February 26, 2021

Woke Coke drank the Kool Aid

My wife, a long time Diet Coke fan, is switching to Diet Pepsi because Coke is woke.  Ironically  Coke seems to have drank the SJW Kool Aid.

February 25, 2021

February 24, 2021

Rep Lauren Boebert is brilliant

 Trolling the Left because she can.

Salesforce cancels Project Veritas

 Salesforce is on the Social Justice Warrior bandwagon.

Muppets are racist?

 Just wow.

Let me point something out for you Disney, if you feel that strongly about it, just cancel them. After all, you own the rights to the Muppets now.  Oh but you are not going to do that are you?  Too lucrative. So just mouth what you think SJWs need to hear and move on.  Phony, phony, phony.

Georgia Republicans fire back.

 Way late but still a good move, Georgia Republicans require voter ID for absentee ballots.

February 23, 2021

YouTube deleting dislikes for Democrat

 Via Steven Crowder, YouTube has been deleting dislikes from Not-My-president videos:

Rules for Patriots - An Introduction

I had planned to do this as a video, and release it yesterday.  Unfortunately the editing was taking way longer than I expected and in order to just get it done, I have reverted to simply writing it out.  Luckily I still have some of the visuals available to make it less drab.

Rules for Patriots. Why do we need rules for Patriots? And who even do we consider Patriots? Do we really need new rules? And why now?

Lets examine each of these questions as a precursor to diving into the actual rules themselves. These rules are intended as a way to change the game.  A game that has been rigged against conservatives, against patriots, against you and I for a very long time.

In recent years, and I am referring to years that even preceded president Trump, there has been a rebirth of patriotism.  A rebirth in the belief that America is a great place. What was commonplace in the 1980s dwindled over time until there was a need to have a renaissance of patriotism with the rise of the Tea Party in 2009.

For many of us that patriotism to American virtues and values has never been in doubt. But in a broader spectrum, it has been slowly draining out of American cultural sensibilities and morality only to be replaced with an inferior brand of sensibilities that betray what America stands means.  It's as if an Overton Window on society, not just government, has been changing the meaning of what America is and means.  And just like a virus, that ersatz vision of America has been spreading, uncontrolled, and uncontained. This culminated in the election of 2020, with a blow to the Make America Great Again movement, the successor to the Tea Party movement.

This creeping betrayal of American values has infected not just people, not just business but even governmental institutions.  Bureaucracies meant to work for the American people have been perverted into serving an oligopoly of a very few, using the institutional advantages it has created for itself to cover your eyes to the truth. An oligarchy of massive private institutions have joined the behemoth to protect their own interests turning the drivers of societal change into a virtually unstoppable behemoth.

In addition progressive socialists have permeated media and education, turning people into sheep; non-thinkers who accept what they are told without critical questioning. It's been alarmingly effective.  Fort those of us invested in "liberty and justice for all" the time to correct the problems is running short.

You may be wondering if "Patriot" means you.  It does.  Waiting for someone else to fix your problems with government and Big Tech and the media is a lot like political welfare.  It's dependency. You need to act, politically to ensure a future for America.

That is, if you: believe in the Constitution.  And you believe in preserving America as a place with potential for all. and you understand that an America that prevents that for anyone, prevents it for all. You also understand that America requires an active, civil defense of the principles that made it a great country or else it and all the liberty it provides will perish. You must likewise understand that the liberty your country affords you also charges you with certain responsibilities. You know that one of the greatest of those responsibilities is to protect those liberties not just for yourself, but for all Americans.

But all of that is just understanding. To be a patriot you must not be afraid to take action, civil action, in order to address threats to liberty and justice for all. That means getting involved politically, socially morally and intellectually.

The obvious question is why not use what's already there since it worked so well. Saul Alinsky wrote Rules for Radicals.  It worked to get progressives into power.  The same radicals who are now in power and either willfully or unknowingly chopping away at the support structure that holds America together.

But if the rules worked for them?  Why not just use their own rules against them?

4 reasons:

(1) The rules are based on the destruction of your enemy.  Their enemy in part is America.  We do not have that same luxury.  Similarly we do not possess the numerical strength to destroy socialism and progressivism. Not now.

(2) That is because we have already ceded so much ground to the socialists.  Consequently we need to convert groups and individuals into allies, not destroy them.  We must grow our numbers. Destruction does not suffice and in a political battle of attrition that destruction would require, we are doomed. This is why the Democrats are locked into the political war of attrition - they are winning.

