November 30, 2013
Quote of the day - government programs
Saturday Learning Series - Bright ideas
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James Burke, history made fun. |
November 29, 2013
Friday Musical Interlude - Space Age Love Song.
November 28, 2013
Thursday Hillary Bash - De-Americanization
Happy Thanksgiving America.
November 27, 2013
Banning stuff
Meanwhile back in the Mid-West
You know, because of global warming.
Happy Chanukah.
November 26, 2013
Rules They Don't Teach Kids In School
Obama slaps Catholic Church (again)
The Obama administration, in what’s been called an egregious slap in the face to the Vatican, has moved to shut down the U.S. Embassy to the Holy See — a free-standing facility — and relocate offices onto the grounds of the larger American Embassy in Italy.The new offices will be in a separate building on the property, Breitbart reported.And while U.S. officials are touting the relocation as a security measure that’s a cautionary reaction to last year’s attacks on America's facility in Benghazi, several former American envoys are raising the red flag.It’s a “massive downgrade of U.S.-Vatican ties,” said former U.S. Ambassador James Nicholson in the National Catholic Reporter. “It’s turning this embassy into a stepchild of the embassy to Italy. The Holy See is a pivot point for international affairs and a major listening post for the United States, and … [it’s] an insult to American Catholics and to the Vatican.”
Iranian "Let's Make a Deal" deal
Canadian attacked in New York "Knockout Game"
November 25, 2013
Handicapping the GOP field
Greedy Capitalist Pigs!!
" You see there is only one constant. One universal. It is the only real truth. Causality. Action, reaction. Cause and effect. " ~The Merovingian [The Matrix Reloaded]
One of the big reasons the U.S. economy is so lousy is the American companies are hoarding cash and “maximizing profits” instead of investing in their people and future projects.This behavior is contributing to record income inequality in the country and starving the primary engine of U.S. economic growth–the vast American middle class–of purchasing power.
November 23, 2013
Saturday Learning Series - The Big Spin
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James Burke, brilliant. |
James Burke's series Connections and The Day The Universe Changed in the late 1970s and mid-1980s respectively were very successful at taking a historical and philosophical look at scientific change. The two series led to a Connections sequel (Connections 2) in 1994, with James Burke still at the helm of the project (and another, Connections 3 in 1997).
November 22, 2013
November 21, 2013
Thursday Hillary Bash - Obamacare IS Hillarycare
Canadian government's "not spending" scandal
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Canada's annual deficit/surplus as a percentage of GDP: click for source. |
November 20, 2013
Obama repeats the past, only worse

- that the population would continue to grow, or at least not shrink, and
- that the make up of the population would not change significantly over time.
November 18, 2013
More Obama excuses from others
As the story of the Obamacare website fiacso unfolds, senior administration aides tell me that the president is “mad, frustrated and angry.”Mad that his signature legislative achievement is stuck at the gate, frustrated that he’s running out of time to fix it, and angry that he’s got a second term agenda now going nowhere. He’s so furious, in fact, that he stepped out of character to vent to an assembled group of top aides. “If I had known [about the website problems] ,” the steaming president reportedly said, according to the New York Times, “We could have delayed the website.”All of which begs the real question: how could he not have known?
It’s a real head-scratcher. Most powerful man in the free world. Most important issue. Most politically explosive, particularly coming on the heels of the government shutdown. Consider the context: Republicans had just tried to defund Obamacare, and they lost in a heap of public humiliation. So the rollout of Obamacare had to be really impressive, because the Republicans had to be proven wrong.
In politics, brand matters. TIP: brand is local.
An unknown political novice who has never visited Washington, D.C., won a special election for Louisiana's 5th District seat Saturday on the endorsement of the “Duck Dynasty” family and a promise to fix Obamacare.Vance McAllister beat establishment candidate Neil Riser, a state senator, in Saturday's runoff election created when former Rep. Rodney Alexander resigned on Sept. 26 to become secretary of the Louisiana Department of Veterans Affairs under Republican Governor Bobby Jindal.
November 16, 2013
Saturday Learning Series - Hot Pickle
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James Burke, historian. |
James Burke's series Connections and The Day The Universe Changed in the late 1970s and mid-1980s respectively were very successful at taking a historical and philosophical look at scientific change. The two series led to a Connections sequel (Connections 2) in 1994, with James Burke still at the helm of the project (and another, Connections 3 in 1997).
November 15, 2013
Friday Musical Interlude - Swing Republic offering
November 14, 2013
Thursday Hillary Bash - Her own false promise version of Obamacare
In 2007, campaigning in Iowa, Clinton like Obama, promised Americans that if they liked their plans they could keep them. Clinton, also like Obama, left out the fine print that her plan had a provision similar to Obamacare which would have kicked millions off of their own insurance plans.
November 13, 2013
Hope, it turns out, doesn't float
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I have not seen this movie. |
Are we reaching "peak lithium"?
November 12, 2013
Bill Clinton to Obama: Honor your word
James O'Keefe does it again: Obamacare fraud exposed
The Obama Administration's campaign to sign everyone up for government healthcare inspired Project Veritas to go straight to the source and investigate what's really going on.What we found is shocking: navigators, in positions of public trust, told our undercover journalists to lie and defraud the government. Over and over again.Yes, as if the roll-out of Obamacare hasn't been disastrous enough, Project Veritas has caught Obamacare navigators counseling citizens to lie about their income and deceive the IRS, commit fraud on applications by not reporting full health history, and worse.
November 11, 2013
Chris Christie's conservatism - chicken and egg
Skunk vs. Dog (a personal, non-political anecdote)
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Not our dog but a remarkable lookalike. |
November 8, 2013
Obama's approval rating doesn't matter.
According to the latest round of Gallup Dailies on Obama's Job Approval, the president has climbed back up to the "magical" 40% approval mark. In other words, it's still terrible. In fact if you look at the Gallup Obama job approval numbers since election day 2012, they have almost reversed from an approve/disapprove of 52/44 then to 40/53 now. The thing is, the numbers don't matter. Obama doesn't have to run for re-election again. He's already won his two terms. He'll have another 2+ years to inflict his brand of progressivist agenda on the nation, provided the Obamacare train wreck doesn't negate that possibility (and it just might).
But 5 years in, we know this president and like bad news, reality does not penetrate the his firewall. His agenda has primacy, always. Regardless of the approval rating being terrible, mediocre or great, he will pursue and push his agenda. Regardless of the success or failure of his attempts, he will pursue his agenda. Regardless of the damage to the nation, his party or the people he will pursue his agenda.
That's why the polls do not matter. They change nothing, even though now they probably should.
November 7, 2013
Blog technical repairs continue, only slightly abated
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Not this kind of slider. |
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Not this either. |
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THIS, is what I'm talking about. |