December 31, 2023

Happy New Year

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2024.

Sunday verse


December 29, 2023

Maine is an idiot

Maine has gotten into the act of trying to ban president Trump from the 2024 ballot. This too will fail.

December 28, 2023

Colorado chickens out on Trump

President Trump is back on the ballot. I knew this would happen, but I'm not sure if it was the Michigan decision not to remove him, the fact that it would go to the Supreme Court and they would lose and look like idiots, or just that the left has finally realized that they are helping Trump, not hurting him, with all the lawfare.

Well at least Michigan got it right.

President Trump not removed from the ballot.

December 26, 2023

Escalation in the Middle East

U.S. and Iran leaning into the regional conflict between Israel and Hamas:

December 23, 2023

Off the next few days

I'll be with family the next few days. I wish all my readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

December 22, 2023

Oops! Did she just say that?

New York Attorney General Letitia James, Democrat, just said the judge ruled in her favor before the kangaroo court trail of president Donald Trump even began. WTF?

Quotes of the day

Two quotes stood out to me today as synopses of the Colorado court's ill advised decision to remove president Trump from the 2024 ballot.

Victor Davis Hanson on the lie behind it, and the blindly partisan absurdity of the ruling itself:

An “insurrectionist” president does not address unarmed protestors with qualifiers like, “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”

How also can one be guilty of insurrection without ever being indicted for such a supposed crime, much less convicted of it? 

Tim Donner on the inevitable outcome of it that will once again slap the Democrat party in the face:

This time, four left-wing Colorado justices attempting to kneecap Trump were not even going to wait on due process – the very foundation of law – to effectively declare Trump guilty of insurrection, a crime for which he has not, repeat not, even been charged. After believing their attempts to wipe Trump off the ballot would be a knockout punch, it is the left that is about to get walloped to the canvas with a right hook. 

...Leftists constantly indicting Trump have actually gotten the reaction they envisioned: forcing the GOP to support Trump. The idea was that Biden would then sail to another term against a convicted criminal sure to repel the American electorate in the end. The strategy has turned into the most classic backfire we have witnessed in some time.

December 21, 2023

Some reactions to Colorado trying to disqualify president Trump

Dave Rubin shares president Trump's reaction, Robert F. Kennedy's reaction and a bit of his own. I already shared Vivek Ramaswamy's great reaction, as well as my own thoughts that go into the why and the eventual consequences for Democrats.

December 20, 2023

Every GOP candidate must do this TODAY.

Vivek Ramaswamy being a standup guy, doing the right thing in response to the absurd Colorado court ruling regarding president Trump's ballot eligibility.  Any GOP candidate who does not, has put their own political career ahead of what's right. We will notice it.  

My analysis on the political impact, the Democrat motivation and the unintended consequences, here.

President Trump WILL be on the ballot in Colorado

Colorado has ruled that Donald Trump cannot be on the ballot in Colorado for the Republican primaries or seemingly for the general election for 2024. If you noticed how the legal cases against president Trump made him more popular, just watch what this does for him.  His popularity will rise even more.  This clearly marks a dark authoritarian turn by the Democrats.  If it happened in some Central American country we would be up in arms about that nation being in a dictatorship.  But it's happening in America.  People, especially independent voters, will notice this.

Democrats seem to believe that president Trump's support comes from some sort of cult-of-personality-based underpinning.  It's not.  His 2016 support was based on Make America Great Again which ran the gamut of border security, economic strength and America First principles among other similar notions.  While that was true, it's no longer the case. With each phony impeachment, each indictment, each attempt to deny him the chance to run again (like this latest legal attempt by Colorado), his popularity is growing not because of his core supporters, it's because people see the attempt to railroad an outsider and they don't like it.  They see the establishment going after a high profile outsider and think, if they can do that to him, they can do that to anyone, including me.

This is also voter disenfranchisement of the highest order. If Donald Trump is your candidate, you've been told your vote does not count in Colorado. Democrats have complained about voter disenfranchisement seemingly forever. But it's lip service; they just want to win elections by making it easier for them to harvest ballots without scrutiny.   It's obvious. Only conservatives have noticed to date.  But here they are doing exactly what they claim to be against. Why?  Because it was never about voter disenfranchisement, it's always been about control; controlling the narrative or in this case controlling the outcome of elections.

Nobody wants that level of control over their lives.  Sure, many Democrats want that level of control over other people's lives, but not their own. Hardcore Democrat supporters want conformity to their own ideas.  "Think like me." The establishment is similar but it's more like, "think like we tell you." But those two groups represent a small minority of Americans, thank God. And an additional blessing, they seem blind to consequences of their actions.  There will be unintended consequences.

Firstly let me say that due to the short timeline, this will immediately be raised to the Supreme Court, and it will be immediately be overturned. The 14th Amendment being used to kick president Trump off the ballot, is a federal matter. Colorado does not get to decide this. Furthermore, the president is not included in the wording of the amendment, only specific officers.  There is no way this gets upheld at SCOTUS. 

