February 29, 2024

Vivek Ramaswamy vs. Google AI

It's a matter of truth, not AI's creators' supposed truths. Google's AI Gemini is clearly flawed.  The warning is not about the AI, it's about the garbage-in-garbage-out process that has been warped to beyond stupid.

February 28, 2024

Why Ronna McDaniel had to go

I tried to get to this yesterday but I ended up going far deeper than I had planned.  Ronna McDaniel is out as RNC chair. Here's why:

click to enlarge

Compared to her predecessors Ronna was not very good. On her watch, she is 0 for 1 in presidential elections, 1/3 in senate elections with a net loss of three seats, 2 for 3 in congressional elections but with as combined net loss of 19 seats, and 0 for 2 in gubernatorial election cycles with a net loss of 7 governorships. Even former RNC chair (who now spends his time on MSNBC) did better. Granted Steele happened to be chair during a paradigm shift that he benefitted from straddling. He was in the Tea Party Obama-blowback window.

Of course not all of the failures and wins can be attributed to the individual RNC chairs. Mike Duncan for example, was RNC chair during the Obama wave of 2008-2009. During Ronna McDaniel's time as chair  there was a coordinated, heavy anti-Trump coalition of media, big tech and academia (among others) working against Trump. There was a veritable tide to push against.  But that was her job.

On every front (legal, messaging and fundraising to name a few), she did not do enough. Proving that it would have been better or worse with someone else is impossible. But there is ample evidence she did not perform well.  She never capitalized on Trump's win. It was a huge opportunity missed.

Additionally, she'd been in the role far longer than any of her relatively recent predecessors.  Reince Priebus lasted several years immediately before her but as time wore on, his effectiveness lagged from his early years.  Sometimes time just becomes the enemy. It leads to complacency and lack of new ideas. That I think was the case for McDaniel, and she didn't even start strong.

I have no animosity towards Ronna McDaniel, I just think she was the wrong person at the right time for the job. I hope her successor has a better time of it.

February 27, 2024

Bye bye Ronna

I've got more to say about this later today, but for now, enjoy this:

February 26, 2024

Nikki Haley as a third party candidate

The establishment strategy and tactics are going to change. Nikki Haley got absolutely trounced in her home state of South Carolina in the 2024 GOP primary.  She has no path to victory.  So why does she keep running? The common theories are that she's delusional, or that she's staying in the race to secure a VP spot, or as a fallback in case president Trump is forced out for legal reasons, OR she's in it to hurt Trump's chances of winning because she's an establishment puppet.  This morning I had another thought.  What if the latter theory is true, and she wants to hurt Trump?  What is the best way to do that?  

It's not going to cut it with her staying in the race and losing state after state. She's not hurting Trump much at all.  Her support is coming from establishment Republicans and crossover primary voters (Democrats) who want to see anybody but Trump win. Firstly take a look at a few clips as the premise for my thinking.

1. Trump is doing everything right and it's no contest at this point:

Keep in mind that ABC is cherry picking to try to find how this is not good news for Trump when they talk about the electability of Trump after a possible conviction of a crime.  Keep that 36% in mind.

2. MSNBC exit polls tell an interesting story:

Yes, it's MSNBC, and yes it's just exit polls (and early ones at that), but there are still some takeaways that add context to the of the ABC report.  Firstly 31% non-Republicans voted. That could, and probably does account for the largest chunk of that 36% mentioned in the ABC exit polls about a Trump conviction.  Not all, but probably the majority.

Secondly, this means for Nikki Haley, is she does not have a shot among Republicans, who will always represent the vast majority of voters among the remaining primaries.  In some cases, they represent the entire primary electorate.   It means she CANNOT win the GOP nomination. But yet she persists, hence all the theories as to why she is staying in the race.

3. Her establishment financial support is also slipping away now too:

This makes her GOP primary win even more impossible (if that's even a thing). So what next? She's still not dropping out, and people like the Koch brothers are backing away because they are wasting money at this point.  Her strategy will have to change, and her tactics will have to also as a result of the strategy shift as well.

No matter the scenario that proves out to be the reason she is staying in the race, the following holds true: she would do better as a third party candidate.  Let's take a look at the possibilities.

