September 11, 2018

Midterms Matter: For Florida Senate please support Rick Scott

Rick Scott has tirelessly served Florida as governor.  He is seeking to represent Florida in the U.S. Senate, standing for an accountable, fiscally responsible and responsive government.  The race is tight with his political opponent who is a fear-mongering, tired and aging, do-nothing Democrat who is banking on voter apathy and disinterest to propel him over the top.

Contrast that with the energy and goal-driven vision of Rick Scott:
Governor Scott knows firsthand that a good paying job is one of the most important things for a family, and following Florida’s economic collapse ten years ago, he made the decision to run for governor as a businessman with no political experience. Since being elected, Governor Scott has successfully championed more than $10 billion in tax cuts and reduced more than 5,200 burdensome regulations, allowing Florida businesses to create nearly 1.5 million new jobs and helping the unemployment rate drop to one of the historic lows, even lower than the national unemployment level. Under Governor Scott’s watch, historic investments have been made into our education system, transportation infrastructure, and the environment – all while paying $9 billion in state debt. He has also helped navigate Florida through some of the state’s most challenging times in recent history, including Hurricanes Hermine, Matthew, and Irma, as the state reached a 46-year crime low and maintained record tourism. As governor, Scott has fought tirelessly for Florida families and job creators, and now, he is working to bring that fight to D.C. to secure Florida’s success for generations to come.
Please support his efforts; volunteer, donate or at least check out his positions on his website.  And by all means - vote.

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