September 30, 2022

Let's Go Brandon lost in his own shuffle

 Tim Pool discusses a lost old man, whose name I will STILL not say. 

Ron DeSantis destroys reporter over Hurricane Ian response

 Media bias, shut down.

Liz Truss vs. Bank of England

 New British Prime Minister Liz Truss is doing a good job so far, unlike the Bank of England.

A truly conservative British Prime Minister and a populist Italian leader now too?  We live in interersting times.

Italian populist election winner gets lost on Twitter

Italy’s election winner, Giorgia Meloni appears to be shadow banned on Twitter.

Twitter appears to be suppressing the results of video searches for the name of Italy’s election winner, Giorgia Meloni, making it harder for users of the platform to discover her speeches.
This comes after a clip of a 2019 speech from the future Italian Prime Minister went viral across multiple platforms. In the 2019 speech, Meloni condemns globalist capital for waging war on the family, religion, gender identity, and national identity.
What's her crime? Telling the truth.

September 28, 2022

Hurricane Ian politics (3 of 3)

 Amy Klobuchar insists voting Democrat will stop hurricanes.

Hurricane Ian politics (2 of 3)

 Let's Go Brandon thinks vaccines are the answer to Hurricane Ian. Daft.

Hurricane Ian politics (1 of 3)

 Let's Go Brandon skipped over Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to talk to mayors of potential cities impacted by the impendng Hurricane Ian. Weird and petty.  But DeSantis was professional about it nonetheless:

Joe Manchin is surprised by this?

Either he's a liar or a fool.  Joe Manchin signed on to the horribly misnomered Inflation Reduction Act which was a horrific spending bill that has now been made law thanks to his cave in to the Democrat party.  But he's just now 'realizing' that not only will it not help inflation, but that the Democrats may be trying an end-around to pack more spending into Let's Go Brandon's first two years.

On Tuesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “New Day,” Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) reacted to Congressional Budget Office’s $400 billion cost projection for President Joe Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan by saying that it “seems to” wipe out whatever deficit reduction there was in the Inflation Reduction Act and that he “cannot answer when people call me” and wonder why they’re being “penalized” for paying their loans off.

Gee, great. It no longer matters Joe, you signed on to the bill. A bill that will increase inflation, not reduce it. It will increase spending, not reduce it. Great job Joe.

September 25, 2022

September 24, 2022


 Don Lemon got schooled, and deservedly so.

September 23, 2022

Canada's next prime minister

 Candian Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre:

September 22, 2022

Zeihan's take on Russia's latest move

Peter Zeihan's take on Putin's move to mobilize more Russians to fight his losing battle in Ukraine.

September 20, 2022

Get ready for worse

Higher interest rates mean more pain. Higher interest rates way faster means a lot more pain.  Higher interest rate inevatible and unfortunately necessary at this point due to past and current bad decisions. Thank you Democrats and Federal Reserve fools.

Democrats don't believe America is the greatest

A recent poll showed that only 37% of Democrats believe America is the greatest country in the world. Perhaps if they stopped their own legislative and social stupidity, America could still be the greatest country in the world.  Then they'd have an opportunity to disbelieve it 'legitimately' rather than deliberately making it so themselves and then complaining about it.

September 18, 2022

September 17, 2022

Zeihan on the latest China/Russia news

 Is Russia becoming a Chinese satellite due to their failed Ukraine invasion?

September 15, 2022

September 13, 2022

Inflation still sucks, badly

The Federal Reserve is trying to fight inflation by raising interest rates aggressively.  It's helped, but it's clear they are going to have to do a whole lot more.

Trading Economics:

The annual inflation rate in the US eased for a second straight month to 8.3% in August of 2022, the lowest in 4 months, from 8.5% in July but above market forecasts of 8.1%. The energy index increased 23.8%, below 32.9% in July. Smaller increases were reported for gasoline costs (25.6% vs 44%) and fuel oil (68.8% vs 75.6%) while inflation sped up for natural gas (33% vs 30.5%) and electricity (15.8%, the highest since August 1981). On the other hand, inflation rose for food (11.4%, the most since 1979), shelter (6.2%, the most since 1984), and used cars and trucks (7.8%). Compared to the previous month, consumer prices were up 0.1%, following a flat reading in July and compared to forecasts of a 0.1% drop. Meanwhile, core CPI, which excludes volatile energy and food prices, increased 6.3% on a year, the most since March, and up markedly from 5.9% hit in both June and July.

