cheat Pennsylvania into her column becomes infinitely easier.  If she holds the suspect polls for Michigan, that means any one Wisconsin, Georgia or Arizona would capture the Whitehouse for the Democrat.

The map with Harris as the Democrat nominee should be at least as easy for Trump as it was with Let's Go Brandon, but the truth is, it got harder. Not through legitimacy, but the bar to provably win each swing state got higher.

Karma's a female dog (how's that for non-toxic?)

Kamala Harris' husband is weird. And he's also more than a bit hypocritical:

You know what's weird? Calling criticism racism.

Piers Morgan and Jordan Peterson dissect the protective wall Democrats construct to insulate themselves, in this case Kamala Harris, from any sort of criticism. More weirdness from the left. It's an attitude that will lead to homogeneity of thought which is the worst and most exclusive 'ism' that exists.

Jordan Peterson's pointing out how the virtue signaling of the left mirrors how the Pharisees, enemies of Jesus, were committing the exact same sin, is brilliant.  

I'm with weird

If Donald Trump and his policy positions, if J.D. Vance, if these are weird, I'm with weird. The fact is, more than half the country are with Trump's positions on many, many issues.  So if you think those ideas are weird, maybe, just maybe it's because you are the one on the side that's weird.

So lest you think I believe the right is weird, let me be clear; the far left is weird and cultish. Western Judeo-Christian values are inherently positive.  That is not weird.

Russell Brand does a great job of pointing out the weird cult of weird on the left and then lets them point out their own weird behavior:

August 4, 2024

August 1, 2024

The finger pointing has begun

This ugly situation of the attempted assassination of president Trump, is getting uglier with blame-shifting and finger pointing:

Kamala Harris is Hillary Clinton 2.0

I'm not sure this is the best way to frame Kamala Harris, but it seems to be the truth.  Jimmy Dore discusses the idea with Caleb Maupin:

The point about her being toxic is the framing I would go with to describe her.

Quote of the day

This very apt quote comes from Matt Vespa at Townhall: all circles back to the Electoral College, and that’s breaking for the GOP. We live in a country where the system in which we elect a new president rewards candidates with geographic diversity—that’s Trump, whose coalition is very efficiently dispersed, especially in areas where elections are decided. Harris is an inner-city and coastal, snobby elites kind of gal. That’s not representative of the country at all.
“I know people don’t like to talk about that [the Electoral College], because there’s nothing that Democrats can do about it. But the election is likely to be close, and it’s a big disadvantage when the ties go to Republicans,” added Silver.
That doesn’t bode well for Harris’ army of childless cat ladies. Yet, as the Democrats sprint to define Harris, the Republicans need to regroup just as quickly because the lack of messaging in attacking her will come back to bite us. Her record alone is enough to crank out multiple attack lines and ads, and we should focus on that exclusively instead of doubting her racial background and calling her a DEI hire. Those two things will only animate the liberal base who we need to depress and make hopeless again.


July 31, 2024

Bloomberg/Morning Consult Polls a mess

According to the Bloomberg / Morning Consult polls Kamala Harris has wiped out Trump's lead in most swing states and now has a commanding electoral college lead.  This is what the map looks like if their data is to be taken seriously:

Just how fantastical is it? One week ago polling showed Trump with a slight lead or at least a tie in Michigan.  Now according to the Bloomberg/Morning Consult polls, Harris leads Trump by... 11%?????

In one week? Highly suspect, that's all I have to say. I looked at the 500+ page crosstab. It didn't help. I'm not saying their swing state polls are wrong, but I am more apt to believe that than they are correct. Especially when they are so far off from other recent polls.

'Inadvertent' election interference

This is Google for you, Elon Musk catching them in an oopsie: 

This sort of thing happens so frequently it has to be intentional. If that's not the case then the company is technically mismanaged on an epic scale.

July 30, 2024

What's weird is everyone always saying the exact same catch phrase

This is not the first time.  Rush Limbaugh used to point out audio montages of every mainstream media talking head using the same talking point catch phrases on the same day or two, on a regular basis.  It persists.  It's weird. But now it's kinda meta as they are calling Trump weird. By extension, they are calling you and me weird.  We're not.  It's as insulting as it is weird. 

But there's even more weird happening:

Sharing the deets on Kamala

 Not safe for America, then, now, or in the future.

Democrats want to hide this

Democrats want to hide this:

July 29, 2024

Let's see how this goes.

 JD Vance speaking in Minnesota:

Well, not too bad. Not bad at all.

July 26, 2024

July 25, 2024

Sharing for informational purposes only

Let the gaslighting begin

Kamala Harris was never the border czar?  That's the latest mainstream media mantra, and they are gaslighting you.

July 24, 2024

Was the FBI involved?????

Until recently I was not familiar with Oversight Project.  They have done some investigative work on the Trump shooter that the FBI either hasn't (and won't) or at a minimum hasn't shared (and won't). I'm not saying this is all correct, but it does make you question how much truth we are being told about the attempted assassination of Donald Trump (I strongly urge you to scroll through the chain of self-replies for the full story):

How long do we have to avoid reality before we stop being labelled as conspiracy theorists?  These are legitimate questions being asked and summarily dismissed.  

