April 11, 2011

The slow agonizing death of free speech continues

Michigan - Tea Party banners were banned from a Tea Party rally because they were too controversial. Free speech is being tortured to death by political correctness and those who don't like what's being said. Lindsey Graham's recent comments come to mind, but this is even more of a violation of First Amendment rights than the Graham wish list.
A federal lawsuit claims a Branch County tea party group was denied the right to display banners and signs at a tea party rally at a public park in Coldwater because it was “too political” and “too controversial.” The Coldwater City Council then passed a resolution banning all banners and signs in that park.

The Thomas More Law Center law firm filed its lawsuit last week in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Michigan. Attorney Robert Muise of the Thomas More Law Center alleged that Coldwater City Manager Jeff Budd objected because the Common Sense Patriots of Branch County were “too political” and “too controversial.”
It's a slow agonizing death for free speech and it's being perpetrated by the left with political correctness and now more directly by banning free speech. Watch for book burnings with Thomas Paine, Milton Friedman and The Federalist Papers on the the menu. The Constitution's next.

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