June 27, 2018

Woke Wednesday - Lindsay Shepherd

Lindsay Shepherd is a university Canadian professor's teaching assistant.  She is also no longer a Leftist. Still a liberal, but at least she recognizes the problems of the Left. Give her more time.

Here's the background of why she has come to this realization in a meeting with Jordan Peterson on Steven Crowder's show.

EDIT: Here's the recording that Lindsay Shepard made of her reprimand meeting held by Canada's Wilfred Laurier university for simply showing a video that included multiple viewpoints.  She was smart to record the entire thing, and the blow back to the university after she went public was well deserved.
This is a meeting between teaching assistant Lindsay Shepherd and Wilfrid Laurier University representatives. Shepherd was called in for violating the school's gendered and sexual violence policy by screening a few minutes of a TVOntario program featuring Jordan Peterson which debated the use of new gender-neutral pronouns.

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