August 6, 2024

Tim Walz, bad choice for VP; Democrats can't govern. Act now.

It's not surprising that Kamala Harris, a bad presidential candidate would pick a bad candidate in Tim Walz for her running mate. Tim Walz was a bad choice for VP.  From food, riots and fraud to COVID fails, to blind support for Let's Go Brandon after his miserable debate performance (which has mysteriously since evaporated), to leaning into socialism, the only upside for Walz being on the Harris ticket is that he may help in the rust belt swing states. In other words, it's a political choice not a best-person-for-the-job choice.

But that is how Democrats operate; political hegemony first, last and always, all else (like ability to govern well) be damned.  This should awaken more Americans that the Democrat elite, and the media, DO NOT CARE about America or Americans, only about a combination of personal power, personal wealth and a far left agenda.

The GOP must leap into action and trounce this failed governor for the failure that he is and brings to the ticket. The Harris-Walz ticket clearly represents four more years of the same failed policies of the Let's Go Brandon administration. It represents more of sewing the seeds of division, more China capitulation, more open borders, more deep state growth, more failed green energy policies. In short it means more of everything that weakens America.

This cannot be allowed to stand. It must not be allowed to stand. I've often said the GOP must leap into action, but so too must we.  It's even more crucial.

I urge every American who is voting Trump to find yourself one person who is voting Democrat, and create a collage of arguments (videos, articles, even conversations) that you can then share with that person to convince them to either vote Trump, or at a minimum abstain from voting Democrat. Of course they have to be someone not so delusion that facts won't matter to them, and your argument needs to be convincing.  And you don't need to be combative, you need to be persuasive. There are a lot of resources available to you to make the arguments and even on how to persuade.  Make an effort, it's not just about voting, it's about persuasion.

If we can all do that, we will make a monumental difference in the coming election. We need to stop talking to each other and go back to something I was blogging about back in 2008/2009; outreach.  Talking to ourselves strengthens our bond and commitment perhaps, but it does not strengthen the country. If you want to commit to making a difference, you need to do more than just vote. You start by talking to someone who does not agree with you. Appeal to their emotions first and then to their intelligence afterwards. If Democrats believe you are 'weird' or 'evil' or whatever, first convince them that you want a safe country where people of all ethnic backgrounds, and all creeds or beliefs, can be free and can prosper.  Once they no longer question your motives, they may open up to your ideas.

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