She's delusional: If she believes she can win the GOP nomination, she is delusional. She has no path. But she's gotten pretty far politically prior to her run for president this cycle, and that doesn't happen because of delusions of grandeur.  I don't believe she's delusional, she has an agenda. That agenda may be to become president but we cannot pretend she doesn't understand the polls. But to entertain the notion, if she truly just wants to win the presidency, doing it as a GOP candidate is not her path.  An easier approach would be to run as a third party candidate and take the voters from both Trump and Let's Go Brandon with whom she believes she has a connection and can secure enough votes.

The VP slot: She's not really in it to secure a VP slot.  Trump has already intimated that she's not on the list. It's another scenario I'd simply rule out.

The fallback candidate: She does not represent the logical fallback candidate just because she was the last opponent standing. Loss after loss does not inspire confidence. She is hurting her chances in that scenario.  Instead going third party and trying to stand on her ideas seems more like the high road.  If for some (highly unlikely) reason Trump cannot serve as the Republican nominee, being called back in from an independent run seems far more positive and perhaps even gracious; stepping in to rescue the party from it's own flawed electoral 'mistake'.

The Establishment puppet: This scenario, to me, makes the most sense.  The GOP establishment and the establishment writ large, want to hurt Trump; they want to stop Trump by hurting him, constantly. Death by a thousand cuts if necessary. Keep hitting Trump with criminal cases, civil cases, a primary challenger, and whatever else they can throw in his way, so that (i) he cannot focus on his campaign, (ii) they find something that sticks and forces him to bow out and/or (iii) turns off his voter base. In that case having Nikki Haley in the reason is just one more speed bump for Trump. 

But it hasn't been working; Trump's support continues to grow (or at least, not falter) with each roadblock they attempt. Despite his focus being split his campaign seems to be humming along just fine. And with each case crumbling, finding something to stick on Trump seems to be not only falling further out of reach, it's making the establishment look more and more desperate, more and more suspicious and galvanizing support for Trump.  It's all a failure, which is why you are seeing the Koch money pull out.  The strategy has to change.

It won't make Nikki Haley president but that's not the establishment goal. The goal is to stop Trump. A third party run might do to Trump what the RFK Jr. run does to Let's Go Brandon; siphon off enough votes to make a difference. And the Koch money for Haley pulling out of the GOP primaries might be the signal to her to switch strategies.

To be clear, it's not likely to stop the Trump train, but the establishment is running out of options at this point. They may end up trying to ditch Let's Go Brandon as their last play, and if they do it's a sign of desperation. If they do though, it's also a clear sign the GOP establishment and the Democrat establishment are the same establishment, or at a minimum, they have almost identical agendas.  And that goes well beyond president Trump.

A heartening video: Trump and Milei meet

This feel good video from CPAC 2024, is worth a watch:

February 25, 2024

February 24, 2024


Lost on stage, gonna have 'lost' in November:


Ronald and Donald by Kari Lake

The two best presidents of my lifetime, Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. Apparently Kari Lake agrees.

February 23, 2024

Nikki Haley is going to lose in South Carolina tomorrow

The question is, how badly.  If it's by less than 20 points, she's going to count it as a win. And the mainstream media will play right along.

Fake news about Trump shoving a guy

Before it gets virally out of hand, it's fake news.

Truckers and investors boycotting NYC for Trump

When we do it, it works too.

Google's AI anti-white?

Google's AI Gemini is kind of weird, and seemingly trained on data that is slanted  anti-white.

Want more data to consider? Watch this:

New Evidence of Fani Willis - Wade Relationship

Fani Willis is going to lose more than just her case against Trump. She may lose her legal standing after this:

Tulsi Gabbard Defends Trump From Nikki Haley

At CPAC 2024.

February 22, 2024

Tulsi Gabbard is not wrong

At the risk of sounding like a Democrat with Trump Derangement Syndrome, and coming across as a conservative with Let's Go Brandon Derangement Syndrome, I do believe Tulsi Gabbard is correct when she says Democrats are lying and spreading propaganda.

Uh oh (part 3)

I think this is more of a problem with holes in the system than it is a cyber attack, but this makes worries about cyber warfare against the United States all the more palpable.

A huge cell network outage covered by Tim Pool:

Uh oh (part 2)

An Estonia YouTuber who is not a fan of Russia, has been de-platformed thanks to Russian complaints. Even if you are against supporting Ukraine, this guy deserves a medal or at least your support.  That aside, Russian cyber warfare and maleficence is still a real thing, and we should all be concerned about that.