Maybe the unintended consequences that will hit Democrats are not so unintended.  Their end game could be something other than keeping Trump off the ballot.  It could be for example, an attempt to discredit the Supreme Court after they decide in Trump's favor, so that they can once again meddle with the governance and makeup of the Supreme Court.  Because the Supreme Court will side with Trump; he will be on the ballot in Colorado in 2024.

Or, in an even more sinister take, maybe it's a backdoor way to get Let's Go Brandon off the Democrat ticket.  He's trailing president Trump in most polls, most importantly in a lot of swing state polls. If this further exacerbates the gap between Trump and Let's Go Brandon for Democrats, it provides them more fodder to demand he step aside.  "Oh, look at this shiny new candidate (Gavin Newsom, or Michelle Obama) we have for you.  Surely they are a better option than Trump would be, right?

I would not put either scenario, or both past Democrats. They are insidious. They are evil. They represent decay and disorder, and they must be stopped at the ballot box

Inspiring words from a former Democrat

Tulsi Gabbard, sounding like a Republican.

December 18, 2023

Trudeau in trouble

Justin Trudeau is in real trouble.  Canada's Global News, not a conservative bastion by any stretch, had this report yesterday, showing how badly Canadians want him gone.

An addendum, a spot-on analysis of Justin Trudeau by Jordan Peterson.

And a further addendum, some more recent polling showing the same thing - liberals are hurting, mostly due to Trudeau:


This was too good not to share. From Frank Miele, RealClearPolitics, the quote of the week:

What the talking heads don’t want to admit is that voters have been paying attention for months, and they are sending a message to the elites that they will make up their own minds, thank you very much. And that goes for blacks, Hispanics, and young voters, too – not just MAGA Republicans. Polls show Trump gaining support in all those demographics, and either tied with President Biden or ahead of him nationally.

...As the polls show, they have been paying attention to the persecution of Donald Trump by his political opponents, and they don’t like it. They are paying attention to the variety of third-party candidates who have said they will run in 2024, and when those candidates are included in polls, Trump’s lead in battleground states increases from 5 points to 7. They are paying attention to the blossoming debt crisis that Congress and Biden have shown no interest in addressing. They are paying attention to the border, where millions of military-age males have been arriving from Africa, the Middle East, and across the world, some on the terrorism watch list. They are paying attention to the unaffordability of housing, whether rental or purchased, and they are paying attention to their own growing credit card balances and their shriveled savings accounts. They are paying attention to those Ivy League college presidents who think threats of genocide are only a problem if they are carried out.

Sorry, Democrats. Sorry, Joe Biden. Sorry, congressional dead weights of both parties. Sorry, elites and talking heads. We have been paying attention, and we are coming for you. You can’t hide behind your fake narrative any longer. The truth has set us free.

This is fact. 

MSNBC's Democrat shill gets called out and hates it

She can't stand the heat because the truth inconveniences and contravenes the big lie she is helping shill.

Van Jones shaking in his boots

Van Jones IS a demagogue. He accused Vivek Ramaswamy of being one.  Here's the lowdown in case you missed it:

"Nazi propaganda." Van Jones

Vivek is speaking facts. Van Jones doesn't like it and is posturing his feelings for effect. Period.

December 17, 2023

Sunday verse, an explainer

A quick explanation of each book of the Bible, both Old Testament and New Testament, for those who have never read it cover to cover.

December 16, 2023

Can you say "railroad"?

Letitia James self-exposes her and the judge's attempts to railroad president Trump.  Viva Frei explains:

December 15, 2023

Which Christmas would you prefer?

Which White House Christmas would you prefer to experience? For me this is an obvious choice.  The Jill Biden stuff isn't over the top awful, but it's not good. It's fairly bad. But the Melania Trump versions were excellent.

Surface level vs. underlying meaning

This is a great take by Red Eagle Politics.

December 14, 2023

Yeah, it was stolen

Not just because of what's in the video below, also for example, FBI suppressing the true Hunter Biden laptop as Russian disinformation.  Voter fraud is a massive problem, so is systemic institutional cheating.

December 13, 2023

Justin Trudeau: even more wrong than we thought

Canada's liberal government, led by communist-China-admirer Justin Trudeau is sending Canadian taxpayer money to a bank run by the Chinese Communist Party.  It's so stupid it has to have been purposefully done.  It turns out the green agenda is probably more important than both national security and taxpayers' money.

December 12, 2023

Rumble gets dragged under the swamp

Rumble, a free speech alternative to YouTube, is currently under a cyber attack. The swamp?  Google targeting a competitor?  Whatever, it doesn't matter. It's all part of the same swamp: the mainstream media, big tech and big government socialists. This is not good for liberty, not good for competition,  and not good for America.  These are all the things they are trying to snuff out.

Obummer's anti-white conspiracy theory film

Is former president Obama a racist? Tim Pool discusses the Obama film in a broader context.

December 11, 2023

B'uh bye Kevin

Kevin McCarthy, not sorry to see you go. Via Red Eagle Politics:

December 9, 2023

BlackRock forcing behaviors (bad behaviors)

Forcing behavior is coercion.  It's legally wrong, it's morally wrong, and BlackRock reflects that evil.

December 8, 2023


The Let's Go Brandon economy?  Even worse than you thought, according to JP Morgan.

