The state of corruption in Illinois (or IS Illinois) calls into question the suspicious nature of the fact that in that state, where a very close Senate race is being contested, the Democratic machine could be somehow pulling the strings to ensure that military voters are disenfranchised this cycle. A slap on the wrist and a 'oops, my bad' after a close Democrat victory does nothing to ensure that every vote counts. Remember that one Democrats?
From WLS-AM 890,
The U.S. Justice Department is investigating whether the state of Illinois missed the deadline for mailing absentee ballots to members of the military and other overseas American voters as part of a new federal overseas voting law.
Cris Cray, Director of Legislation at the Illinois State Board of Elections, says not all of Illinois' 110 jurisdictions were compliant with the 2009 Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment Act (MOVE).
The law requires every state to mail their absentee ballots 45 days prior to Election Day to overseas troops, government employees and other Americans who want to vote from abroad.Cray says she is currently compiling data from each of Illinois' jurisdictions to determine which were compliant and which were delinquent. Cray said it's possible the ballots may not be counted because the state was tardy in sending them out...
Overseas ballots could be a deciding factor in Illinois' mid-term elections where recent polls show a tight U.S. Senate race between Republican Mark Kirk and Democrat Alexi Giannoulias. Republican Bill Brady has an edge over Democratic incumbent Pat Quinn for governor.
A post-electoral apology does not counter disenfranchisement of voters. This isn't about hanging chads. This about non-compliance and an apparent lack of effort to make sure that citizens of the state get to actually, you know, vote. Or worse, this is about circumventing democracy and trying to make it seem accidental. Surely this runs counter to democracy. It would seem a possibility that it is deliberately so.
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