Uh oh (part 1)

Nevada vote tampering is real, and current:

February 21, 2024

February 20, 2024

How Freedom Dies: Orwellian dystopia

This is not without an abundance of truth, despite Orwell's disdain for capitalism and admiration for collectivism and socialism.

February 19, 2024

San Francisco self-inflicted blowback

Earlier, I shared the truckers for Trump blowback in light of New York's ridiculous court ruling against Donald Trump. San Francisco meanwhile has experienced some self-inflicted blowback thanks to their liberal self-righteous indignant boycott of - get this - 30 states, over various far left issues.  They finally realized how dumb it was:

Truckers for Trump blowback

Truckers for Trump refusing to drive to New York, is as simple as the Bud Light boycott; they do something stupid, make them pay for it.

February 18, 2024

February 17, 2024

President Trump fined $350 million by Judge Arthur Engoron

This will obviously be appealed, but that a court could come to this ridiculous conclusion is obviously political and a sign of incredible corruption.

February 14, 2024

Yahoo doesn't like Mayorkas impeachment

Watch Yahoo News (aka Pravda) go a longm long way out of it's way to paint this impeachment as ridiculous (emphasis added):

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. House voted Tuesday to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, with the Republican majority determined to punish the Biden administration over its handling of the U.S-Mexico border after failing last week in a politically embarrassing setback.
The evening roll call proved tight, with Speaker Mike Johnson’s threadbare GOP majority unable to handle many defectors or absences in the face of staunch Democratic opposition to impeaching Mayorkas, the first Cabinet secretary charged in nearly 150 years.
In a historic rebuke, the House impeached Mayorkas 214-213. With the return of Majority Leader Steve Scalise to bolster the GOP's numbers after being away from Washington for cancer care and a Northeastern storm impacting some others, Republicans recouped — despite dissent from their own ranks.

President Joe Biden called it a "blatant act of unconstitutional partisanship that has targeted an honorable public servant in order to play petty political games.”

The charges against Mayorkas next go to the Senate for a trial, but neither Democratic nor even some Republican senators have shown interest in the matter and it may be indefinitely shelved to a committee. The Senate is expected to receive the articles of impeachment from the House after returning to session Feb. 26.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., called the case against Mayorkas a “sham impeachment” and a "new low for House Republicans.”

In a frantic scene of vote-tallying on the House floor, the GOP effort to impeach Mayorkas over his handling of the southern border took on an air of political desperation as Republicans struggle to make good on their priorities.

Could it honestly get any more one-sided? They certainly covered the sham Trump impeachments in very different language despite them both being clearly "sham impeachments". It's par for the course in leftist media but it has become so blatant and insufferable that it merits pointing out.


One more reason eating bugs is a bad idea

As if you need another reason

There are already plenty of reasons eating bugs is a bad idea. Set aside the fact that it is gross and unappetizing, set aside the cleanliness and safety factors, set aside the need to completely reorient farming methods, set aside the potential unknown changes in greenhouse gases by massively scaling up bug farming. Assume all those issues can be overcome, what are you left with?   The health factors.

Dr. Berg explains:

February 13, 2024

Mitt Romney really is this out of touch

I totally get that Russia is a bad actor on the world stage and should be opposed. But at all costs? But is it really this important?

To think this guy (Mitt Romney) came this close to the presidency (and by this close I mean about millions of votes short, so not close at all)...

Is it more important than border security at home?  Is it more important than admitting he was wrong about impeaching president Trump? N.O. it's not.

February 12, 2024

Let's Go Brandon's unemployment rate is actually terrible

Earlier today I opined on Let's Go Brandon's bizarre shooting himself on the foot on inflation.  Here's another take on recent 'wonderful economic news'.  Lifelong Democrat Jimmy Dore (who seems more libertarian than anything else at this point), has been waking up for quite some time now on how bad the Democrats are.

In this video he has his eyes opened on how bad employment actually is, compared to what we are being told.  The whole video is eye opening but if you want the most meat, skip ahead to 7:22.

Are these people TRYING to lose the election?

What the heck is this weirdness from Let's Go Brandon on X, right after the SuperBowl?

