"I think I now know what Sarah may have been feeling," Mr. Sanford told The
Washington Times.
Yikes again. Governor Sanford, Palin was under a scrutiny that could very well be described as malicious. She was scrutinized for imagined misdeeds and for her political beliefs. In your case, however, the deeds are neither imagined nor the intent malicious. It's an undeserved comparison. The scrutiny is not even at the same level Palin endured, let alone the validity of the reasons behind it.
You need to concentrate on setting things right with your family, and God, not your job. By all means this should not preclude you from Republican politics. You have some great ideas and beliefs. But as a result of your mistakes, you have likely, and justifiably relegated yourself to the role of advisor, think tank guru, or political operative of some kind. You've made yourself a backroom guy.
Maybe not forever, but certainly for now. To cling to your job is at least unsightly, likely unsustainable and at worst damaging to the GOP you purport to support.
If you are the fiscal and social conservative you claim wouldn't the order of importance go something like this?
- God
- Family
- Country
- Political party
- Self
By the time you have the first 4 points straightened out, you may have time before retirement to reconsider a front line political career once again.
[AUTHOR'S NOTE: I really liked what Mark Sanford stood for, and I do not wish him any ill. However, it's a mistake to believe that his clinging to power does anything to help the GOP. It looks like hypocrisy when you compare his trouble to say Blagojevich. If the GOP is trying to look trustworthy, this does not help. Therefore, while I wish Sanford and his family the best, and hope they heal their wounds, Sanford should not remain in the GOP in any capacity that requires election. Not now. Again, maybe in 15 years, but not now.]
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