April 12, 2017

In case you missed it Kansas still supports Trump

Democrats claimed the special election in Kansas to replace Trump CIA Director Mike Pompeo's seat in Congress would be proof that president Trump was not a legitimate president.  They fully expected Democrat James Thompson would beat Republican Ron Estes. Except he didn't.  Estes won.  Now the narrative has changed to "he only won by 7 in a district Trump carried by 27 points.  So Trump is not a legitimate president."  Or something like that.

Here are the problems with that 'storyline':

(1) Estes still won. After a constant drumbeat of everything Trump does is wrong in the media, a Republican won the race. He won by less than Trump did and less than the district would indicate, but that is a temporal anomaly so long as president Trump continues to deliver on his promises.  Success speaks louder than rhetoric.

(2) Trump is still president.  Has not changed.

(3) Estes was running, and James Thompson was running - president Trump was not running. Are we entirely discounting the qualities of either nominee as factors in the race? As Hot Air's Ed Morrissey points out, Governor Sam Brownback was likely more of a factor than president Trump.

(4) Because this was a special election, it's akin to an off presidential year congressional election, but moreso because it isn't even a regular election cycle vote.  The party in power does not do well in those cycles (see Obama 2010, Obama 2014, Bush 2006 foo recent evidence).  Republicans did not turn out with the same urgency as if Obama were still president.

No, I'll take this as a win for Trump and a win for the GOP.  Take your liberal spin elsewhere because it's not selling.

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