(3) Time for a recent football analogy.  If you were the Tampa Bay Buccaneers would you try to defeat the Kansas City Chiefs with the Kansas City Chiefs' own playbook?  It's not designed for you, it's designed for them, and they know it better than you ever will. They will know what your next move is before you do. That is a surefire road to defeat.

(4) The Saul Alinsky playbook is one of negative tactics.  Do you want to stoop that low?  Personal destruction? You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar the old saying goes. It's the common sense ideas like that which are lacking in our opposition.  That's what makes them vulnerable.

It's better to never go lower when they go low.  Instead we must offer something positive; hope.  It's what drove victory for Ronald Reagan, for Donald Trump and it even worked for the most successful Democrats like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.  Offer hope. Offering hope means not using a negative playbook.  No, we need our own.

So why now? Take a look at the graphs above. Firstly, electoral college shifts between parties are diminishing.  over time. In most states voters have become locked into a voting pattern.  The opportunities to change minds are diminishing and between president Reagan and president Trump, no Republican has seemed eager to even attempt it. Democrats however never afraid to try, by any means necessary. Take a look at the second graph.  Not only is the voter base becoming locked in, it seems to be turning out more. More voters, more entrenched. That's a recipe for stasus for a long time. Stasus that favors the left. While on the surface it would appear that additional votes for president Trump in both 2016 and 2020 were a good thing, either the Democrats manufactured votes, or their base was so fired up that patriots decided to do something about progressive social and political hegemony, that they turned out to quash your political spirit once and for all. That is anti-democratic action at it's most insidious.

Let's circle back to why we need rules at all.  Can't we just do our thing and it will work itself out?  Frankly that's not a plan.  That's a fairy tale.  We need rules to change the game and we need them now.
What we have done so far has not worked. President trump captured lightning in a bottle in 2016, and nearly again in 2020. But nearly is not enough.  We need to do things better or we are destined to lose elections until America is completely unrecognizable, weak and at the mercy of foreign powers.

What we have done so far is reactive and without forward thinking. You cannot win without a plan.  Interestingly, what we have done so far has been based on conservative principles, particularly rugged individualism.  That's great in capitalism.  It turns out it is terrible in politics. What's needed is a co-operative effort (which neither capitalism nor liberty preclude). That does not mean we need to abandon who we are to incorporate a few guiding principles. These guiding principles, or rules, are meant to be just guidance.  Rugged individuals or organizations will have plenty of room to operate from within that framework, even if they adhere to the rules. 

These rules are tactical in nature, but only because that is the stage we are at as patriots. strategic thinking is not gone, just absent from this immediate discussion. Besides, why would I share a strategy here where it can be dissected by progressives looking for weaknesses?

The rules are going to follow soon.  I will discuss them one at a time.

Now, so I do not get doxed, censored or worse allow me to add a few caveats for any progressive, liberal, socialist or social justice warrior who happens to see this:

-This is not a call to violence.  It is a call to political action. 
-This is not radical. If you believe that someone having a different political view than you is radical, you need to step out of the rainbow sweetheart, and into the real world.
-Further, someone trying to make a political change is not radical unless they are doing so violently. Rioting and looting are violent.  Burning buildings is violent. Protesting and organizing is not violent, even if you disagree with someone politically you do not have the right to curtail their speech. If you want to do that go join the regime in North Korea or Syria or Chad.
-You do not have the right to exist 100% unoffended. Your ill-conceived ideas offend me.  You know what I do? I deal with it. Grow up and try it yourself.

February 21, 2021

February 20, 2021

Facebook has cancelled Australia

Facebook is not the good guy here. Or anywhere for that matter.  This is not an Australia-only problem.  Facebook is part of the cancel culture problem and frankly if Australians cancel Facebook, hopefully that spreads to other countries.  I am not against American companies having success; I'm all for it in fact.  But Facebook has become a seriously bad actor.

Rules for Patriots coming Monday

The introductory portion of Rules for Patriots will be here on Monday. Rule #1 will follow on March 1st and one rule will be posted weekly thereafter. 

February 19, 2021

Lots of asteroids - SJWs beware

Yes, this is a little off topic and mostly irrelevant but then again so is Climate Change.  And wouldn't it be great to get woke SJWs to focus on asteroids rather than the Paris Climate Accords?  Instead of that we need a global initiative on climate defense.  Right? Humanity needs to come together to develop a global defense shield, blah, blah, blah.

