But it does bother me in a broader way. The US was founded and ruled as a Christian nation. Not as a theocracy, but following guiding Christian principles;
Justice Joseph Story, appointed to the Supreme Court by President James Madison,
once declared, "One of the beautiful boasts of our municipal jurisprudence is
that Christianity is a part of the Common Law. ...There never has been a period
in which the Common Law did not recognize Christianity as laying at its
Look on the money. "In God We Trust." Seems pretty clear to me.
Would the Soviet Union have allowed the posting of free market principles in Red Square? Or China in Tiannamen Square. Or the Taliban allow Christian teachings at all? No. The United States is not any of those nations. In the Constitution there are provisions for freedom of religion. There is no issue with someone practicing or following their own faith (or non-faith). That's part of Christian philosophy. But when that faith takes the step towards imposing it's dogma on practicing Christians in a Christian founded, and predominantly Christian practicing nation, the nation has gone from protecting against majority tyranny to tolerating minority tyranny. Up has become down.
Tolerance does not equate to equal status. Freedom from prosecution for differing beliefs does not equate to enshrining moral equivalence, political correctness or changing the money to reflect every denomination or belief on the quarter. That's just crazy. Legally, if someone wants to hate Christians, they are allowed to feel that way. They are allowed to spew their beliefs too. What they are not or should not be allowed to do is use that hatred to trample on the beliefs of others whose forefathers happened to play a pivotal role in the founding of a nation that gives haters the freedom to act so brazenly. If we can tolerate the practices of other faiths or non-believers, then they owe us the courtesy of tolerating ours. The United States has Christian roots, they aren't imposed on anyone. I'm just saying to those who would denigrate Christian observances or attempt to tear apart the notion that the nation was founded on Christian principles and some level of unobtrusive form of state observance hurts no one, should just relax and let things be.
I know that may not be the strongest argument in the face of the ever-present separation of church and state fight. It smacks of 'just leave us alone.' But I think there's a difference between separation of church and state and distancing of church and state. The former can be done intelligently, the latter is dangerous and foolhardy. Even an atheist can see the wisdom in the words "Thou shalt not kill." Except that it seems like that's what they want to do to our beliefs.
Just to end on a positive note, Christianity isn't going anywhere, so I'm not worried. Vitriolic intolerance towards us may not go away any time soon, but I'm sure that in 3008, Christians will still be around and in strong, strong numbers.
Amen! I enjoy responding to people's 'happy holidays' with 'merry Christmas.' Usually their eyes light up.
ReplyDeleteGood to hear you get positive feedback. And thank you for the positive feedback likewise.