Addendum: They have put a deep state operative in charge of the investigation of the assassination attempt. Janet Napolitano has been a political appointee by both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, and now the Let's Go Brandon Kamala Harris White house. So everything should be fine, nothing to see here folks. Great. 

July 23, 2024

Kim Cheadle resigns

Head of the DEI-driven Secret Service, Kim Cheadle has resigned.

Was I wrong?

Was I wrong to speculate earlier? Kamala almost said "Joe, I know you're still on the recording."

And there's this: 

Where's Joe?

How many days has Let's Go Brandon been "I'm Missing In Action Brandon"? Last Wednesday or Thursday was the last time he's been seen.  I know they have a penchant for hiding this guy in the basement but ONLY a tweet on X announcing him not running for re-election, no TV announcement?

Is he terminally ill in a hospital?  And are they trying to hide it to prevent Kamala from becoming president and the de facto nominee? He supposedly made a phone call. But it could be a deep fake as the libs like to say.

I doubt it's that bad, but I think those are reasonable questions and a bit of transparency from the administration is clearly warranted.

July 22, 2024

Kamala cannot win

Could you imagine 4 years with this as your president?

It would be absolute hell. Song: Don't Laugh by Josh Wink.  This would be Kamala's handlers advice to her 24/7. But in the end, it doesn't matter what you think, they've already decided on a replacement for you, whether it's Kamala Harris or not.

"Too sick to run, too sick to serve"

Let's Go Brandon: "Too sick to run, too sick to serve"

Be not afraid

This latest maneuver by the cowardly Democrats to dethrone Let's Go Brandon is not a bold decisive power play, it's a panic move. Simply, press on.

Democrats' cowardice on full display

Let's Go Brandon's withdrawal from the race for president was about as messy as his withdrawal from Afghanistan. He withdrew on social media, on a Sunday, like a coward; much like he withdrew from Afghanistan, leaving turmoil in his wake. It's also reminiscent of how Hillary 'election denier' Clinton supposedly conceded the 2016 election to Trump, not facing up to it in person, but via proxies.   Why do Democrats take their defeats like cowards? Because they are cowards.

Hillary Clinton was literally roped off from reporters in 2016. Debbie Wasserman Schultz rigged the primaries for Hillary Clinton that same election cycle. Donna Brazile fed the debate questions from CNN to Hillary Clinton

Democrats refused to have a fair primary process while many Democrat voters wanted to replace Let's Go Brandon, the party elite made sure it was not possible. They ran RFK Jr. out of the party because of it; he tried to run as a Democrat and was blocked at every turn.  They hid the truth going all the way back to 2020 when they kept Let's Go Brandon hidden in the basement during the election campaign.  They knew he would screw it up. So they hid him. They hid him as much as possible, right up to his disastrous 2024 debate debacle. Their cowardice and deceit combined to cause their party to not have a nominee just over 100 days before the presidential election.

Cowardice leads to chaos. In the end, what they tried harder and harder to hide eventually burst the dam, and voting Democrats were blindsided after believing the lies they were being fed for years.  The Democrat party are reaping what they and their complicit media have sewn for decades. Cowardice has been covered by lies and deceit and America is finally, slowly waking up to it.

Cowardice is not leadership. If you want to see what real leadership looks like, here it is:

Leadership is courage, combined with vision.  Make America Great Again is a vision, not just a slogan. America was once great but has slipped into mediocrity; all thanks to largely Democratic political hegemony at all levels of power for many decades, combined with their self-serving cowardice.

Cowardice has existed in the Democrat party for a long, long time; it's not new. It's a party of self-serving and defensive elitists. They want to ensure their own wealth and power and statist jobs while pretending to be for the people. 

The past is prologue, it's said.  And in this case, it's entirely true.  Any Democrat who now decides to run for president but refused to do so during the primary season, is fully a coward. Why wouldn't they have tried during the primaries? They felt safe enough with Let's Go Brandon to ride out the 2024 election. That has been blown up.

Any Democrat who now steps up for the sake of the country, to "save democracy" is a lying sack of Canadian immigrant poop. They are going to step up now for a chance to serve themselves now that it's safe for them to do so. They risk nothing at this point, and that is what cowards do. Take for example Joe Manchin of West Virginia.  He left the party for self-serving reasons, not to rescue the country.  How do we know that?  As recently as today he was considering running for president as the Democrat nominee. Self-serving.  He bowed out almost as quickly as he expressed interest.  That's likely because he was told by the self-serving and cowardly party elite his bid would be stifled by them.  They have likely already decided upon their desired outcome. 

Donald Trump on the other hand has been nothing but courageous, going back to 2015, running for president in the face of withering (though unwarranted) ridicule, not only was he courageous, he overcame. That is courage, it is triumph and it is real leadership. It's obvious why he does not fear whomever the Democrats decide to prop up in Let's Go Brandon's place.  He's a true leader, not encumbered by fear.

As an aside, have you ever noticed that the name Trump is within the word triumph? I just noticed that.

As an American, you need to ask yourself, "do I want my country led by courageous leadership that will deliver triumph, or do you want to see inevitable decline caused by self-serving cowardice?"  If you are truly an American, you already know the answer.

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