Mike Miller could provide a surprise upset for Republicans in Florida's 7th district; in the latest poll he's trailing the Democrat incumbent by only 1 point. That's well within the polls 4.7% margin of error. Granted the poll was done in late August, but Mike Miller seems well suited to this district and to this race.
He has spent most of his career advancing common sense conservative principles, and supporting the community he loves. Many people do not know that back in the day, he also had one heck of a fast ball, earning a scholarship to pitch for the University of Florida.After his college baseball career, Mike worked for some of Florida’s legendary common-sense conservatives like U.S. Senator Connie Mack, Congressman Bill McCollum, U.S. Senator Mel Martinez and U.S. Senator Marco Rubio.In 2014, Mike first ran for public office and was elected to the Florida House of Representatives. In a district that was evenly divided Republican and Democrat, Mike defeated the incumbent Democrat, Linda Stewart, who had been a popular two-term county commissioner. And in 2016, Mike handily defeated his Democratic opponent in a district where Hillary Clinton won by 12%.
He's won despite the odds, which are stacked against him thanks to 71% of her political donation coming from out of state interests. That's not a recipe for looking out for the people of the district. Mike Miller's interests are in serving the district.
This is a tight race. Mike Miller needs your help to win this district for the people of the district. lease support his efforts; volunteer, donate or at least check out his positions on his website. And by all means - vote.
Thank you.
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