February 16, 2010

Evan Bayh 'successor' is a conspiracy nut

Gateway Pundit is reporting that Tamyra D’Ippolito is the only likely Democrat to be running for Senator Bayh's seat because she's going to make the filing deadline. He also reported that she "recently reached out to teabaggers on her Facebook page".

A casual check of that page is quite revealing.

In particular, from her Facebook page:

Tamyra For Senate: I know the political machine wants to SELECT a candidate rather than to ELECT a candidate. But didn't we do that before with George Bush? That did not work out so well.

Here's the screen capture in case it 'disappears';

That's outreach? That's clinging to the liberal religion just like candidate Obama talked about voters clinging to guns and religion. Let it go D’Ippolito, let it go.

I'm not talking about the bid for Senate - I hope you make it as the Democratic nominee, I really do.

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