October 25, 2018

Midterms Matter: In Florida's 27th District, please, please support Maria Salazar

The quality candidate for congress.

In Florida's 27th district, there's a choice between a good candidate and a self-servingscandal-plaguedtone-deaf  carpetbagger, on top of which she's an establishment Clinton insider (and even those inside the Democratic party have recognized that).  The downside of the Democrat candidate should be enough to crush her polling, and indeed until recently Maria Salazar was leading the polling.  But as the Democratic corruptocrat has surged, the need to point out the positives of her quality opponent are more important than previously thought.

Maria Salazar is a quality candidate and a quality human being. On the issues she is on the right side of history.  On the district, she's always considered it home. 

This is an important race.  What matters in these last two weeks is voter support. Maria Salazar needs your support  in this important race.  Please support her efforts; volunteer, donate or at least check out her positions on her website. And by all means - vote. 

Thank you.

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