In any case, there have been an usual amount of large asteroids passing relatively close to earth this month:

February 18, 2021

Still not over the loss of Rush

I don't think I'll ever be over the loss of Rush.  I was in university when I started listening to Rush Limbaugh and maybe because I was so young then, I always had this notion that Rush would just go on forever. Sadly, greatness dies the same death as mediocrity.  Nothing is eternal - well except for God (as Rush would say, from whom his talent was on loan). He deserves his accolades, and not his slings and arrows.  Here are a few more accolades.

February 17, 2021

Gone but not forgotten - Rush Limbaugh

Today is a sad day indeed.  Via Breitbart:

Conservative radio legend Rush Limbaugh died Wednesday morning at the age of 70 following a battle with lung cancer, his wife Kathryn Limbaugh announced at the beginning of his radio program.

“It is with profound sadness I must share with you directly that our beloved Rush, my wonderful husband, passed away this morning due to complications from lung cancer,” Katheryn announced.

“Rush will forever be the greatest of all time, she added.

Limbaugh, host of The Rush Limbaugh Show for 32 years, had been battling Stage 4 lung cancer since January 2020. Just days after his announcement, Limbaugh was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Trump during the State of the Union. “Rush Limbaugh: Thank you for your decades of tireless devotion to our country,” Trump told the radio host during the address.

Rush Limbaugh was one of my heroes.  While I have always been conservative since I was about 12 years old, Rush Limbaugh made me realize a lot of things since I started listening in 1989. He awoke me to the climate change hoax for example.  He made me think about things, I mean think critically and not just accept 'facts' without thinking what they really mean. He made me realize that there is a narrative behind the news, no matter who provided the news.  He was insightful and entertaining at the same time.

There are lots of potential heirs but there will never be another Rush. He was truly great and his loss will be felt for a long time.

February 16, 2021

Cuomo's NY nursing home massacre

The left is so convinced there is no more right side Res Publica and they have started turning on their own because to the left, politics is blood sport and the true enemy is anyone who isn't 'me'.  While it is good to watch the left eat itself, it should be a lesson to weak-kneed RINOs like those who voted to impeach Trump for two reasons; (i) it should show you who you are aligned with and how quickly you will be torn to shreds when you are no longer useful to them and (ii) in order for conservatives to fight back against this savage political machine is to harden themselves and do the same, meaning they are coming for you RINOs too.  You have no allies in truth.

Tim Pool savages NY governor Cuomo over killing people in nursing homes over COVID-19.  Yes Cuomo's defense will try to pin this on Trump.  It won't work.  And frankly, it's good to see Cuomo twist in the wind for what he did.

February 15, 2021

This is what you can expect

 You're a Republican senator. You voted to impeach former president Trump.  This is what you can expect:

February 14, 2021

February 13, 2021

Impeachment is cover

Democrats know the impeachment is not going to happen.  So why do it?  Because it's sucking up all the media attention so they can get a bunch of new regulatory changes and executive orders without any coverage of it.  It's cover. It's sleight of hand. You know that CNN is focused on this and not the failings of the current regime.

Nevertheless, at least anyone paying attention is noticing how badly the latest impeachment effort is going. 

February 12, 2021

Travel restrictions for Americans, not illegal migrants

Just wow. Sometimes that's all I can manage to say because there are not enough words in the English language to express the shock, outrage and disgust for things that leftists do or are allowed to get away with doing.

February 11, 2021

Pick for head of CIA has China ties

 The guy who has ties to china, is putting people in high places who also have ties to China:

February 10, 2021

A light-hearted jab at the Left (specifically AOC)

 Via the Babylon Bee, an 'apology' about a joke they made about AOC:

February 9, 2021

It's not détente, it's indentured servitude

This guy, not my president, is serving out his indentured servitude to communist China by allowing their propaganda machine to crank back up. Useful idiot.

February 8, 2021

February 7, 2021

February 6, 2021

February 5, 2021

Why the far left are fooling themselves, and why conservatives must join them.

 If you are a progressive you have to be ecstatic right now.  You ousted Trump (by fair means or foul is inconsequential), and the mainstream media and social media Big Tech have conservatives on the run, about to be routed perhaps forever. You have a president who is willing to do whatever he told you and doesn't cares about the labor unions who supported him and now have workers getting laid off. Democrats control the house and senate and are trying to kick Republicans out of the house and senate entirely. As exciting as all of that sounds to you, you should be very, very worried. 