Let's Go Brandon makes the case against himself

Watch this clip and see Let's Go Brandon talk about hidden inflation.  He's been bragging about inflation beng down on his watch, while I and many others have been arguing that it's being hidden. It's not a Democrat plot, it's a way companies try to hide rising prices and maintain sales. But the bigger point is that it happens during periods of rising prices - inflation.  If inflation is down Brandon, why are you making a video talking about hidden inflation?  I know your team is looking for something to spark voters to rally behind you, but this is not it.  You are arguing against your own supposed 'success'.

You are talking about inflation through subtraction.  It's real and has been since before you supposedly beat inflation. But it's worse in times like these. And it's not the fault of the companies you intend to make the boogeyman in this scenario.  It's your disregard for fiscal and monetary prudence that has caused all of this. And politically, it's not going to make a lick of difference for you either.

February 11, 2024

February 10, 2024

February 9, 2024

Let's Go Brandon lies again (or is senile)

The actual takeaway from this is that Let's Go Brandon getting off on having classified information in his home exonerates president Trump from the same charges. Nevertheless, there is still something to be said about his continuous lies or senility based on how he handled the press conference once they let him out of the basement to talk:

February 8, 2024

Vote fraud is real

It has happened in New Jersey, so why do Democrats pretend it's not a thing?

February 7, 2024

If there was ever a sign Nikki Haley, this was it

Losing to none of the above (technically None of these Candidates") has got to sting:

Now might be the time to drop out of the race.

February 6, 2024

No surprise from the D. C. Circuit Court of Appeals

A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit rejected Trump’s claim that he cannot be prosecuted because the allegations relate to his official responsibilities as president. So...not surprising because it's the D.C. Circuit. The circuit court has 6 judges appointed by Obama, 4 appointed by Trump and 3 appointed by Let's Go Brandon. No surprise the panel broke the way it did.

This will be appealed to the Supreme Court.  Regardless, the prosecutions are all going to come up empty anyway.  The mainstream media will no doubt be titillated by this ruling though.  Then again, Obama can be charged now 😉

Let this guy run, please.

Just, wow.

February 5, 2024

Let's Go Brandon skipping Superbowl interview

Is anyone surprised that they are keeping Let's Go Brandon off the biggest stage in America? Really? CNN tries to come to the Let's Go Brandon's rescue with this utter fluff: 

(CNN) — President Joe Biden will skip a pre-Super Bowl interview for the second year in a row — and his aides argue that it’s part of their larger plan, not a move to avoid having the president answer questions in front of the whole country.

Biden advisers tell CNN they see skipping the interview, which would have aired as a segment of the pregame show and not during peak viewing hours on the CBS broadcast, as a strategic decision to give Americans a break from the politics of the 2024 campaign. Advisers say they’re seeing people already expressing fatigue with election news and want to avoid piling on.

The decision was made ahead of last week’s right-wing media explosion about Taylor Swift and her boyfriend, tight end Travis Kelce, after he and the Kansas City Chiefs made it to the Super Bowl, where they’ll face the San Francisco 49ers. MAGA media personalities have been circulating conspiracy theories about the pop superstar, promoting the notion that she is part of a sprawling psychological operations plot staged by the NFL and Democratic Party to deliver the 2024 presidential election to Biden.

The pregame presidential interview is a relatively young tradition, stretching back only to Barack Obama’s first year in office, and one that Donald Trump skipped once himself. But for Biden, who for months has been complaining in public and in conversations with top advisers that messaging touting his achievements isn’t breaking through to the public, the decision means skipping out on an audience of millions — including many who might not otherwise be paying attention to presidential politics.

This needs to be broken down paragraph by paragraph.  In paragraph one, we get the kernel of truth; "it’s part of their larger plan, not a move to avoid having the president answer questions in front of the whole country." No one is doubting that.  The question is why would they avoid that opportunity.  If Let's Go Brandon is getting his butt handed to him in the polling right now (and he is), why not try to turn it around on the biggest stage available? This is a huged missed opportunity. Are hus team running scared?  And if so, is it Brandon they are scared about?

 In paragraph two, we get the excuse: "a strategic decision to give Americans a break from the politics of the 2024 campaign." Since when have Democrats avoided stuffing their political agenda down the throats of Americans?  Never. These are the same team members who gave us a Let's Go Brandon speech about "ultra-maga". Nope, that is the flimsiest excuse imaginable.  They would be lent more credence if they said that Let's Go Brandon was suffering from political fatigue.  That would have spun up an entirely new set of problems.  My guess is that they are hoping the proffered excuse is accepted by their die hard supporters. 