Need more info to get a sense of how bad it is?  Check out this YouTube post from Benny Johnson.

Yep, it's THAT bad.

What's Next in the Hunter Biden charges? (Part 2 of 2)

Answering my headline question in two words, Gavin Newsom.  Previously I mentioned that as the charges against Hunter Biden stack up and become more and more concrete and eventually become irrefutable, expect the Let's Go Brandon administration to mount a campaign of obstruction to stop the GOP and others from compiling evidence, stacking charges and/or making any headway whatsoever. They could succeed, but if they don't, it could be worse, much worse.

Tomi Lahren explains my biggest concern:

Let's Go Brandon, outside of a massive election fraud, cannot win the 2024 election. Many Democrats know this. They have two options, assist in the stonewalling as they have for the past 4 years, or cut him loose. If the charges proceed with sudden Democrat 'support', it means they want Gavin Newsom to face president Trump instead of Let's Go Brandon. That's because despite Newsom's horrible, terrible, terrifically bad record in California, and him arguably being the worst governor in the history of California, he's slick. 

Slick doesn't fool Xi Jinping, or many Americans, it fools enough of them to sometimes win elections. Newsom is as slick as he is awful. And there's one thing Democrats love, it's slick.  Barack Obama was slick. "Slick Willy" was Rush Limbaugh's truly apt nickname for Bill Clinton.

President Trump has to win in 2024.  America cannot withstand another Democrat, deep-state, corrupt, selfish, politically driven administration. Gavin Newsom for all his faults, is a less well-known commodity. He has many advantages as a candidate over Let's Go Brandon. He even has many advantages as a candidate over president Trump; he's more polished (which matters to many voters), he's more articulate which give allows him to sidestep debate or interviewer questions rather than answering them (that's slick). Gavin Newsom would definitely outperform Let's Go Brandon, and in 2024 with all the nefarious voting oddities to come, president Trump will need every possible advantage to win.  Despite his popularity, despite his leads in swing states, somehow this election will end up being questionably close, just like 2020.  The biggest advantage president Trump has right now is the resolute awfulness of Let's go Brandon himself.  I say let's keep that in our back pocket.

I'm not saying the charges and investigations into Hunter Biden should be dropped.  They are yet another albatross around the neck of Let's Go Brandon.  I'm saying they need to be done on a precise schedule.  They should not be slow-walked through Congress, but neither should they be rushed.  The findings, the charges, the convictions, the linkage to Let's Go Brandon all need to be timed in such a way that Democrats do not feel an urgency to replace Let's Go Brandon on the ticket at any point along the way until it's too late to do so. The progress should not derail Let's Go Brandon's re-nomination.  The culmination of linkage of money between Hunter Biden and Let's Go Brandon should not happen right after the primary season either. It has to wait until Brandon's name is on the ballot in most states - at least the swing states.  That will prevent Democrats from pulling the old switcharoo on America. 

What's Next in the Hunter Biden charges? (Part 1 of 2)

With the situation with the Hunter Biden charges getting worse and worse for Let's Go Brandon, there's a lot of potential fallout politically.  Firstly, expect the Let's Go Brandon administration to stonewall and obstruct on Hunter Biden's behalf.  It's something that eventually will likely lead right back to Let's Go Brandon. What choice does Let's Go Brandon have besides trying to derail the legitimate investigations?

Fox Business discusses:

If the administration succeeds, or succeeds for long enough, it's bad for America. However if they fail, it might actually be worse. Either way, this won't be the last of the fallout from the Hunter Biden (part 2 follows), it gets much worse for America.

Explosive new Hunter Biden charges revealed

 Via Fox News:

This Hunter Biden thing is getting worse and worse for Let's Go Brandon.

December 7, 2023

Nikki Haley looked like a deer in the headlights

Vivek Ramaswamy went after his opponents in the last Republican debate and Nikki Haley looked like a deer in the headlights.

Bullying Jews at Harvard

How do these people remain in their jobs? Anti-Semitism is wrong, how hard is that to say? Apparently for people like Dr. Claudine Gray, president of Harvard, pretty hard.  That's because they only want to punish people for hate speech if it's hate speech with which they disagree.

December 5, 2023

This is inspiring

 James O'Keefe talks about courage.

KJP "run away!"

 Remember the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail?

Check out this vversion of that act, when KJP is confronted with a serious question about the Let's Go Brandon crime syndicate and the new evidence coming out about it:

December 4, 2023

Is the Pope a communist

According to Javier Milei, incoming president of Argentina, thinks it's so. He thinks the Pope is a communist.  He makes a good case.  I've always thought the current Pope was a socialist (communist-lite), but that's just splitting hairs.  Here Milei talks to Tucker Carlson about the Pope and communism and socialism in general.

Predictions of Trump 2024

Depending on who you ask, outside of the Mainstream media, there are a variety of positions people hold on whether president Trump can retake the White House in 2024. The mainstream media has hinted at worry about a Trump re-election, but they still mostly maintain, at least in their presentation, that Let's Go Brandon has been a great president, and at most, Donald Trump is a minor worry.  A few examples of this follow:

Vox magazine in April said that Biden’s presidency had “an exceptionally productive first few years.” The Atlantic magazine likewise declared the first two years of Biden’s presidency as “among the most productive of any president in the past half century.” Jonathan Lemire of Politico said on “Morning Joe” that “Joe Biden’s first years in office were extraordinarily successful.”

