Strata-Sphere has the story that some back room deals have jeopardized the Copenhagen Climate summit. Backroom politics? Power struggles? Sounds like Chicago style politics.
But a summit failure? Awww....isn't that just terrible?
I'm thrilled at the prospect of a summit collapse. Strata-Sphere also predicts President Obama will be too busy to drop by the summit after this. I think he's likely right, although there are reasons for him to show up and save the day - ego and eco. To re-inforce his cult of personality and megalomania, saving the day would be just what the government appointed doctor ordered.
The other reason to show up is for the eco-left. Showing up to try to save the conference makes it look to the Greenpeace crowd that he really is one of them for trying to save the conference from disaster. It means a few voter points for next November and for 2012.
But despite the possible attendance/non-attendance by the President, the climate change world, reeling from Climategate, and pestered by the non-attendance of the (Al) Gorical, the summit in chaos adds to the climate change world-view set of problems.
The climate change dynamic has always been about money, and power. The poor shmucks they've built into a frenzied frothing mass and the planet itself were never really part of the equation. If the planet was, the science might actually be a little more sound.
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