Inflation is nowhere near done. And it's worse than these numbers show.   There's a wheat shortage going to hit this fall, there are supply chain issues, there are fuel issues despite Let's Go Brandon running around the world begging for oil after shutting it down in the U.S. wherever he could, and most importantly, there are serious money supply issues.

Specifically to the latter point, the Fed has flooded the world with American dollars (as have other central banks around the world with their own currencies), there is simply too much money in circulation which decreased the value of each individual dollar.  That's inflation and monetary policy is still the biggest culprit.

The Fed has no choice but to hike interest rates substantially and it is going to hurt a lot of people, HARD. Anyone owing money will end up paying substantially more in interest payments.  This is in addition to quantitative tightening, which is seemingly is not doing as aggressively.  

This supposedly 'transitory' inflation has a long shelf life still. And that means rate hikes, and that's why the Dow Jones is taking a beating today. People know that, and know it will hurt businesses.

September 11, 2022

Meanwhile in Canada

The Conservative Party of Canada has elected it's new leader, Pierre Poilievre, whom I would describe to Americans as the Ron DeSantis of Canada - not from a resume perspective but from a platform and style perspective.  He will look to unseat Justin Trudeau in Canada's next election.  The Conservative Party of Canada is in good hands.

Via CTV news:

Pierre Poilievre is the new leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, securing victory on the first ballot after a record-setting and divisive leadership campaign. After a seven-month campaign, the long-time MP and former cabinet minister from Ontario won the election decisively, securing 22,993 of the just under 33,800 electoral points up for grabs. Poilievre secured support across the country, coming in as members' first choice in almost every riding.
“Tonight begins the journey to replace an old government that costs you more and delivers you less, with a new government that puts you first, your paycheck, your retirement, your home, your country,” Poilievre said in his first speech as leader on Saturday evening from the Ottawa convention centre floor where the leadership announcement was held on Saturday night.
Receiving 68.15 per cent of the vote, Poilievre far outpaced his progressive Conservative rival and runner up Jean Charest's 16.07 per cent of the vote.
Social conservative and MP Leslyn Lewis placed third, with 9.69 per cent of the vote.

Full disclosure, I joined the Conservative Party of Canada and voted in the leadership race, for  Poilievre.

Let's hope this doesn't pan out

We don't really need to hope, we know this won't pan out.  That is, unless the FBI tries to fabricate some sort of evidence. Otherwise, the FBI raids on multiple Trump allies is just more grasping at straws.

Let's hope this pans out

 Could non-RINO Republicans take back Arizona?  Yes.

Never forget


Sunday verse


September 10, 2022

Woke backfire firing

When being woke blows up in your face:

September 8, 2022

Queen Elizabeth has died

 England's longest reigning Monarch, Elizabeth II, has died.

September 5, 2022

Justice for Trump?

 Via Gateway Pundit:

...US District Judge Aileen Cannon from the southern district of Florida on Saturday announced the “preliminary intent to appoint a special master” to review all of the records seized by the FBI during its unprecedented raid on President Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago.
Judge Cannon said the FBI raid on Mar-a-lago “involved political calculations” to diminish the leading voice of the Republican Party just months before the midterm election.

Spot. On. 

September 4, 2022

September 2, 2022

Let's Go Brandon's worst moment?

Let's Go Brandon made an undefendable political hack speech in front of marines where he calls his MAGA political opponents extremists who threaten the nation.  It was vulgar, vile and villanous. It's beyond stupid in it's incorrectness. It deserves ridicule as does its deliverer. 

Reaction video you'll love

 David Rubin finds out Brian Stelter was fired from CNN while he was off grid for the month.

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