Wow, you'd have to be spectacularly insulated to believe that tripe.  Unfortunately many voters are that insulated from reality. It in fact may have been "extraordinarily successful" if you look at it from the perspective of Xi Xinping, or similar types. No, what they hope is that their literal propaganda in support of Let's Go Brandon is extraordinarily successful. 

But once you step outside of those trying to influence a particular outcome, you get a very different perspective. Kurt Schlichter for example, a DeSantis supporter who would solidly support Trump if he were the nominee had this to say:

I still remain unconvinced that Donald Trump is likely to win in November 2024. In my view, way too many people irrationally hate him and will never vote for him. But I could be wrong. There’s evidence that I am, coming from competent people who do not have an interest in twisting their analysis to fit some preconceived result.

His longer form summarization seems to be that Trump is not the favorite, but nevertheless, very well could win in 2024.

Sean Trende at RCP, whom Schlichter references in his piece, has a slightly different take.  He thinks it's too far out to speculate, but:

These all make for fun speculation and are useful reminders that if a week is a lifetime in politics, then a year is, well, a very, very long time. Analysts should, of course, feel free to indulge in gaming out the possibilities.
But when the conversation returns to what we do know, there honestly is only one correct answer: Trump can win this election, and is well-positioned to do so.

He's more optimistic and seems to feel like, as of this moment, president Trump could be considered the favorite.  The caveat, is the time; the election is almost a year away. Sean Trende is a numbers guy and his interpretations are not to be take lightly.

The betting odds at RCP make Trump the prohibitive favorite to emerge from the GOP primary.  The GOP primary of course is not the White House.   And between the party's nomination, which Trump is highly likely to win, and the general election, you can expect a barrage of negative stories on the president from the same lie-peddlers who relentlessly assaulted his character from 2015 until, well, now.  But if he is the nominee the barrage will be insane. The field-tilting for Democrats will reach new heights (you know that of which I speak). The lawsuits may only simmer since they have been having the opposite effect Democrats have intended. But there will be new, unforeseen, malicious attempts to derail president Trump's 2024 bid. It's a long way to the White House, and while president Trump's chances are looking better than ever, those of us fighting to save America had better realize how difficult it will be.  It's not just polls, it's voter registration, it's a better RNC chair, better donations, better get out the vote efforts, better legal preparation etc.  It's a lot of things that conservatives still seem underprepared to face and do. I like president Trump's odds at the moment, but this moment is only one of many between now and election day.  A lot can go right or wrong between now and then, we need to plan for teh former and prepare for teh latter.

December 3, 2023

December 2, 2023

Pierre Poilievre strikes again

A great video about Canada's housing bubble that has emerged under Justin Trudeau. Pierre Poilievre, Canada's conservative leader and hopefully next Prime Minister explains what has happened, why and what can be done about it.

Comedy Gold with Jordan Peterson

A few months ago I discovered the sharp and unique humor of Matt Rife.    He recently offended some woke people and his response to their cancel attempt was amazing. It was comedy gold to be honest.  He recently sat down with Jordan Peterson for an interview/chat that lasted well over an hour.  It's totally worth sharing here.

(Very) Early 2024 prediction

Via Red Eagle Politics, this is how we EXPECT it to turn out. But uh, maybe not after all the 'counting' is done.

November 30, 2023

Rules for Radicals hitting Disney now

"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."
~Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals

Disney is being cancelled by the right, using a tactic similar to Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals rule about isolating a target. That's what happened to Bud Light.  That's what happened to Target.  Next in line, it appears is Disney, as they were one of many companies claiming they did not want to advertise on Twitter / X.  Elon Musk told them where to go with their advertising boycott.  But to be honest, the Disney debacle preceded the Twitter kerfuffle. 

This is what happens when the mainstream of America, not the mainstream media, actually don't put up with woke extremism. 

November 29, 2023

Let's Go Brandon cancels student loan debt (again?)

The Supreme Court already told him it was unconstitutional, so why the attempted vote grab? Well, evil, that's why.  The man does not care.

NYC police quitting in record numbers

In light of the illegal immigrant cost crisis which I alluded to in my previous post, New York City has started cutting police funding. This, in order to help cover costs for illegal immigrants who are shrewdly being transferred there by Texas to share the load (i.e. experience the pain their liberal policies have been inflicting on others). NYC has responded to the cost issue not by demanding border control but by cutting police costs.  The unintended consequence (or perhaps deliberately intended "defund the police") is police quitting.

New York liberals are now getting pretty much what they want - open borders and somewhat defunded police.  And now, it's having an impact they don't like. Poor babies.

Soldiers charged for equipment they were ordered to leave in Afghanistan

Benny Johnson summarizes it perfectly at the end of this video, commenting "Man, these people are monsters". What an injustice, especially in the face of the nearly half a trillion dollars per year they are expecting illegal immigrants to cost taxpayers.

