February 9, 2011

My recession is over

Soon to be unemployed.
NOTE:  This post is personal and entirely anecdotal and personal in nature.

Back in late November I got let go from a company I'd worked at for five and half years.  I wasn't overly worried - I got an excellent severance package and support from friends both local and over the web.  Not only did I have time to find work, I had a number of leads to work with.  Consequently I didn't have to work too hard to find new employment.  

As of today I have two job offers in hand and two more pending, as well as three more leads that I could follow up on if I really wanted to pursue them.  That's not bad considering I only interviewed at four companies.  People had asked if I was worried but I really wasn't.  I figure if I was this far into my severance payments and still without any progress, then I'd probably be worrying now.  But with a good network, decent communication skills, and a decent track record, things worked out for me and my recession is over.

I haven't started anywhere yet but I have a choice of offers to work with and a preference in mind that relates somewhat to this blog.  One of the positions involves dealing with folks in the United States on a regular basis.  That for me is fantastic, since as this blog would indicate, I'm an American at heart and perhaps someday, in citizenship. Another reason it is good is that I should be able to spend a little more time on the blog once I'm back into a more regular routine.  Good news for me, bad news for people that feel the odd need to read this blog. 

For anyone who might be reading this who happens to be out of work, don't look at it as a problem, look at it as an opportunity.  I know that is easy for me to say given my circumstances - employed, in Canada with a lower unemployment rate and a quicker rebound from 2008, etc. - but it's the only way to approach the circumstances in which you find yourself.  Don't rely on the government or even business to solve your problems, it's up to you to look after your own best interests.  Nobody will do a better job of it than you.  

And best of luck in your efforts!

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