January 5, 2011

2011 - the year of repair

For all of 2010, and for that matter, 2009 and the last half of 2008 a lot of conservative focus has been on what was wrong.  What was wrong with the health care bill, the health care debate, the bailouts, government control, even what was wrong with Republicans.  But with Republicans taking control of Congress this year and with the country in need of solutions rather than complaints, it's time to start talking about solutions to what is ailing the American economy and the government. The GOP, having been portrayed as the party of 'no' instead of the party of 'not these particular ideas', needs to participate.  Everyone else, needs to participate too.

2011 should be the year that repairs start getting some traction. There are a lot of things to fix - everything from Congressional toner to the national debt to North Korea.  In that vein I'm hoping to focus more of my own posting on possible solutions to the various problems rather than just reporting and commenting on them.  Hopefully 2011 will be marked as a year where some solutions began to take hold, or at least when some first principles based ideas came to the foreground.

1 comment:

  1. Well spoken.

    Repair and Restoration: That is the only choice we have left. Every other socialism has been dabbled with or tried.


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