November 28, 2023

So...Ireland's a problem for the woke now

Ireland it seems has drifted more towards grassroots populism than in past.  Well, that is, except for its disgraceful politicians.

So... we're doing this now I guess

Read Eagle Politics takes a look at the wonky NY Times' potential short list of Donald Trump's 2024 VP choices. I don't entirely agree with Red Eagle's take on every candidate, though he makes some good points.  The NY Times' assessment of pros and cons for each potential candidate is mostly laughable as you would expect. Frankly however, the idea of having an article about this shows me a couple of things because it is so early in the process.

Think about it, not one state has held a primary yet. Yes, president Trump holds a massive lead and no one else is going to win. Despite every laughable effort by the leftist political-media complex to discredit and disqualify him, the NY Times has basically admitted that president Trump will be the Republican presidential nominee for 2024. Maybe they are using this as a way to try to skewer potential running mates.  They mention Trump's age with more than just a hint of foreshadowing part of how they might go after Trump.  That in itself is an interesting takeaway.  If they are going after Trump for his age, does that mean the older, senile Let's Go Brandon is not going to be the Democratic nominee for 2024? It makes you wonder a bit.  Despite all the whispers, I've always suspected that Democrats would stick with Let's Go Brandon in 2024. Now I'm less sure. True it may be the leftist media and Democrats' desire Brandon steps down but was it ever going to materialize? Maybe so now.

Going back to the first point, it tells me the lawsuits against president Trump are expected, even on the left, to fail. The NY Times has basically admitted it with this article.  Reason to be cheerful. But it also shows the real reason they were doing it; to smear him.  The great thing about Donald Trump is that those smears only reverberate in their echo chamber.

Watch Canadian media's panicked reaction to calm common sense

CityTV is a far left Toronto television station, one of the worst in Canada, and this panel response to Pierre Poilievre's legitimate response to a reporter trying to pin something unjustly on him, shows how much of a panic the leftist media in Canada has gotten with Justin Trudeau's free-fall in polling.  People are fed up with Trudeau (finally), but also they are starting to question the media; something the media is not going to take lying down obviously.

The Canadian media has been aggressively leftist for decades. This responses shows out their true colors, is truly awful and totally misses the point.  They are lying to their audience and frankly to themselves. They are tone deaf, delusional and they have been excusing Trudeau for far, FAR worse than this pointed, intelligent and entirely reasonable response.

November 26, 2023

November 24, 2023

Democrat elites are done with NY mayor Eric Adams

Clearly New York Mayor Eric Adams has upset the Democrat elites, the FBI has taken his phone and iPad. He's not onboard with Let's Go Brandon's open border policy, but is there anything else going on that we don't know about?

November 23, 2023

Meanwhile in the Netherlands

Yet another populist victor.  Is the Western world coming to its senses slowly? Trump 2024 is looking more and more real.

Happy Thanksgiving


November 22, 2023

Media Matters' sliminess exposed

The Hill welcomes Michael Shellenberger to discuss how Media Matters tried to ruin Twitter a.k.a. X using slimey, underhanded and untruthful media manipulation:

November 21, 2023

Conservatives finally getting around to using the law

Texas AG follows up on Elon Musk's complaint about Media Matters and it's about time conservatives start using the law against the left. They refuse to do so at their own peril. The culture war can only be won if you actually, you know, fight it.

November 20, 2023

Meanwhile in Argentina

Argentina is just the latest country to elect for president someone the media would dismiss as a far right radical.  Except if 55% of the country voted for the guy, maybe far-right isn't the correct term.  I think it falls into the Princess Bride category of "you keep using this word.  I do not think it means what you think it means."   The correct term would be populist, or maybe 'common sense candidate'.

Here's a fun take:

Musk threatens to sue Media Matters

Media Matters is a leftist shill organization.  Suing them, or even threatening to do so, is a good thing.

November 19, 2023

November 18, 2023

November 17, 2023

Tatoo regret

I've never been a fan of tattoos, this is heartening.

Hayek already explained why we are doing it wrong

Keynes advocated deficit spending and is the basis for modern leftist economic policies.  Friedrich Hayek, a classical economist, explained long ago why the basis of Keynes' ideas were wrong.  This is very important to understand, Keynes was smart, but he was not an economist. 

Let them eat cake

Leftists are supporting this filth - Let's Go Brandon throwing a lavish party for other elites.  You voted for this self-indulgent elitism, leftist.  I hope you are proud, these are your tax dollars at 'work':

From the river to the sea = genocide. No question.

What the pro-Palestinian chant "from the river to the sea"  actually means is genocide of the Jewish people in Israel.

November 16, 2023

Riley Gaines, savage.

In a good way as she calls out Keith Olbermann on his uninformed scumbag routine.

You wanted it, you've got it now

Sanctuary cities, pro-illegal immigration Democrats are reaping what they have sewn, in cities like New York, and it's hard not to laugh at their plight:

November 15, 2023

More Trump = Hitler garbage

The left long ago lost touch with reality, but this garbage line of 'argument' is just getting started:

Meanwhile in Canada, conservatives continue to surge

A television channel in Canada, normally landing between far left and very far left, faces the reality on the ground in Canada.  That reality? Justin Trudeau is destroying the liberal left (the Liberal party) and as a bonus, the socialist left (NDP) and it's starting to look irreversible for the left, at least for the next federal election.


