Nevertheless, his points are quite worthy of consideration and further discussion. There are detractors of course, likely on both sides of the political spectrum.
As an aside, a friendly Buckley-versus-Reagan-Panama-Canal-style televised debate amongst conservatives is something we need to see more often. It's a great way to look at issues from various conservative viewpoints. Even if the principles do not coalesce around a single viewpoint, it gets our viewpoints out there and also shows that the Republican/conservative world views do not conform around a single set of ideas. It shows that we are a considered and reasoned group and our ideas are based on both principled values and thought-out positions.
Unfortunately I couldn't find a Reagan clip to embed here but wouldn't you rather see those two gentlemen debate than Olbermann versus O'Reilly? No offense intended to Bill O'Reilly, I'd enjoy seeing him debate someone like Sean Hannity on an issue of substance where substantive ideas could be exchanged rather than any rabid liberal where it is likely to descend into something little better than repeated talking points. You might as well try to reason with a paint chip.
Getting back to my main point about the gold reserve / gold standard, there are many articles
that are pro and con on the idea. Some examples of each below;
Ron Paul (note I am not a Ron Paul supporter, but he does make some interesting points at times. He might be kooky, but I don't think he's a total kook).
Kitco (biased, I'm sure).
Lawrence White @ the Cato Institute
Credit Suisse
Associate Professor of Economics Brad De Long (he sources Krugman a couple of times, so it's not my favorite opinion).
Steve Saville
So what's the right thing to do, practicality aside since the time for timid solutions has passed? I'm not convinced either way at this point but it would seem that the benefits warrant looking for a way to overcome the objectionable points.
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