Alright California 7, this is your chance to clean house. Andrew Grant is looking to unseat representative Ami Bera - the guy whose father went to jail for election fraud involving the finances of his son’s campaign committee. Ami Bera claimed he knew nothing about his father's scheme, but c'mon. Do you really believe that. When Republicans talk about draining the swamp, THIS is exactly the type of fetid swamp gunk they are talking about.
Andrew Grant is a refreshing alternative with some remarkable credentials:
Andrew Grant is a business leader and former intelligence officer, who served in combat as a Marine, a senior official in the U.S. State Department, and for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. As CEO of the Northern California World Trade Center, he helped regional businesses expand their international trade opportunities, creating more good-paying jobs for Californians. His experience and understanding of the challenges facing us at home and abroad makes him the right person to fight for us in Congress.
This race is going to be closer than the experts are predicting, and integrity-minded voters need to turn out for Andrew Grant because he can, and should win. Please support his efforts; volunteer, donate or at least check out his positions on his website. And by all means - vote.
Thank you.
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