Nikki Haley: I will be your internet overlord.

Nikki Haley is not a serious contender for the GOP presidential nominee for 2024. But you can't vote for her in future years either because this, is symptomatic of what is wrong with government:

Internet overlord Nikki Haley. Yikes.  She pretty much self-disqualified on that "second thing" comment.

November 14, 2023

The Hitler 'argument' again? Really?

Three different sources I've read/heard today are saying that the Democrats' attack line for the 2024 presidential election will be Trump = Hitler.  Just like Bush = Hitler was used. It's as brain-dead as it is baseless. They have no playbook anymore; You're racist.  You're sexist.  You are a homophobe.  You are transphobe.  You're a fascist. You're Hitler. If you don't agree, if you are their political adversary, that's their go to argument. That is their playbook. It's all they've got because they certainly don't have reason or sense or facts on their side. Nevertheless, be ready for it:

November 13, 2023

The gall of NBC news

To print propaganda like this (as Tim Pool points out), is beyond the pale. The Soviets would have been envious of this drivel:

San Francisco is going to be beautiful! (for now)

There is no better evidence of the left's image over substance mentality than this:

November 11, 2023

GOP debate fallout for Vivek Ramaswamy

RNC chair goes after Vivek Ramaswamy for his honest appraisal of GOP leadership during the last GOP debate.

November 10, 2023

Senate more likely to flip Republican in 2024

West Virginia stood a decent chance of flipping its senate seat to Republican in 2024.  That just became a strong chance, as Joe Manchin in West Virginia has decided to not seek reelection for his senate seat. 

Despite holding out for a lot of conservative voters' causes (coal, fiscal responsibility, and some others), Manchin has remained a Democrat vote and has all too often sided with, or ceded to, far left Democrats on important votes and issues.  Replacing Manchin in an otherwise dependable conservative-voting state is a good thing and the urgency of doing so makes the timing of this announcement perfect for conservative voters.

November 9, 2023

There is no FBI (in the Constitution)

FBI, not in the Constitution.  This is not to say there is not a need for some interstate police functionality; if a terrorist crosses the border in Texas, commits an act of terror in that state and then skips across the border to Oklahoma, there has to be a way to deal with that.  The FBI, as it exists, is not the best answer to that problem.

Vivek Ramaswamy slays at the GOP debate

Vivek Ramaswamy took it to every at the GOP debate last night, brilliant. He tore into the media, the GOP, and did not hold back. He was the clear winner.  He may end up as VP and that would not be bad.

November 8, 2023

Where there is smoke, there's fire

The United States can be infuriating. Here's how you fix voting, and how most civilized countries do it, or should do it if they don't:

  1. Photo ID and recent proof of address for voters
  2. Ballot/poll watchers from all parties present at every polling location
  3. Hand counted ballots in every polling precinct
  4. No calling of results in a riding until all poll watchers from parties have signed off 
  5. Recourse for recounts under certain conditions
Why is that so hard in the United States?  Additionally, specific to the United States, why not make election day a national holiday? No mail-in ballots except for overseas military.  If you are a civilian out of the country, tough luck.  I know that's disenfranchising, but it's a relatively small number of people and if it were that important to you, you'd plan for it. Sorry, not sorry. Also, why do some Democrat states take a week for votes to get counted?  And in those cases there is always a Democrat surge from behind.  It's bull and everyone knows it.  In your quest for power you are destroying the democratic process and the concept of democracy itself.

The above 5 requirements are not disenfranchising, they make sure every vote is counted, once, and ghost votes are not counted. That empowers real voters.  Corruption in the voting process is the real disenfranchisement of voters. Instead, we get crap like this:

Hopefully it's not too late for America, but it is getting grim.

RFK Jr. is not a populist

From the beginning I didn't understand why conservatives and libertarians were giving RFK Jr. a pass. I mean fundamentally when he was running a primary against Let's Go Brandon, I understood why: it was to divide Democrats and negatively impact their votes. But suddenly RFK Jr decided to run as an independent and I wondered, why didn't conservative pundits see this coming?  All the while they were giving runway to RFK Jr to steal away votes not from Let's Go Brandon but rather from Donald Trump.  

Even if he were a serious contender for president, this is concerning enough to disqualify him from consideration:

He's a leftist, period.  If that doesn't show you it, you are willfully blind.

The Democrat playbook for 2024 is to make president Trump fight a multi-front war.  They know they cannot beat him in a straight up political battle. So they have decided to make president Trump fight in court for a bunch of spurious charges and actions.  One court case wasn't enough, either.  They have started multiple court cases because they need president Trump's attention divided.

Whether RFK Jr. is in on the game plan or not, doesn't matter at this point.  In addition to the multi-front war Donald Trump has to fight in court, he now has to also worry about RFK Jr. siphoning off populist voters in addition to Let's Go Brandon's giant cheat-machine manufacturing voters to help him win.  Despite the positive polling news, this is still an uphill battle for president Trump's re-election in 2024. 

