July 25, 2011

Hey Democrats, how about 'no'?

They didn't like the budget, they didn't like the Cut Cap and Balance legislation and they don't like the latest Boehner proposal.  Now they finally have their own proposal and if it doesn't pass, they're going to blame Republicans.  They've already today (both Reid and Schumer) once again tried to paint the GOP as beholden to Tea Party extremists.  So what's the incentive for the GOP to cave?  There isn't any.  And with the GOP having been shot down numerous times, for the Democrats to come forward with a single proposal and expect the GOP to cave is unfair, and likely (hopefully) unrealistic.

So GOP, when Democrats in the Senate come calling with their own plan that is no doubt going to be full of holes, schemes and tax increases, there's only one answer that will work:

Hey Democrats, how about 'no'?


  1. Yep. The old "what part of 'NO' don't you understand" should work well here.

  2. Let's hope the GOP gets the idea.


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