700 companies have halted trading on the two big Chinese stock exchanges. They may be in the middle of a bubble bursting. I would not be surprised if the Chinese economy turned out to be 70% paper tiger.
Meanwhile liberals have started a war with parts of the media over racial and gender quotas. Jake Tapper, put up a good defense. People looking for skin color or gender instead of looking at the content of the interviews - the questions and responses of candidates - are just not qualified to be voting. Childish views of the news don't merit the adult right to vote. Their votes count as much as yours - and you are clearly paying attention to actual issues and candidate positions. So that's fair.
Yes, the Obama administration planned to persecute their political enemies. Surely you are not surprised by that?
CNN is still softballing Hillary Clinton. Surely you are not surprised by that either?
And Jimmy Carter has decided to speak for none other than Jesus. He must know what Jesus would say, because he's been president, right? It's like only one step above his pay grade. Maybe he should let president Obama know what the pay grade entails.
I'm still saying let Greece fail.
Confirmed - Atlantic Ocean cooling. Shut up global warming kooks. This is normal.
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