November 7, 2023

There are elections today

Red Eagle Politics predicts some state level elections being held today. In today's off the rails woke climate, every single election matters.

November 6, 2023

Democrats have a Let's Go Brandon Problem

They can't undo their stupidity.

Based on this one poll the electoral map for 2024 would look something like this.

The thing is, Democrats might be realizing it now:

Hopefully, it's too late for them to do something about it.

November 5, 2023

November 4, 2023

Bill Gates says the real part out loud

Climate exaggeration is going to become a buzzword now?

November 1, 2023

Hope for Canada

Meanwhile in Canada, there is hope.  According to 338Canada (Canada's version of the RealClearPolitics average of polls), as of October 27th, 2023, the Conservative Party of Canada has an average support of 41%, versus Justin Trudeau's Liberal Party at 27%, the socialist NDP party at 18%, and the remainder of the larger national parties at a combined 14%.  41% may sound abysmal and Let's Go Brandon level of support but in Canada there are 5 national parties trying to compete (although one is a regional party and two are quite small in terms of potential).  41% provides a 95% probability that the Conservative party of Canada, led by Pierre Poilievre, would claim a majority government if an election were held today.

In Canada's parliamentary system, the House of Commons serves as both the executive and legislative branch.  A majority conservative government would be like Republicans winning the House, Senate and the White House all at once. A lot of Trudeau damage could be undone. Unfortunately we are likely still a long way away from an election as the Trudeau government has a signed deal with the socialist NDP part to form a coalition government through to 2025. Despite having a minority government subject to non-confidence motions, and being subject to forced elections, thanks to this agreement, Justin Trudeau need not worry right now and he is free to try to buy back votes with hypocritical, cynical, and politically motivated changes to his own environmental policy (for example). Worse, he has time to get that strategy to work.  I don't think it will ultimately work, but Trudeau still has time to do significant damage to Canada, on top of the terrible things he's done in the last eight years.

ADDENDUM:  I thought sharing this video might help explain what Justin Trudeau brazenly is trying to do.

Did Israel Steal Palestinian Land?

False maps:

Sweden's failed multiculturalism

Below is a good review of Sweden's failures, for when you have to discuss diversity with a leftist who claims Scandinavia is an example of the positive impact of multiculturalism. 

October 31, 2023

Needed to be said...

Things you need to know about the FBI

Rand Paul's digging is really important.

An interesting take on the Jones Act

America first is a real necessity, but what about protectionism?  Here's Peter Zeihan's take on the Jones Act:

I need to spend some more time on the subject because it's complex.  Unfortunately, today is not the day for that.

October 30, 2023

New York case against Trump falling apart

Tim Pool briefly discusses it:

This case will fail, but probably not before the 2024 election and certainly not with this judge. It's a mistake the left will pay for eventually.

I wonder if he'll stop bashing president Trump

Mike Pence bows out of the GOP presidential race.

October 28, 2023

CDC's 3% COVID booster uptake

You blew your credibility CDC, you blew it.  No one wants to listen to your COVID booster garbage.

A history lesson on Israel and Palestine

So many unintentionally or intentionally protesting for Hamas don't know history.  Here's a short lesson from 2011. 

Did I offend?

A couple of weeks ago, I saw a sudden drop in views on my blog.  Not an insignificant drop (for me at least, I know I'm a small blogger), but a 75% drop in views.  I started wondering if there was a post I made that offended my readers, perhaps somewhat out of line with my regular conservative principles.  I looked back and I can't see any posts that might have offended.  Then it clicked, perhaps I said something that offended Google.  The day it dropped precipitously was a Sunday when I posted a Bible verse, like I do every Sunday.  This one was about peace.

I honestly don't think that was it. I don't know what it was, but Google has never been keep on helping small bloggers, and certainly not conservative ones.  I have had an error on my ads revenue for years that I have repeatedly fixed that never seems to really go away.  I'm sure at some point my viewership numbers will return, it's no big deal, my ad revenue has always been pathetic and it's not the reason I blog anyway.  I blog to share my thoughts about politics and events and hopefully engage with others in discussions at times. 

October 27, 2023

Friday funnies

This is more fun than funny, but still:

October 26, 2023

You had one job.

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) grilled Robin Dunn Marcos, director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, who has lost 85,000 illegal immigrant children. If a Republican president had lost 85,000 children, liberal media and Democrats would be howling about it as inhumane.

October 25, 2023

Finally a GOP speaker.

And the winner is Mike Johnson.

Are the Trump plea deals a warning sign?

I haven't seen as much as I expected on the Trump associate plea deals happening in Georgia from conservatives media.  There's a lot of plea deals happening and as a Trump supporter, you might have reason to worry.  Personally, I don't think it's the case, or that it's still too early to worry.  You just have to remind yourself that when these charges were brought, how spurious they were regarded as being. That hasn't really changed. It's very possible that these plea deals are all a way of the prosecutors saving face since the details of the plea deals seem awfully lenient, attorney Jenna Ellis is a case in point:

In exchange for her cooperation, Ellis pleaded guilty to one count of aiding and abetting false statements and writings. The count stems from her testimony before a Georgia Senate subcommittee on Dec. 3, 2020. Along with co-defendants Rudy Giuliani and Ray Smith, Ellis “knowingly, willingly, and unlawfully” made false statements about election fraud in Georgia, according to her new charging document.

