August 8, 2011

The Christian Post says Fox takes it easy on Palin.

I guess The Christian Post  would prefer Fox act like MSNBC.
It’s probably not shocking news to learn that Fox News’ personalities go easier on their colleague Sarah Palin than other networks do. However, what has created a media stir up this week was just how honest two personalities, Greg Gutfeld and Bob Beckel, were when talking about their coverage of Palin on Wednesday. Gutfeld and Beckel, co-host of the Fox News program, The Five, were discussing Palin’s defense of the Tea Party this week. Gutfield announced that he felt awkward when talking about the possible GOP candidate because to him she is “like a coworker.”
But the real question is, as a Christian shouldn't they be doing something other than looking for dirt that they can't even confirm?
This brings up an ethical question, if not problem, that surrounds Fox News. Many commentators on Fox News are not just viewers sitting on the political sideline but active participants as well. Does this pose a conflict of interest in Fox’s coverage of politics? Many on the left have often said “yes.” After all, it is reasonable to see how colleagues would not want to beat up on each other; if for nothing more in order to maintain workplace civility. 
There has been no proof or record that Fox withholds financial assets from employees who “beat up on” Palin.
Who are these people, and are they really a Christian organization and not a communist front?  I mean, I can't prove it, but you know it right?

Sarcasm note for the hard of interpreting:  See what I did there?  I accused them of something I couldn't prove, just like they did.

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