In paragraph three CNN picks up the mantle of the narrative and moves on diversion and distraction. "The decision was made ahead of last week’s right-wing media explosion about Taylor Swift...MAGA media personalities have been circulating conspiracy theories about the pop superstar, promoting the notion that she is part of a sprawling psychological operations plot staged by the NFL and Democratic Party to deliver the 2024 presidential election to Biden." Can you say off topic?  That is a 'look over here' attempt to distract readers from the truth and it rings hollow.  Firstly, there were only a few people on the right buying into that narrative.  Secondly, no one believes CNN on conspiracy theories; they ran with the Russia hoax, the Ukraine hoax, the January 6th hoax and the COVID Wuhan lab origination was a conspiracy theory hoax. Thirdly, so what if some people believe that Taylor Swift stuff?  What does it have to do with Let's Go Brandon going back to his 2020 campaign strategy of hiding in his basement?

In paragraph four we get another excuse before circling back to the undeniable truth.  The excuse is in two parts. "The pregame presidential interview is a relatively young tradition, stretching back only to Barack Obama’s first year in office, and one that Donald Trump skipped once himself." One, it's a new tradition, no big deal if he skips it. Two, Trump skipped it once too you know. Inevitably they thing collapses back in on itself as CNN acknowledges the underlying truth "for months has been complaining in public and in conversations with top advisers that messaging touting his achievements isn’t breaking through to the public, the decision means skipping out on an audience of millions." Yep, there's that. And that's the real insight. Let's Go Brandon needs to do this right now, and he's not going to do so.

That says a lot.

Kristen Welker doesn't get it

In a post on X (aka Twitter), Meet The Press host takes a look at how strongly president Trump is leading Let's Go Brandon, and is shocked, SHOCKED that "the economy is so striking" and Americans aren't giving Let's Go Brandon credit for that.  She doesn't realize two things, which I'll explain below.

Here's what Kristen Welker just doesn't get:
  1. The economy isn't actually doing that great, and despite the numbers looking good, people can feel the truth.
  2. People realize that what they are being told,doesn't align with what they can feel or sense on their own.  They are waking up to the fact that people like herself can lie to them, but so can that the stats being published .  The stats can be manipulated, or even changed before being published.  I've personally shared dozens of examples of that. So not only do people not believe her narrative, they no longer trust the numbers
She thinks her and her ilk own the narrative, but that's just not possible when you've lost the plot.

February 4, 2024

The Nikki Haley rundown

In case you missed it, from the latest astroturfing in the video below, skip ahead to 4:46 if you haven't been paying attention to her campaign flip flops (or outright lies).

She got played

Despite the media gaslighting America, the light goes on that Trump is not the bad guy:

Latest polls shifting? Fear not.

Recently there's been a spate of polls showing Let's Go Brandon improving versus president Trump.  These recent polls all have a leftward tilt associated with their pollsters. As a premise to count undocumented harvested ballots, it's a great way to lay the groundwork for cheating. The narrative Let's Go Brandon has been surging of late, does make a great story for the left.

Honestly, I'm fine with the narrative because it keeps Let's Go Brandon on the ballot in place of sinister Gavin Newsom.  Short of the premise for cheating, it only serves as a salve for wounded lefty hearts.   The reason not to worry at this point is simple - what has been different that has caused Let's Go Brandon to dramatically surge to within striking distance of Trump?

I'll give you a few minutes to ponder that and realize the answer is "absolutely nothing".  So no reason for a surge, ergo no real surge. Sure polls will shift, they can even change direction.  But this makes zero sense.  And then there are the state polls.

Here's why you don't need to worry just yet, according to Red Eagle Politics:

Sunday verse


February 2, 2024

Groundhog Day thoughts

Ah Groundhog Day, the day Let's Go Brandon emerges from his basement and upon seeing his shadow and realizing it is not some unsuspecting woman, commits a quick verbal gaffe, and quickly retreats into his lair.  Thankfully, it's not the Bill Murray version of Groundhog Day where we have to relive the same day with the same president over and over again forever.

February 1, 2024

Fetterman sanity, literally and figuratively, out of left field

I know I didn't see this coming out of left field. John Fetterman showing some lucidity on border security and illegal immigration. Wow! I wonder if he will be voting for Trump this year.

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