Under the terms of the agreement, Ellis must serve five years probation, 100 hours of community service and pay $5,000 in restitution to the Georgia Secretary of State’s office. She agreed to testify truthfully when called, provide documents and other evidence, refrain from posting about the case on social media and to pen an apology letter to Georgia voters.
That seems awfully light sentencing for a massive "conspiracy", even for a plea deal. The real purpose might be to achieve the talking points for the election, draw out the overall case, and quietly let the media around plea deals diffuse quietly down the road.  There's nothing directly implicating president Trump at this point, likely even with these supposed plea deals. 

You might also be wondering why there are plea deals even happening. You have to remember that the state can bankrupt you, spending years in court trying to wear out your finances, They can literally crush you and a lot of these defendants are not Trump-level wealthy.  The evil underlying that reality is of far greater concern than even the potential 2024 presidency of Donald Trump. Nevertheless, this so far, is just the latest eventual failure of Democrats to derail a presidential candidate they have unsuccessfully been trying to derail since 2015.

October 24, 2023

I'm not sad about this

The Hollywood writers strike continues.  I'm not sad.

Why so dumb?

Why are people so dumb?

October 23, 2023

Steve Forbes doesn't believe Brandon will be the 2024 nominee

He believes Let's Go Brandon will step aside:

I hope he's wrong.  He may be the most defeatable incumbent in American presidential history.

October 22, 2023

October 21, 2023

Let's Go Brandon money trail

This is getting...I wouldn't say interesting, but maybe 'real' is more accurate.

October 19, 2023

Video evidence of Hamas rocket fail

The left is so delusional that many won't accept video evidence or even that Let's Go Brandon and U.S. intelligence say it was a failed rocket launch from within Gaza by either Hamas or a splinter group that caused the accident in Gaza.  I say accident because it's no longer even clear it hit a hospital.

Canada's clueless liberal leadership

Meanwhile in Canada, the Liberal government is still full of Marie Antoinettes:


October 18, 2023

More thoughts on Trump vs. Brandon vs. RFK Jr.

When RFK Jr. announced an independent run for president, I wondered if it would hurt or help president Trump's chances in 2024. At the time I thought it was too early to tell.  I still feel that way now but I think there are some preliminary impressions to be gleaned.  Red Eagle Politics takes a stab at breaking down some of it.  I also have some thoughts about how Democrats will use this in 2024, which I will discuss below.

Coming out of the 2024 election, there are two likely scenarios at this point assuming the nominees end up as expected as of today; (1) Trump is elected or (2) Let's Go Brandon is re-elected. The latter scenario is only likely in the event that RFK Jr ends up taking more votes from Trump than Brandon. 

In the former scenario, Trump winning, the chances are high that no candidate will reach the 50 percent voter mark. Democrats will argue that since that is the case, Trump has no mandate to do anything.  Even without a divided but victorious GOP  in the house and/or senate the president will face yet more legal obstacles to any policy item.  The GOP and president Trump must be prepared for that fight. The media will carry the 'no mandate' water for Democrats as far as they can. 

If Brandon ekes out a win, the reverse will be true.  The argument will be he needs to bring disaffected Democrats who voted for RFK Jr. back into the fold be being conciliatory with them and then he will have a true mandate.  The media will carry the water again, claiming he is doing just that, as he continues to placate the far left and obfuscate any chance for real criminal justice for his crime family (or any other Democrat), while maliciously and irresponsibly prosecuting anyone who disagrees with them or dares question them. In other words, establishment BAU (business as usual).

Getting back to the election impact, I am not beyond believing Democrats have set up RFK Jr. as a pseudo Manchurian candidate to suck independent votes away from Trump, while he still truly is a dyed in the wool leftist.  He certainly is a rabid environmentalist and the common ground with libertarians centers predominantly around anti-vaccine mandates.  It's a convenient situation for Democrats if he can drain just enough Trump support.  After all, he did drop his Democratic primary challenge against Let's Go Brandon to run as an independent.  That in itself raises a red flag. It can be argued that he may achieve more success this way, but is sure helps Let's Go Brandon by him doing so.  Food for thought.

October 17, 2023

Left enables Hamas, lives to regret it

Two examples of the left betting on or supporting Hamas, and not liking either the impact of their support in the case of Harvard, or realizing they are backing murderers (as TMZ had to denounce BLM for their support).

Support evil and you are evil, period.

Fact Checks are a stubborn thing (when done properly)

Fact checked Ilhan Omar deletes X (Twitter) post.

She is safe from zombies

Zombies eat brains don't they?  Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has nothing to offer them.

October 16, 2023

Iranians at the southern border? That checks

Iranians trying to illegally enter the United States through the open southern border, potentially (likely) with terrorism on their minds. That checks. Who knew that might happen? Well to start, president Trump, oh, and also pretty much everyone with common sense.

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