Progressives, you are fooling yourself and conservatives, now is the time to join with progressives to stop what all Americans, all Westerners, hell - all people of the world need to be are in danger of becoming.  Unnecessary.

I know that sounds strange but it's true.  I urge you to consider the following, before it gets to late to do anything.  If you are a progressive, conservatives do indeed sound radical and dangerous, but that is only if what you are hearing in the mainstream media is 100% true.  I urge you to consider taking in information from some non-traditional non-mainstream sources and see the news you are missing or are being filtered out of your line of sight. It's not going to harm you or poson your mind to look or listen. You may disagree with these conservatives, but they are not bark-at-the-moon crazy.  They have legitimate concerns that are not being addressed, and in fact it's worse - they are being silenced.

The concern you should have is that you are next.  Think about it.  If you were a dictator and wanted to move to an Orwellian police state, who would you need to silence first?  The gun-toting live free or die conservatives.  How do you silence them?   Make them look crazy and take away their ability to make a difference.  Silence them into submission and make them apologize for that which the do not need to apologize.  Herd them into a persecuted minority.  Once you have accomplished that, then you can do the same with those who are on board with your agenda because their agenda isn't actually your agenda.  They will have been useful puppets up to a point, but after the conservative  resistance is destroyed, the progressive crowd can be turned on itself similarly. Once there is no one left but the elite-supporting low-information proletariat the elite can do anything they want.  ANYTHING.  Their agenda is to achieve self-serving wealth-generating elitist goals. If there is no one left to fight back then they can do anything - lower the minimum wage, offshore all jobs, take away benefits, take away rights - whatever it takes to maximize their own wealth, at everyone's expense.  

These are not the 1%, they are the 0.001%. 

You don't believe me?  You realize that is exactly what Putin has done in Russia in his corruptocracy. He used to be Soviet KGB, now he's a self-serving elite. It's the same thing that exists in China but they are still functioning as a normal-appearing government.  This is what president Trump was railing against.  It's why they fought so hard to destroy him.  That you wanted him destroyed was mere convenience.  

You want to put conservatives in re-education camps?  What happens when it's your turn?  Doesn't that frighten you?  It should, because you are indeed next.  The elites do not want to change America to a more inclusive place, they want it more exclusive.  

Conservatives.  You've been abused by the left as much as by the elites of both parties.  You've been disillusioned by those you thought were on your side within the halls of power from Chief Justice Roberts, to Mitch McConnell to Paul Ryan to Bill Barr, all have let you down.  The truth is you have no allies there.  You cannot gain allies in the mainstream media or Big Tech.  Their goal is to eradicate your resistance to their agenda by negating you as a political force. Everything you try will be stopped sooner or later.  There is but one group that you can align with, if they realize it in time.  Progressives.

Why?  Because the underlying truth is that this  is not about conservatism, liberalism, libertarianism, progressivism or even capitalism or socialism.  It's about those inside making sure that they work together to disenfranchise everyone who can stop them.  The only way to stop them is for EVERYONE on all sides of the political spectrum to but their grudges aside and focus on stopping the elite from fundamentally changing America. They do not want equality of opportunity.  They do not even want equality of outcome unless it is an outcome that maximizes their power and wealth and minimizes everyone else's.  We need allies, and we only need to awaken allies.  That takes incentives not invectives.  That's the only way to stop what's happening.  We need to awaken progressives to what's going on, not antagonize them.

February 4, 2021

In defense of Jordan Peterson

A news cycle needs to be corrected with respect to Jordan Peterson.  I'm sharing this response from Mikhaila Peterson to do my part to correct a false narrative #FAKENEWS.

February 2, 2021

Mostly peaceful violence [Or: How you prove the media are lying]

Show this video to low information voters.  They are a bigger reason president Trump lost the election than the cheating (which was a problem, but not big enough to maintain momentum -- because there were too many low information voters).

When I say they are a bigger reason, I am not talking about the media, I am talking about the low information voters. There's far too many of them. We don't need to take out the media to defeat them, we need to take away their credibility with the uninformed.

Low information voters SUCK!!!

How does someone in Australia know more about the truth in America than low information Democrat voters? It's a sad state in America when 70+ million voters (and several million fake voters) voted for a guy who is now a low-information president.

Crowder suing Facebook

With the odds stacked against any sort of success, I still applaud Steven Crowder's move. This is an important exercise and with the Big Tech oligopoly aligned against Reddit users, conservative voters and in general anybody but themselves, this is important.  

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