List of countries with a lower unemployment rate than the United States, according to the CIA World Fact Book. Keep in mind that some of these figures are for prior to 2009 and may be lower than posted. However, there are far too many countries ahead of the U.S. on this list. some notables have been highlighted.
Caveats aside, there's actually some liberal fodder in here. You have to be careful now when talking to a liberal about whether you want the United States to be like nearly bankrupt socialist Greece. Right now that unemployment rate looks better than America's. Yikes.
Also note that it appears the 2009 data would be a yearly average as opposed to a snapshot.
1 Andorra 0.00
2 Monaco 0.00
3 Qatar 0.50
4 Guernsey 0.90
5 Azerbaijan 1.00
6 Uzbekistan 1.10
7 Faroe Is. 1.20
8 Isle Man 1.50
9 Liechtnstn 1.50
10 Belarus 1.60
11 Cuba 1.60
12 Vanuatu 1.70
13 Papua NG 1.80
14 Kiribati 2.00
15 Seychelles 2.00
16 Bermuda 2.10
17 Jersey 2.20
18 Kuwait 2.20
19 Tajikistan 2.30
20 U.A.E. 2.40
21 Laos 2.40
22 Bangladesh 2.50
23 Moldova 2.60
24 Thailand 2.70
25 Mongolia 2.80
26 Gibraltar 3.00
27 Macau 3.00
28 San Marino 3.10
29 Guatemala 3.20
30 Norway 3.20
31 Singapore 3.40
32 Cambodia 3.50
33 Denmark 3.60
34 British VI 3.60
35 Brunei 3.70
36 Swtzrland 3.70
37 Bhutan 4.00
38 S. Korea 4.10
39 Palau 4.20
40 China 4.30
41 Cayman Is. 4.40
42 St.Kitts 4.50
43 Austria 4.70
44 Cyprus 4.80
45 Ukraine 4.80
46 Burma 4.90
47 Nigeria 4.90
48 Malaysia 5.00
49 Namibia 5.00
50 Netherland 5.00
51 Greenland 5.40
52 Japan 5.60
53 Australia 5.70
54 Hong Kong 5.90
55 Nicaragua 5.90
56 Honduras 6.00
57 Malta 6.00
58 Montserrat 6.00
59 Mexico 6.20
60 Virgin Is. 6.20
61 Costa Rica 6.40
62 Taiwan 6.40
63 Vietnam 6.50
64 Luxembourg 6.80
65 Aruba 6.90
66 Sri Lanka 7.00
67 Armenia 7.10
68 Panama 7.10
69 El Salvdr 7.20
70 New Zealnd 7.30
71 Brazil 7.40
72 Botswana 7.50
73 Kazakhstan 7.50
74 Trinidad 7.50
75 Italy 7.50
76 Bahamas 7.60
77 Romania 7.60
78 Fiji 7.60
79 Indonesia 7.70
80 Mauritius 7.80
81 Paraguay 7.90
82 Uruguay 7.90
83 Anguilla 8.00
84 C.Afr. Rep.8.00
85 U.K. 8.00
86 Philippine 8.00
87 Israel 8.00
88 N.Mariana 8.00
89 Belize 8.10
90 Germany 8.20
91 Belgium 8.30
92 Bolivia 8.50
93 Canada 8.50
94 Finland 8.60
95 World 8.70
96 Iceland 8.80
97 Greece 8.90
98 Russia 8.90
99 Peru 9.00
100 Bulgaria 9.10
101 Morocco 9.10
102 Lebanon 9.20
103 Syria 9.20
104 Portugal 9.20
105 Czech Rep. 9.30
106 Sweden 9.30
107 Eur.Union 9.40
108 U.S.A. 9.40
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